By Bobmin
Nicci posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:16am
Absolutely fantastic an epic tale incredibly well written and an absolute joy to read. You always managed to brighten up my day when I received an email notification of a new chapter and I am sad to see the story come to an end. Thank you for many hours of pleasure and I look forward to reading whatever springs from your imagination next. Thank You and keep up the great work.
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:08am
Wow.. great chapter. I have really enjoyed this series and I am sad to see it end. I look forward to your next project being posted. Thank you for all your effort in making this such a great story!
lafbnz posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:59am
Thank you for the wonderful stories you have created. I have greatly enjoyed the story and your disclaimers!!!!
I don't know which i looked forward to reading more.... got to be the story!!!
WesHatfield78 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:42am
I wanted to let you know that I think your Sun series was fantastic. I think you've done a wonderful job bringing the characters to life. I look forward to your next project.
JSX posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:36am
sunset was 712 pages
sunrise was 1335 pages.
both are formated at verdana font size 10.
i am extremely honored that you answered my question in the way that you did, thanx.
look foward to more of your work and thanx for taking the time to write and post this excellent fanfiction.
as a person who has read your earlier fics, i have to agree with your dicision; they are good but not good enough for the standard that is expected on this site. if not for the fact that your names are attached to them, i would not have regonized them as yours. they re too different and the humor inside is in no way the same.
Dragonfly posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:27am
Dear Bob & Alyx,
Thank you so much for creating this universe! The Sunset and Sunrise Over Britain are now among my favorite stories and, altough I am happy that through your stories I could be a part of that wonderful world you two have created, I am feeling sad too because it now came to an end...
I have to admit that I have discovered your stories only at the end of April 2007, but since then I have been logged on this site constantly, your universes being so captivating for me that sometimes I couldn`t go to sleep at the end of a chapter because I wanted to know what would happen next... I even admit that I have been neglecting my studies a bit because of "extensive reading", but, I don`t regret any second of it! I even impressed one of my teachers by saying something similar to what you have written here in Sunrise Over Britain!:)
The ending of this story was gave some information of what happened after, but didn`t get yourself lost in details. And I think that that was great! Oh, and I loved what you did to as a "punishment" Harry with everybody wearing a T-shirt! And when I read the part with Lucius ending up as Myrtle`s "boyfriend" I nearly fell off my chair laughing!:) Another part I liked was the bit with the Lupin was really funny!:))
So, again, THANK YOU for writing these stories and I am looking forward to your future ones!
(I hope you enjoyed the "donuts" I`ve sent you;)!)
Donald McLeod posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:24am
Both sunrise and sunset are real good. Now I will set down reread then from start to end. thank you once agean
DaZZa posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:20am
I cut the first 4 chapters into word - after cleaning up {removing the double spaced line breaks the HTML format of the files on the yahoogroups area puts in, removing disclaimers and authors notes as well - just leaving the pure story}, I got to 110 pages from 4 chapters. Averaging that to about 28 pages per chapter, I'd reckon it's going to run to almost 1000 pages, single space, on A4 paper {we don't use the US "letter" standard downunder}.
That's better than JKR's books, and your story is much more fun!
James Barber posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:19am
Hey if I havent said it before then I'll say it now or I'm saying it again, whatever! But what I'm trying to say is this: For years I thought of jeconais as the number one hp author on the internet but you and your wife have definitely knocked him off the pedestal and not with just this story but with others too! Now I get the further enjoyment of reading this mammoth hp universe novel and not just one but both parts!
And as to the lenght of this one well I downloaded it and using word 2000 verdana font, web normal, size 10 it came out to 1539 pages for this here puppy, of course that's not counting Sunset over Britain either.
Like I said earlier sorry I stopped reviewing but I read so much hp fanfiction and your stories when they came out were so long and involved and they didnt exactly come out in timely fashion that I decided to wait until you finished this story before reading it again. I have been rereading your other great stories and I'm now gonna have to find the time to read this massive novell. Can't hardly wait.
You and your wife ought to write professionally, I for one would definitely buy any books (fiction not text books) that you cared to write, that is as long as I knew you had wrote them.
ace posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:18am
Hey I have a suggestion for the two of you. Why not write your own book, make your own world. You seriously have a talent for it. Don't believe me look at what you have writen. Enough of my ramblings, as for your apathy for not posting the final chapter it's all good. I have to say this one. 'Remeber when one door closes, another opens.'
freshwater posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:16am
Although I only became aware of these two stories about 4 months ago, I have completely enjoyed the ride. I especially appreciate the humor you inject into each chapter --love Lucius getting his just desserts...and for eternity, too! Brilliant!-- and the loving relationships among the couples. I believe Draco/Luna are my favorite....wouldn't have believe it possible, but your handling of it makes it seem perfectly natural.
Finally, THANK YOU for the perfect ending for Harry....he definately deserves to have everything he ever wanted.
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:27am
Applause! Applause! I tuly think that you need an award ceremoney yourselves for this behemoth of a story.
What do you say now its finally over? So long and thanks for all the fish, maybe? I don't know, it was just such a joy to read. I thank ye for all that you have written in this story. It is quite sad, I am very sad, that its over.
Just one thing I would say about sequels, if you don't want to do anything hefty, could you not do a one shot. You mention when Chief Justice Utumba is talking to Harry that the Staff of Merlin could one day pass to him. Maybe a one shot around that would be nice?
I liked how you left it, a nice finishing point. You tied off lots of story lines and didn't go into detail about each of the Brotherhoods sprogs. You gave us comedy with the Lupins kids which was great. Talking of comedy, the t-shirt bit at the beginning was superb, especially Hermione's shirt.
Again, thank you so much for writing, and I can't wait to read more of your stuff!
Orion posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:12am
It's a great conclusion to a great pair of stories. I think you managed just enough of PostScript details to cover it without overdoing it.
Endings are always bitter sweet. It feels good to have accomplished a conclusion, at the same time it's sad to say goodbye.
Overall, this has been one hell of a great ride.
More so than any other fanfic except one, I have some very specific memories of what I was doing and what my life was like at the times that I logged on to read this.
Anyway, thank you for such a great story. I look forward to more of your work in the future and know that no matter how different the characterizations, different the the story, I know that it will be more than worth the time to read.
Kailael posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:10am
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this story. It was an adventure and well worth the wait. I look forward to your next Adventure =)
Jenni posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:09am
wonderful story. Fabulous final chapter. Congrats on crafting something well worth reading.
Meg posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:06am
Dear, wonderful, heartbreaking Bob & Alyx,
Gotta tell you two that I'm crying right now. I found your stories in September of 2005, and joined your Yahoo Group shortly before the debacle. One year, nine months of looking forward to new chapters in the Sun series.
Thank you for sharing this with me, with us. Thank you for all of the research you've done to make this story so realistic in so many ways. Thank you for taking the time to develop such rich characters, even though they weren't "major" characters, as they added that much more depth to the story.
You've allowed me, for so many nights, to be able to relax and sink into a story so vividly written, that I'd startle myself when I came to the chapter's end.
You've made me laugh and cry, made my gut clench and my heart race. Above all, you never stopped surprising me with twist and turns and so many elements that I'd never have imagined.
I'll miss wondering what's next, but it's been a helluva ride.
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:05am
Thank you for a highly enjoyable and entertaining series. Your skills in the written word are unsurpassable.
I shall miss this story (and it's predecessor) but look forward with anticipation for your next piece of word art!
Thanks again, Paul
Kari posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:01am
I.. almost want to cry.
I've been reading this from the beginning. its all coming to a close.
I can't wait to see another story from you guys. This was wonderful
Thank you so much!
Patches posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 5:47am
Dear Bob and Alyx, I cannot thank you enough for writing the Sun Series. It has been great. A real Epic. I have printed out Susrise. It came out to 1575 pages. It is in #10 Font. I have gone through 3 printers in 3 years because I like to have hard copies of my favorite stories and yours are at the top 10 of that list. I like the epilogue on Sunrise. It was enough to know that Harry and Hermione have children (one on the way) and they are living productive happy lives with their families and friends. What more could anyone ask for. Thank you for writing. I look forward to whatever you want to make available for me to read.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:44am