Content Harry Potter


Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 7:25pm

Wow! So, it is all over at last!

I haven't reviewed Sunrise as often as I could. Mostly because the chapters are so long. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but I have been a bit busy in RL so I haven't been able to read them thoroughly enough so as to give them a decent review. However, I thought, in celebration of the end of this epic tale, I should give a final review.

Bob and Alyx, you are brilliant writers. Your story is involving enough to always keep me coming back. You managed to keep the various characters recognisable as their canon selves and you managed to create an immersive plot line. This deserves to be considered one of the definative epic-length Harry Potter fan works along with madscientist's "Lions of Gryffindor" trilogy over on Portkey and Chem Prof's "Soul Searching/End Game" two-parter.

Negatives? Well, I found the middle of this story dragged on a bit much and didn't really seem to have too much happening (to the point where I actually stopped reading for a few chapters). It is a tribute to the fundamental qualities of this work that you tempted me back.

There is one unanswered question (as far as I know). What happened to Molly? I was hoping that they would find a body if nothing else.

Thanks for sharing this work with us, guys. I do hope that your muse remains strong and you are able to give us more of the same quality.

BenRG's Overall Rating: 9/10

AutumnHeart posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 7:15pm

I've been following this story and its predecessor since the beginning, and have thoroughly enjoyed every chapter. Thanks so much for posting it - and best of luck with whatever you choose to do next.

Asad posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 7:11pm

Congratulation on finishing the fic!

I will review properly when I finish reading it. :p

I already have a couple of chapters backlogged for this fic. :(

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 4:07am

Only one complaint. "I'm giving up magic and taking up something simple, like potato farming in Idaho." But potato farming is not all that simple.

Your story has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. I have been reading it for the past few days and have now caught up. I just want to say great job and I look forward to reading more from you both.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:44am

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:39am

Voldemort proves once again that he is not a Leader. He kills his men when they are supposed to either be killing the other guys or be cannon fodder. Hey, that’s what I haven’t seen. Why no cannon? The battle seemed to have everything else.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:34am

Awesome chapter. I especially enjoyed Arthur’s proposal. It’s a good thing you didn’t have him hide it in some sort of food (he’d probably have eaten it by mistake) or placing it in a wine glass. The latter could have resulted in plumbing problems of various types. (I'm sure that's enough on that subject. grin)

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:21am

Just what exactly caused Mr. Lovegood to need a metal plate in his head? I’m curious.

Voldemort should have studied history more…rulers have been taken down for such cavalier attitudes about the lowest level people.

"Her husband taking a mistress wouldn't be all the unusual in her mind. After all, Lucius had his other women, as did most of the pure-blood men in her social circle." Yes, but I’m sure in Narcissa’s case it was a welcome relief. After all, Lucius is definitely not a caring lover like Harry.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:13am

I completely agree Sean Connery does have a totally sexy voice.

Remus shame on you. Never mess with the librarian.

Your portrayal of The Baron is amazing.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:08am

What exactly does it mean to be an honorary poltergeist?

They think Dennis is weak-willed? Man they are stupid.

Raise a glass (from your own flask of course) to Moody. The Mad-Eye who was always constantly vigilant.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:03am

I always thought they should have a class called Wizard Studies, too complement Muggle Studies

Favorite line: "But no one steals me away from my Colonel."

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:57am

When you are a teacher (a good caring one) then the students are yours. I offer to Minerva my well wishes on a speedy recovery.

"Behave yourself or I'll trade you in on a puppy." Funny

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:49am

What is Deneb’s grand plan?

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:45am

Will Draco learn to do elf magic??????
My favorite line: "Just how many pieces do you want to be buried in?"

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:25am

Good job keeping Harry from being SUPER. I mean not being able to handle something that other wizards learn to deal with on a semi-regular basis.

I know Voldemort is the overall bad guy, but Dumbledore is beginning to seem like a really big problem to me. There are few things scarier than an insane man who thinks he is doing good and that he is the only one who deserves to decide who should be in charge.

"The Office is important, not the man. If something happened to me, there are now several qualified people who would be able to fill my role and continue with the work." If only more elected officials felt that way

Harry gives great presents…I’m a bit jealous of Linda’s dragon. I wish I could find one.

Could the Arch’s curse have anything to do with fire and brimstone raining down on you…after all they went through and then came the firebreathing camels? Just a thought.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:21am

"People used to run when I glared, he thought. Well, maybe not Hermione, but still.." Poor harry, will his glare return to its normal ferocity…or will he have to come up with a new way of chasing people away?

Dumbledore is frightening. Perhaps it’s time for him to be put down. (like the mad dog that he is )

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:05am

"Lord Potter's role is unique. He is an anachronism; the very ideal of what we want our heroes to be; modest, humble and noble. Yet he hates his fame and his titles. He wants nothing more than to be just Harry Potter."

Simply excellent.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:00am

Very interesting pageant. Is the great pumpkin real?

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:56am

I was going to ask what boffins were but I read on and found out.
Wonderful chapter especially Arthur ‘s confession.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:52am

Thank you for giving those kids holsters. I can’t understand why it’s not a required bit of equipment. You would think that at least the purebloods would have given them to their kids.
"He ignored the glow from the youth's eyes and the waves of magic flowing from him. 'You, boy! Go get the Master of the manor,'" That was hilarious poor pitiful amhar on the other hand he nearly hit Sissy. Hit him again.
"It's people like you who caused You-Know-Who to ruin our world!" Amhar stated angrily." Ok his logic is baffling which just shows that you made a very realistic lawmaker.