By Bobmin
Matt T posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 5:26pm
No... it can't be true... only one more chapter? Is there no way to extend the story further? Please? How about a Tales of the Brotherhood spinoff? Or a version of the story solely from Luna's point of view? Don't end it!
Oh yeah, I enjoyed the chapter:P
Thanks again for findin new ways to make me happy every couple of weeks
Rob8 posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 5:22pm
Having lurked for a long time now but also being an avid reader of both Sunset and Sunrise, I felt it was long overdue that i posted a review...
I have to say that this series is one of the best that I have read for a long time, (and I have read quite a few).
If nothing else the disclaimers have been a great source of amusement.
What i have liked is that whilst you have given Harry and co. additional powers/strength etc.. you have kept them firmly on the ground with the normal frailities etc. (unlike so many of the SUPERPOWER harry fics, and it is this as much as anything that makes this so good.
the final battle at hogwarts was good, and was very emotive, but boy I would have loved a longer more drawn out explanation... (only because so much was happening at the same time ... maybe getting Keifer Sutherland to review said chapter and bring a "24" like approach to it may work... LOL..
Not sure whether you are planning any spin offs to this but I can see a couple of short ficlets that may be fun to do...
1. The Elves... and their secret missions etc.. along with their work at Haven would be a great one...
2. The Ghosts at hogwarts... am sure they have a great story to tell as well..
Your efforts are much appreciated and once my daughter has finished book 7 (she has taken far too long in my opinion to read it) I will be pushing Sunset and Sunrise in her direction....
Thanks for the many hours of laughter, tears, and the occaional bit of rage (in a positive sense of course) that yo have given...
Aki posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 4:16pm
I'm glad you didn't rush the ending. It's nice to know that life goes on after the moping up of the bad guys but the immediate aftermath can be interesting. I like the little scene between Amos and Jennifer. Other than the major characters, there are plenty of people picking up their lives too. Look forward to the next chapter.
Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 1:52pm
Ok...time for the review. ..... I don't know what to say. There's conflicting things flying around in my head, like 'Great chapter!' and 'Can't wait for the next chapter.' But then there's the one many people likely are thinking: 'I wish this story never had to end.' Thanks for clarifying the pronunciations of Eocho and Siomha, helps to know those. Well, I guess I did know what to say. Here's to your next...
Dustin aka Dudeous1492
OrionHR posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 1:46pm
I should apologise for a lack of reviews. I have thoroughly enjoyed your stories, both the "light Albus" and the "dark Albus" as I have filed them. I can see an evolution of your writing from DA to Sunrise, as well there should be. I've loved your writing and find it well thought out. I hope to continue reading your work, and use your writings for inspiration to complexity in a fic. Keep up the fine work.
Allen_b posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 1:13pm
Congrads on such an epic story. It is has been a joy to read. I have more anticipation for your chapters than I do of Book 7 coming out this summer. Looking forward to the end of the story but hopefully not the end your wonderful tales. Thank you.
rippergirl posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 12:59pm
Nice to see that you are going to give us all a bit of what's going to happen in their lives after the big war. Also nice to see that it was quickly posted. It looks like I can officially get rid of the voodoo dolls seeing as the story is nearly ended. Can't wait to read the last chapter(or two). You guys rock and keep up with the awesome storytelling. There needs to be more authors of your caliber out there. Gracias.
James13 posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 12:49pm
Your effort is hereby recognized and deeply appreciated.
Now that I've done as you've asked, I'd like to say wohoo! that was a wonderful read. it's been a long time in coming to an end, but it was well worth the wait.
Adventure, both physical, and emotional, lots of intrigue and even better yet, Harry wasn't super powered Harry, who could bet elminster in a fireball contest with a fart.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 12:18pm
It has been a tremendous adventure, and hours of delightful reading to follow the Sunset - Sunrise stories, and your efforts have been very much appreciated. In RL I train librarians how to use their new software, and in every new class I catalogue your E-book omnibus, Dumbledore's Army & Spiritus Crystalus as an example of how to do original cataloguing and to promote your work. It has been a privilege to be able to read the very regular updates, chuckle at the disclaimers, and watch the growing pains of the characters.
thanks so much for sharing with us.
someonehere posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 11:15am
I would like you to know that I have really enjoyed this story. It may be AU, but it is more-or-less beliveable.
P.S. In reguards to smuty stuff, I really your allusions to all things sexual and your "fade to black" moments. To me, it makes the story have more quality. (And I don't care if someone looks over my shoulder to see what I'm reading.--(I have a large, nosy family))
Melissa4 posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 10:38am
Thank you for another fabulous chapter ! I normally don't read H/Hr fics, but due to several wonderful and glowing reviews and recommendations of your work, I just had to read it. Two chapters into "Sunset" I told my husband that he HAD to read this and that led to many arguments over who was going to be on the computer. I have to say that your saga was one of the reasons, along with Tim's work, that led to my purchase of a laptop so we didn't fight over the computer any longer. Along with not fighting over the computer, we no longer taunt each other over who has finished the chapters first. All in all, very good things -- no more fighting, no more taunting and more fan fic reading for me !
Again, thanks for another wonderful chapter
Orion posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 10:19am
As always, it's a bittersweet experience to know that the end of such a great story is approaching.
Bitter because of just how long I've been following this story, and how I've grown accustomed to reading the periodic updates.
Sweet because all stories must end eventually, and from both the author and reader's perspective, the end provides a sense of accomplishment.
It's been an honor to follow you down the road of this story. I'm sure the destination will spectacular, but it was the journey that will make it worthwile.
AIMEEREE posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 10:15am
i just wanted to let you know that i love your stories and its a shame that this one is coming to an end....i will be sure to reread this one and sunset again when sunrise is finished. well that all for now you do a great job and whatever you do dont quit..
much admiration
Deborahsu posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 9:56am
I appreciate the effort! You two are doing a marvelous job with this story. I'm sad to think it's getting ready to end--but my hubby who won't read in-progress stories sure will be happy!
mcfeedfest posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 9:33am
Um nice job? not really sure what to say but it was well done.
Tonnocal posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 9:13am
effort GREATLY appreciated
Kari Becker posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:55am
wow it's almost over!!! this isn't cool. i have been reading this story since it started on I believe years of my life have been devoted to watching for your story to have an update. i know that all good things must come to an end (at least that's what they say) but that doesn't mean i have to like it, right? it's just such a good story i don't want it to end. well just wanted to stop by and leave you another review. as always you did a great job and i can't wait until i get to spend a few more hours reading your story.
lafbnz posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:15am
at least one more chapter is good- two would be better- love the story- it's the first thing i read when i get notified that the story has been updated.
C. Harris posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:11am
That was pretty amazing. What are your plans after SOb is complete?
Crys posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:07pm