Content Harry Potter


Tanydwr posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 9:00pm

But Harry Potter with a New York accent is sacrilege! Bob, I believe you know the appropriate Monty Python insult to be used. Although I confess I'm still freaked from having set reading in Chaucer by one of the Monty Python guys. Terry Jones... That was scary!
Keep up the sensational work. You ever going to post Dumbledore's Army up here, or will you focus on a new story when you've finished?
Lol, Tanydwr

DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 8:24pm

RE: cherry blossems -- all together now
"Awwww, how sweet."

RE: Honours List -- you do know that new hereditary for non-royals are now considered passe? Although, I suppose, under the drastic circumstances. . . .


Treck posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 7:48pm

After reading the first Terry/Susan section I just have to ask...

Do you two work on the dialog together. Terry reads like it was written by Bob and Susan reads like it was written by Alex.

Damn fine story. /passes a fish to Alyx for Musings.


scott2 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 7:03pm

Great chapter as usual, honestly I don't mind the fade to black momments instead of blatant smut, it gives the sewage filled recesses of my mind a bit of a work out :)

DAUFahnder posted a comment on Monday 9th April 2007 7:02am

PLEASE, dont use German if you have no idea what you are writing. "Die Lesestift" is as silly as "the readpen" would be to you.

Alex00 posted a comment on Sunday 8th April 2007 2:46pm

Awesome chapters. posted a comment on Sunday 8th April 2007 4:42am

AWESOME CHAPTER! I hope this isn't where your going to leave us.

minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 9:44am

If you're having some heart troubles in life, you should change your diet a little bit, Bob. Just don't go and change your life too fast, or it would be really bad. :D Just how many of the Brotherhood has taken Harry's advice about writing a will? Figured Voldie would forget the fact that Harry had unwilling donated his blood to help him rise up again. What other aspects of the medallions come back and haunt the Brotherhood?

minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 9:08am

Hands Bob a cocktail of health drink. Doesn't taste too bad, and gives a bunch of cocktails for Bob to take later. Harry and Neville should get around to wrestling in real life. I'm surprised that Harry didn't get a new leg. How long would the new leg last, if the castor of said leg dies? Just how many people would be getting new and permanent limbs by this spell?

Highschool Nerd posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 9:20am

Great chapter!

Gary Meuse posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:07pm

What is going to be done to FRANCE? I know the Council of Avalon disenfrachised the French Ministry, but now that the other countries are involved in cleaning up Britain, what are they going they do about France?

squagoogle posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 1:32pm

Wow, great chapter. I had stopped reading just after you finished sunset with the idea I would let you get a few chapters ahead and then I could read a good chunk all at once then life got in the way. So in the last 4 days I reread sunset and all of sunrise that is available and I have to tell you, I no longer fear that JKR might have ruined book 7 cause your stories are there to take cannon's place.

la13 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 11:14am

Smart Harry, thinking of making Ginny a new leg like that! Good to see an idea of Voldemort's to do wrong actually being used to make things better.

Also, I loved the way you showed Neville's grandmother. Her disgusted disregard for Arthur's concern about the state secret "entity" made me laugh.

I enjoyed the chapter muchly!

fyrecat posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd April 2007 5:16pm

Great story! I really have enjoyed it a lot! I just have one question though. With all the trouble Harry has with staying on his leg for long periods of time; Hasn't anyone ever heard of a WHEELCHAIR!?!?!?
It's good enough for Professor Xavier so I don't see where Harry would have a problem with it.
For that matter, they could even enchant a normal chair to float at Harry's direction, like a broom. Heck, they could do the same with a few pairs of pants! How convenient would that be? That would give a new meaning to "Flying by the seat of your pants."
Am I the only one who sees obvious solutions to common problems?
Thanks again for the wonderful story!

- Fyrecat

Jeanas posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd April 2007 5:23am

Dear another ride and the end of the adventure.
Hope that you would write a chapter or two then.
How quickly would the muggle army move to conquest the rest of the country?. Would Harry also be acclaimed by this muggles counterpart?
Poor Harry would be able to go inconito in London anymore?.
Glad that Voldy is gone for real now

lmahlerdd posted a comment on Monday 2nd April 2007 8:47pm

Great chapter! I like the new role of Mad-Eye.

Vidar posted a comment on Sunday 1st April 2007 5:32pm


Ronnee posted a comment on Sunday 1st April 2007 12:56am

This has been a great story. I can't wait for whatever you write next. My only quibble with it is that it's so well written I want my kid and foster kids to read it just to see some very well written fan fic, but I can't let them. Oh well, next year the eldest can start Sunset. And the years after that, the others.

Thanks again for the well crafted, interesting, and well written story.

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 31st March 2007 3:24am

good chapter update soon

Steve6 posted a comment on Saturday 31st March 2007 1:09am

It's... I mean... Could... That's...

Let me start again.

(I'd use more exclamations but three should be sufficient to get my point across!!!!)

Fantastic. This story has made it to the top of my reading list. I would hope you spend more time on the story for a couple more chapters anyway. I'm on my knees grovelin' here, man! Have them route out holdouts, those in hiding, and sympathizers such as Orla Quirke's rotten uncle.

Obviously you cannot simply tie up all loose ends as this story would then be twice as long as it is now. But I can hope can't I?

That being said, what's next on the horizon? Or better yet, how long until it is posted?

Seriously, this has been one hell of a ride. Absolutely fantastic. If only book 7 could be as good or as engaging. Time will tell.
