By Bobmin
kelvin posted a comment on Saturday 14th April 2007 8:42pm
you guys rocks
Alorkin posted a comment on Saturday 14th April 2007 11:19am
A nice wrap-up. There's still plenty of work to keep them all occupied for the next year or twenty, but that can be left out. Eocho's demise(?) was touching in the extreme. As a mentor of the brotherhood, he gave of himself, for the order. Very Jedi.
King Chuck is more personable than in RL, but that's to be expected, I guess.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the entirety of Sunrise and Sunset. Both are wonderful stories which I will introduce to my daughter as soon as I feel she is ready. Alorkin
KateL posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 4:03pm
a calming drought?? a calming dry desolate place// probably a calming draught or draft...
Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 3:10pm
Awesome story one of the best.
Tangerine posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 11:56am
Wow. I get back from my long internet hiatus, and I see not one, but two new chapters! I really have enjoyed them and the story is still as cracktastic as it has been!
tim fields posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 11:16am
Like it.....YES
Appreciate it....VERY MUCH SO
Understand how hard it it to writr something of substance and consistency....definetly
Reading it and your other stories....enjoyed every damn word
Opinions....agree with Bob....BOOK SIX SUCKED
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 11:09am
Excellent chapter. I am glad to see an author who knows how to end a story. You won't see many puclished novels that just end ten seconds after the climax. You have to have the conclusion, but that is lacking in any substance on many fanfiction stories.
Thank you for writing. I look forward to the end of this and whatever catches your attention following.
Mike (MoA)
Rob Clark posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 9:57am
Awesome story. Gritty in places, but well plotted, great characterization, overall a fine job.
Katia posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 8:47am
This story is the best long fanfiction i ever fortunaly read. it's awesome, and it feels really real.
i admire the creative! U ARE THE BEST Bob and Alyx
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 6:12am
What happened to the Blackwatch? You flat out stated that they'd be the point unit in retaking Muggle Britain, but now everything in the operation except the cleanup is over and they haven't been mentioned. posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 5:01am
Firstly I see absolutely nothing wrong with a hero having a disability, I mean Daredevil was blind thats a disability, Professor X was crippled again a disability and the list goes on. Secondly you doing all of the spells from now on in Klingon should be very interesting, but to be totally honest I didn't think you guys have done that bad of a job with the different languages you've used and I see no point to change something you do so well but if your going to stop using online translators then what are you going to use books? I don't see bob as the look up a word in a language dictionary kind of person no offense bob. Anyways I wait to see what happens in the end!!
beauty0102 posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 3:49am
yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 1:29am
Just an additional thought.
The King may need to exercise the Royal Perogative to create some peerages here that will be inheritable.
Since Dukedoms are restricted to members of the Royal Family, what does "saving the Kingdom" earn Harry ... an Earldom? [That unique British title that would make him an Earl and Hermione a Countess.]
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 1:08am
You continue to write a really convincing version of reality, often better than JKR's stuff.
Even though SoB(2) is coming to an end, I hope you will continue to write and post your works here.
Best wishes, always.
lilskippy posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 12:23am
I don't think I have reviewed any of the stories I have read from you guys yet, but I have to say they have all been great. I am not a huge H/Hr person but this story as all the others was well written keep it up.
Gryfny posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 11:24pm
Hi Guys, Over the last few days, I read both your stories, and I just wanted to drop a note telling you how much I enjoyed the tale.
Thank You.
digeediva posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 9:35pm
Hi Bob and Alyx.
Before I get started, I Hope you both are doing well and that everything has finally stabilized.
I loved this chapter. It was a nice, quite and light "let me catch my breath" chapter after all the action that happened. It felt like a content smile. I'm sad to see it end.
With the end being so near, I just wanted to thank you for the wild ride you have given me and I hope that your plot bunnies keep munching away on your creative cabbage so that you keep writing more stories (one-shot, multi-chapter, I don't care). I've read your other stories and you guys are one of the select few whose stories I'll keep reading over and over because they are that good.
Love you both and take care.
00_Knight posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 9:32pm
This is a excellent chapter in an excellent story. And you really deserve an award for continually giving us hours of riveting story telling, that just grabs your attention and forces your readers to forego anything except breathing.
morriganscrow posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:40pm
This has been a fabulous trip, and now, as it draws to a close, I find myself genuinely sad. I have no witty comebacks, only a heartfelt thanks to the two of you for so many wonderful hours of reading pleasure.
You two rock, and I look forward to the last part of this, and all future stories from you.
Blessed Be!
devil_pm posted a comment on Sunday 15th April 2007 12:03am