By Bobmin
PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 10:37pm
I absolutely loved this fic and am very sad to see it end, though as with all good things, it had to end some time. I applaud all the hard work and research you put in to this, and eagerly await whatever you have planned next.
Oh, and as a side note, I keep word files of all my favorite stories since reading off a computer screen absolutely kills my eyes. So, with the addition of this last chapter, and omitting all the A/N's and Disclaimers, you are officially at 1139 pages (Verdana 8). Pretty damn impressive if you ask me, which in effect, you did. :-)
Tim Sullivan posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 10:22pm
Bob, Alyx, I know I'm a sparse reviewer, but I've enjoyed this story and its predecessor as long as you've been writing them. Thank you for the amazing story, thank you for being willing to write in the face of whiny reviewers, and thank you for being willing to share your work with us.
Glenn posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 10:09pm
Thank You
utkari02 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:50pm
Wow, it's the end. I'm sad that it is over, but I'm happy knowing the ending is complete. I know I haven't reviewed this story nearly enough, but I just kept wanting to read on. ;)
This has been an incredible journey. I'll admit that I didn't find this story until you were already well into Sunrise, but I'm so happy that I did.
This is an amazing story, and I am talking about it as a whole. One was not better than the other. I loved just about every word of it. From the infamous t-shirts, to Harry's crippling injury, the ships, 'mis-guided Dumbledore/Ron/Molly, to the muggle involvement and the war effort. I've never read anything like it, and it is definitely something to be proud of.
I plan on keeping this story forever and rereading it again many times in the future. I have actually had a hard time finding good quality, super-long fics that I have really enjoyed. Yours is joining that very short list.
Thank you so much for putting yourselves into this story, and sharing it with all of us. I'm looking forward to reading your future work.
*bows to you*
a pleased fan,
eddie posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:48pm
give me a month to get it on my computer and then i will print it out as i do other stories i love so much. i could never have the patiance with this story. i would check several times each day to see if an update was posted. now that it is done i can print ity out and put it with the rest of the stories i love. while not many they are all extremly good to read. i have reread this story waiting waiting for updates and could reread it again without a problem it is that good.
c3markh posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:45pm
Love the SUN series story's. Thanks so much for taking the time and energy to write all of your stories.
Susan Miller posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:43pm
Mixed emotions. HAPPY to have another chapter to read in a WONDERFUL story. Very sad that it is the LAST chapter of a WONDERFUL story. ABSOLUTELY GREAT STORY. I was pleased to read that ya'll have started on other stories. Can't wait!
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:33pm
An outstanding finish to an outstanding story. You two truly are a credit to the community. I don't know what to say but thank you for an outstanding story, and a far better follow up to OOTP than HBP was. I eagerly look forward to your next project.
Ryu Son Goku posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:20pm
1573. That is what Word is telling me the page count is. And that is just story, not Disclaimer or ANs. And quite a wonderful 1573 pgs it was. Thank You.
sejones posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 9:10pm
Thank you. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading these stories. Y'all have a wicked sense of humor. I will say I think your disclaimers could earn a higher rating(R vs NC17)than the story itself. One editing note for future stories: in the UK "pants" are underwear. Most people go out in public in trousers or jeans. Thanks again, Sara
Amamama posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:51pm
Thank you. It's been an incredible journey. One I've had mixed feelings for, especially the earlier parts, but nevertheless was unable to leave alone. This ending was wonderful. Draco showing Millicent the support she now has, was really nice. And Hermione telling Amelia what she was doing to Harry. Tons of other stuff, too. I just can't continue quoting or I'd end up writing The Longest Review Ever, and I won't do it. Neither to you nor me. Suffice to say I found this a perfect ending to a great, epic story.
JVTazz posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:39pm
Awesome story, one of the few that I actually liked Draco as a good guy in. Definately looking forward to anything new that comes out of your...warped minds :)
tru posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:36pm
Wondeful story and series, very much appreciated. Look forward to your next foray - whatever it is.
jb238 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:25pm
I did not print it out but I pasted it into a Word file (to convert to Mobipocket format to read on the iPAQ). Printed on A4 format with 12pt Courier New font it would be 1'218 pages. That's the longest single FF I ever read. Sunset is 652 pages, so together they are 1'870 pages of great reading.
I did not yet read the last chapter, so expect a comment on it later.
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:23pm
I think that was the best disclaimer yet. And of course I loved the t-shirts. Altogether, a very satisfying epilogue, and I must say, one of the most brilliant HP fanfics I've read.
Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:23pm
I almost can't believe that this is finished, it has been a consistently good story, well written with equal parts of fun and drama, with characters not making it, and others having a happy ending,which I'm glad Harry got here, heaven knows he deserves it in canon. Just a great story indeed.
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:20pm
One question; regarding the Hogwarts Express, why didn't they simply use the Restituto is res spell, which was used so widely by the Weasley twins in the previous story? If it can put the Rosetta Stone and the H.M.S. Victory back together (whether all the pieces are there or not), why couldn't they have used it on the Express? Heck, with Harry's power level, it's likely that if he'd cast it, it would have restored not only both trains, but the station! ^_^;
Anyway, good story, sorry to see it over, hurry up with your next epic! :)
Bobmin356 replied:
We didn't show the actual reconstruction but that would be one of the spells they would use. The problem was that you still had to separate the two trains before you start fixing them.
goddessa39 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 8:15pm
*sigh* over now... I enjoyed this thought HHr isn't a pairing I ususally appreciate. It was cute with the triplets (especially with two metamorphs and the other a beastmorph [or whatever you wanna call it]), and I would have liked to see some more children of Harry and Hermione. *sniffle.* Goodbye sun...
On a different note, H/Xmen? Not something I usually agree with, but it has possibilities. I always wanted to find one where Lily and James were actually Jean and Scott, but I have had no luck so far. :)
caitlinrennes posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 7:39pm
Brilliant! Congratulations on such a terrific epic! "APPLAUSE"
BTW, in answer to your print question, LOTR is around half a million words, just a thought....!
Jarrod posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 10:48pm