Content Harry Potter


GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 2:18am

'Much to skinny' -- much too skinny
Good chapter

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 12:48am

I wouldn't touch your disclaimer with a . . . (oh, but you already used that, drats).
'to relax and trip to Stonewall Lane' -- are they tripping? Don't you mean 'to relax, and a trip ...'
'You fell out of bed, Harry. But that’s not important!' -- that was priceless.
If you're talking about the country (United Kingdom of Great Britain), you forgot Northern Ireland.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 3rd June 2007 10:48pm

The rescue of the Patils is very well done, very moving.

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Saturday 2nd June 2007 2:09pm

Very very Good work to the both of you. I must say that you two compliment each other quite well in your writing styles. BRAVO! As for your Latin, it wasn't to bad. Actually you did pretty well with it. Wish you the best Alyx and Bob,
Ailish Mckechnie (My first name is Irish Gaelic just for the record). Sounds like I-Leash.

johndoh posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 11:35am

brilliant brilliant set of stories. much appreciated, certainly helped out the procrastination effort during exams :)

kendra1 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th May 2007 4:10am

I've finally finished reading the whole thing (both stories) and i wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to the conclsion of this epic tale.

Darkwind posted a comment on Tuesday 29th May 2007 10:33pm

amazing story no other word for it, ingenuitive and enthralling, without a doubt one of the top five harry fics ive ever read, and ive read a lot

evelyne posted a comment on Tuesday 29th May 2007 1:06am

So i just read the whole story from start to (almost)finish, and wow....

I was really pissed that i had to go to work today, cause i was just starting with chapter 31 ( I got up realllllllly early this morning to finish 30)

It's really great, there are some of these stories out there that makes you want to think "keep writing, i will read it no matter what" this is absolutely one of them. i don't really know what to say, except wow......

(sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker as you've probably noticed)

jessiecross posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2007 7:02pm

i am new to this "place" but i spent last few days took me three days to read it all and since it is not yet finished i hope to read a chapter or few more ^.~!

p.s i am not an english speaker so sorry for my mistakes in spelling!

Mel Evans posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 11:56am

I loved this chapter. Its been a long journey and it feels like its coming to a well deserved end. I have loved every moment of what you have written and look forward to the mayhem you can create in anafi (hope I spelt it right) and during the hogwarts rebuilding.. perhaps we might see a flash forward (like those tv series that end) that might show who ends up where.. Arthur and Melinda's wedding perhaps? Hermione and Harry's kids? So many things to look forward to in the future now that Hogwarts and Hogsmeade are back in friendly hands.

JSX posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2007 11:02am

just to let you know, the different language track is a nice little touch from you guys. if there is a mistake, i just assume that it was the author of the spell and not the author of the fic.

and FYI. i speak klingon. my parents were Trekkies and they used that when they wanted to try and hide information from me and my sister. so the two of us learned it in self defence after the 8th time going to the dentist in one semester

James_Hunter posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 1:11am

Gloriously written, a joy to read.

I've been at home for a week after a wisdom teeth removal and this story has made the time fly by.

I found myself giggling madly one minute, on the verge of tears the next due to your expressive language... the gooseflesh was almost always there as your writing made the world come alive and the pictures form the way they should.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wondeful fiction

Deanna Gail posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 6:30am

I've loved it!!!

utkari02 posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 12:28am

I know I haven't commented on any chapters yet. But I couldn't help the feral grin that came over me at the end of this chapter. As clever as I claim to be, I never once thought that Cho was the slave girl. I absolutely loved it.

Marcela posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 8:46pm

I've been having a blast reading your fics for the past two weeks. They were recommended in a H/Hr LJ community and I'm glad I followed the link.
I liked the pace of your writing, the length of your chapters and the weaving of your plot threads. Most of those were very believable within your universe, although I have to say that Dumbledore's insanity seemed a bit way out there (though it had its comical effect). I don't know if Ron's character needed to be butchered in such a way to make this story work, but I suppose that you didn't do anything worse than JKR herself (I'm not a Ron lover and I'm hoping JKR does something worthy to his character in DH).
It was nice to see that you paid great attention to the War details without forgetting to develop the characters' feelings. Often times, action-driven stories don't make the heroes ponder on their actions and the consequences to them.
I guess that there's one more chapter to come, wrapping up some of the lose threads.
Thank you for making the wait for Deathly Hallows more endurable, you have a gift for writing and I hope you two keep at it even after the series is done. I'm sure there will be some things in the last that we won't like, so I'm counting on fic writers like you two to fix them for me, :)

IamNotawriter posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 2:23pm

More typo fun.
He ran a hand through his hear, messing it up even worse than before.

A great story, Thanks again.

stargirl404 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 8:11am

I just recently found your stories and have read all the way through until now. I love them, and will continue to wait for the next chapters. I appreciate the effort you've into this story and hope you keep it up!

taxzombie posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 6:33am

I'm guilty of not posting a review for some time. No excuses. I'd throw myself at your mercy but considering some of the forwards I'm not sure I'd survive!

Seriously though I deeply, very deeply appreciate the time and effort you have put into your works. Especially during the tax season when new chapters were like liferings of escapism that allowed me to think of something besides 1040's, schedule's A and on up. When I needed a breather I would sneak some time to read your works.

So thank you very much Alyx & Bob you helped me survive another tax season with most of my facilties in intact. (Ya got to be a little crazy to be in this profession to start with, me thinks.)

Vidar posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 6:25am

Damn, the last month have been crappy for me, haven't found the time to read anything, not even the newspaper! But finally I found time to read your exellent chapter:)

Great work as always, take care and make sure to give yourself a nice little hollyday:) u deserve it guys:)

Thank u very much for a great story:)

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 4:44am

hello,anybody home?
pls tell me you haven't stop writing.
update soon,if not with a chapter,then with a promise of a new story.
(sorry for my english).