Content Harry Potter


sinayah posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:24am

I cant believe its over, and you're both right, it's like saying goodbye to an old friend. Since I'm a dedicated fan and like to re-read my favorite stories though, I'll consider this as more of a 'see you later old friend'. I want you both to know that I love all your work, I just dont get the chance to review much due to real life intruding at inopportune moments. I greatly look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

See you in the next fic,

Sinayah =)

ZachShanks posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:20am

the best FF i've ever read

truly_charmed posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:20am

Wow.... that's all I can say about this series. My boyfriend recently got me into reading fan fics and I have enjoyed this one the most by far. A well thought out plot and a very compelling story that is heart wrenching and also very dramatic. A very nice way to end an amazing story. I will look forward to reading other fic's from the both of you. The disclaimers were also very entertaining and a great way to bring in some comic relief. Keep on writing and congratulations on a job well done.

Truly_Charmed (from Pennsylvania)

taxzombie posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 10:27am

I was curious myself so I loaded it into a word document, it came to 1,634 pages for Sunrise. Whoa. 5,364kb's. All that and never a dull moment in the bunch. Truly an amazing piece of work you two. Thanks again!

Sandra Smith posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 10:13am

that was an exciting, deressing and lovely story. thank you for writing it

Colpinky posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 10:11am

Great work!!!!! I've followed both stories and loved them. Your writing has really matured and it is a pleasure to read. It might be fun, if in the future you feel so inclined, to read a sequel based on the kids, but that is up to you. Keep up the good work!

Erik GL posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 10:09am

It's been a wild ride, and I've been watching for each and every update since you started posting it on I want to thank you both for giving us such a wonderful story. I've enjoyed it greatly and will no doubt reread it many times.
Oh, and I still want you guys to do a Harry/Luna story :-)

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:49am

Wonderful story and so well written. I have enjoyed this series and can't wait to read your next story. Thanks for sharing.


C. Harris posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:44am

That was wonderful. Thank you for sharing your talents with all of the readers. And if my parents named me Water Lily, I'd kill them as well.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:20am

Gardengirl — We'd like to apologize, but we're under a contract to use apostrophes as much as possible. Don't blame us, it's not our fault really!

Ok, I forgive you. Violations of contract law can be so messy.

I have really enjoyed this story, structural critiques aside. You two obviously make a great writing team and have fantastic imaginations. You tied up all your loose ends very nicely as well. (I'm happy Millicent will end up with Deneb) I sincerely respect your creativity and tenacity in accomplishing all this! Thanks for sharing many hours of happy entertainment with me.

Best, Gardengirl

Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:16am

Wow, I cant believe it's finished. I dont't really know what I'm feeling at the moment. I'm sad that it's over, but eagerly awaiting your next projects. I wont even begin to try and understand what you two guys are going through. It's been such a wild ride. I really am going to miss loking for updates. I also wanted to say thank you. I thank you because your fic, not only restored my faith in fanfiction, but in the potterverse as well. I was ready to call it quits after the Half-Baked Plot, and the fact that every good fic was incomplete and the rest seemed like they were written by 13 year old fangirls and boys. However, your story made me believe again, not only in there being quality fanfic authors out there, but in the Potterverse and its characters again. So, again, thank you.

I noticed in your posts that you were considering an x-men crossover as one of your next projects. I think that is an amazing idea, but it made me think that it would be awesomer if you guys perhaps ever considered a Star Wars crossover? Maybe prequel era or New Jedi Order/Legacy of the Force era? Just a question.

Thank You and as always may the Force be with you both,


Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:15am

And the story ends on not just a perfect note, but a whole perfect flourish. I like the position you have put Harry into in the world. He can be the loving father that he needs to be, for himself, and the figure that his country and the world needs him to be.

i was looking forward to some hint as to how he would come to possess Merlin's staff in the future, but I understand that not everything can be covered. Other than that small unfulfilled wish, and even with it, it was an excellent job all around.

As to DA and SC, it is your choice, and I believe a good one to move forward rather than glance back. I don't know about not putting it on here for posterity as it stands, but again, it is your choice.

Thank you for writing and sharing your universe with us.

Thank you also for including my work in mentioning that which you compare DA and SC to. I don't know that I fully agree, but respect and appreciate your favourable opinion of my work.

Mike (MoA)

rippergirl posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:13am

Bravo. You guys get a standing O from me. Said to see that the story is finally done. No more getting chapter alerts in email form. Getting excited to read what you have written after leaving a cliff hanger at the end of the previous. I love this story and will continue recommending it to other people interested in reading really good fanfic. And I also can't wait until your next story as I know it will be as well written as this one. Cheers.

exileena posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:11am

Thank you so much for such a wonderful, expansive, interesting, and hilarious tale. You do good work.

Mel Evans posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:09am

I can't believe its all over. This story has been one of those things that has brightened my day for .. what? is it close on two years? I cannot recall how long I've been absorbed... I'm glad that I found this story all those eons ago and I look forward to seeing more work from you in the future.


sofia cardoso posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:07am

Lovely epilogue. The series was brilliant. Thank you for sharing it.

taxzombie posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:07am

It's been one heck of a ride. Sorry to see it come to an end, but in a way it isn't really over seeing as some time in the not so distant future I for one plan on revisiting once again, and later again. Few are the tales worthy of more than one reading. These two easily fit into that most select group. I eagerly await whatever tale you two next bring into the light of day for I've no doubt it will be a most marvolous read.

Thanks again!

00_Knight posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:53am

What a way to end this series! I doubt you could have done a better job at concluding it and truly I wouldn't have it any other way! I love the little tidbit of The Lupin child with the metamorph/animagus ability. =D

I can barely contain myself awaiting your next mind blowing adventure in the Potterverse or another verse if you so choose. And you hit the nail on the head with this site being composed of fantastic authors. You don't have to worry about place here, its already concreted into place (image of your names and a Star on Fanfiction Boluevard) ;)

Till your next story Bob & Alex!

SailorAlgol posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:45am

Absolutely, without a doubt, an amazing finish! I don't remember if I've reviewed before, and if I haven't let me say that was usually because my only spare time is a night and your captivating reading kept me up far too long. My reviews wouldn't have made sense...

Great Story! I'll be rereading it over and over again in the years to come.



traveller posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:44am

Thank you, truly, for writing Sunset and Sunrise.

I have enjoyed both immensely, and have been impressed by the scale you have dared to tackle and the diverse elements you have chosen.

