Content Harry Potter


amsev posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 9:57pm

Wow, that was an absolutely kick-ass battle. Very nice job writing it. In spite of being a pacifist, I have to admit that I do enjoy martial arts movies and kick-ass, realistic battle scenes. Very nicely done.

Although, on the other hand, if they had waited a decade or so, Voldie, in his delusions of psycho-hood would have probably offed his own troops. Heh.


amsev posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 11:29pm

Dayum! Go, Cho! Go, good magicals in France! Go rockin' authors!

amsev posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 10:31pm

Shoop shoop, hoola hoop! (yeah, i know that's a typo, but all the "oo"s looked so pretty.

Evil cliffie. I continue to adore Luna's familiar.

Wow, what a chapter!

amsev posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 9:10pm

Awww, I'm seriously sorry about Moody. He's one of my favorite characters in the HP universe.

And I just love! Luna's Familiar! I keep trying to imagine the "whir" in my head whenever she "whirs."

This story continues to be EXCELLENT!

amsev posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2012 9:10pm

Excellent chapter, especially Luna putting Amhar through his paces.

GREAT author's notes:

Did you include anything about a kitchen sink in this chapter?" Alyx demanded to know.

"Well... um... no," Bob answered uncertainly.

"See! It doesn't have everything in it! They now will have a reason to complain," Alyx answered smugly.


I realize you've finished writing this, but I'm hoping for a really nasty buttplug for Amhar. Hmmm, maybe he already has that problem: he has one in place, but can't remove it without causing serious damage, thus, well you know the logical result, self-induced constipation, so that's what's making him act up (sorry, my brain goes weird places...)

amsev posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2012 1:02am

Dumbledore and the Evil Buttplug: YAY! I was just thinking about how badly he needs an Evil Buttblug this morning, and you, my darling authors, provided!

Now we just need Amhar and the Evil Buttplug....

Continuing to enjoy this story, and am appreciating the taste of erotic-ness betwixt the Potters.

Off to read more!

amsev posted a comment on Monday 2nd April 2012 9:58pm

Pretty evil, throwing Harry into opera like that. It's definitely an acquired taste. Now I really need to go to the next chapter, since this chapter ended on a not-so-benevolent cliffie...

amsev posted a comment on Saturday 31st March 2012 9:54pm

OH, but you are so evil to list non-updated stories -- I went out of curiousity to see what was up with that story and saw that... er, it had been updated, but the last update was 2008. However, I probably will give it a read anyway.

Enought about that -- you both are such wonderful writers, you really, really, REALLY should write original fiction. You craft a wonderful plot and fill in with such neat details that one is compelled to continue reading. You truly have the knack!

Continuing to enjoy this story very much.

FeNo posted a comment on Monday 19th March 2012 11:03am

Whow, simply whow!

all this words, all these pages, all this work. How could it end up as anything other than one of the most legendary fanfics in existance? It's far too much to comment in detail, but you've done a hell of a job with constructing your timeline, planning your progress and executing your devious ideas en large and en detail!

Thank you for your love and dedication to HP Fanfic that made this (and the prequel Sunset over Britain) possible. Five books worth of brilliant fanfic make it far more sufferable that there won't be any "official" books anymore (and Pottermore sucks ;))

ireadurstorynow posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2012 9:35pm

Within thirty seconds of the flare appearing, all of the Haven personal were gone.

I love reading your stories, and remember a few notes about you hated seeing these. It is about halfway through the second chapter. I'm not flaming, just trying to help. Keep up the good work. :D

AGirlCalledKadence posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2012 3:20pm

I've spent the last week busting through the two Sunset stories. My partner has given up bothering to try to get me to do dishes or laundry until I've finished. I'm incredibly happy to have found this fic, and really, this site, as well written fanfiction is awfully hard to come by.

I applaud the effort the two of you have put into this story, and I'm sure I'll be looking into more of your work.

darridle posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2011 10:33am

*meep* I like the Bill, Charlie and the twins, so your Dumbles-uses-Charlie plot is scaring me.
Here's to me hoping Ginny's gift and Draco will save him soon.

darridle posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2011 9:21pm

*counts* wow... it took Ginny how long again to remember Charlie and now she tells him 3 or so times in one letter that they need him. *shakes head*

on the other hand... I've forgotten bout that orphanage too and I don't have the excuse of missing the master list.

still love the story and am still happy I don't have to wait for updates *sticks tongue out at previous readers*

darridle posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2011 8:46pm

great start to a great sequel :)
*pouts* no pet peeves in this one?

Bill posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2011 10:18am

Wow, full blame on Hermione and none on Harry? Sorry, I hope you fix this and the blame goes fully on Harry for not explaining. This story has gone from a decent story to really quite tiring. I've read this far and really don't want to quit, but damn, you put a lot of blame on Hermione unfairly. Also, I feel way to many view points. I find myself not reading most of what you write and skimming and don't feel like I"m missing anything. Not a good sign.

noylj posted a comment on Saturday 22nd October 2011 4:00pm

I really dislike Harry getting beat up to the point of dying all the time. So far, he has only used a small amount of power except at Ban Azka--and even there he should have leveled the island if he could.
Also, they are certainly basing their lives on prophesy.
Love all your stories.

Paco Weasley posted a comment on Wednesday 19th October 2011 7:31pm

I can't believe it's over. I almost stopped part way through sunset because of the negativity, and now I'm soooo glad that I didn't. Both stories kept my attention. I couldn't leave my computer. I honestly don't have any tips for your writing. I loved both stories to death. The only thing I really skipped over was the disclaimers that made you both look completely insane.

jlar posted a comment on Friday 14th October 2011 12:51am

I have greatly enjoyed this series, reading it back to back and staying up much to late to read it all. Thank you.

WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2011 3:14pm

Weren't Harry and Hermione supposed to name their daughter after the female soldier that saved Harry and died in the process?

Great story set.

WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Monday 22nd August 2011 12:20pm

Okay, what about the Arch, is it being left in place? What about DumbDumb's wands, are they both normal or is on the Elder wand? If one is the Elder, hopefully someone in Harry's retinue has it.