By Bobmin
Jimbocous posted a comment on Friday 30th March 2007 2:03pm
Great stuff, as always. I've enjoyed also many of the recommendations you've included in authors notes, so hope it's OK if I enclose one here that H/Hr shippers will enjoy. Vox Corporis by MissAnnThropic is quite a nice read.
Puck1 posted a comment on Friday 30th March 2007 8:13am
Well done!! Just one question: Could you please, please have one of the poltergeists take over someone's mind in the story? It's something that's driving me well, not nuts, but it's getting there.
noylj posted a comment on Friday 30th March 2007 12:04am
You did it. Molly is dead, Moldie is dead, Snape is dead, Malfoys are dead. The is a vastly improved place with them out of the way. Great story. Like everyone else, we still want Harry to have his leg fixed. Maybe Hermy will do some research?
Alorkin posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 11:17am
A wonderful chapter, filled with tears and joys. Alison died a warrier's death, and Harry's idea will be a perfect tribute to her. 'Remember the dead and raise a cup to them.' (Kinsfire wrote that.)
Amilia has a hideous job ahead of her. The reconstruction, magic not withtstanding, is going to take a huge amount of time. Trials for the remaining captured DE's will be a major political point. Most of the heavy hitters are already dead, but sure as hell, there are going to be those who will claim 'Imperius' and offer a nice pile of gold. Fortuunately, Amelia is as incorruptable as they come. (I think that's REALLY why JKR killed her off!)
Yes, Ginny is injured and still in shock, but her reaction to the idea of '...that ugly silver thing.' is rather childish. I may be overreacting, and if I am, please feel free to whack my chops for it, but I think that given the option of walking on a prosthetic for the rest of her life, or walking on a magical leg that works and feels like the one she was born with, the choice would be obvious.
As always, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Sunrise over Britain'. Alorkin
es posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 10:26am
give harry a pygmy dragon. it would work if you have be intelligent kinda like Smaug, but also more of a judgey role in magical-fauna society. it makes sense to me.
(the right to use this idea is held for use by es alone or those he offers it to)
great chapter by the way its a shame that this wonderful journey is comming to an end.... do you like journey? i do. what are your favorite bands?
ridgeback77 posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 10:05am
Great chapter. The only thing I can see that isn't quite right is the breakdown of the American forces. The Army units would have most likely been the XVIII Airborne Corps, vice III Corps based on mission requirements. The Marine Corps unit would have been II MEF, vice I MEF, due to II MEF's designator as US Marine Corps Forces, Atlantic (MARFORLANT). Thats the only nitpicking that I'm going to do for this chapter.
falcorules15 posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 10:05am
Very, very, very good writing, especially on the Neville/Harry/Hermione/Ginny aura-link part- I am thoroughly impressed.
jb238 posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 6:36am
I like the fact, that Ginny gets a new leg. I'll also look forward to the Death Eaters and their helpers get what they deserve.
German newspaper "Die Lesestift": "Der Lesestift" literally means 'the reading pencil', which doesn't make sense. Change it to for example "Der Bleistift" (the pencil).
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 5:20am
Totally loved this chapter. I love how you have made it very clear that victory in a war is not the end of the battle... simply a brief respite before the work of rebuilding commences.
Masterful plan regarding Ginny's leg. Hadn't thought of that at all... I thought he was going to try some sort of combination of muggle/magic prosthetic. Anyway. Great job you two!
For battling the forces of bordom...
For bravely facing the threat of the dreaded Writers' Block...
For tirelessly toiling for our reading pleasure...
For creating an absolutely incredible work of epic proportions...
Box and Alyx are hereby awarded the following set of virtual British War Medals:
beauty0102 posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 3:16am
yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
a_wanderer posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 11:14pm
Just finished, very good. Something about the collapse of the British Army seemed off. But perhaps it's just that I should be working on Holy Week services instead of reading fanfiction!
I still believe Bob should be allowed virtual cookies..........unless he has virtual diabetes?
Lurk posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 10:30pm
Oh man! You have no idea how sure I was that this was the last chapter. I'm so freaking glad it's not! This is one of those stories that I want to know how it ends, but I just don't want it to end.
I know I'm going to be rereading these stories over and over and over and over and over and over and you get the idea.
Gah, so much to say, and not enough mental capacity to remember it!
1)Wonderful details with the muggle batttles. It was a little awkward though, I'm still not totally sure who was DE and who wasn't, but whatever. The overall gist came through.
2)Nice bit with Ginny and Nev. As for injuries with legs, well, I personally think that in this case, it's better than her missing an arm. I think that might have just hit a little too close with Pettigrew.
3)Stupid press.
4)I have a feeling that when you post the funerals/memorials (as I'm pretty sure youwill), I'm gonna cry. ::already sniffly::
5)Twonk? Anasasia Twonk (yes I misspelled the first name. But whatever). Andromeda Tonks? Some weird, distant relation? Or just total coincidence?
Keep it up!@
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 7:04pm
Great chapter. Nice way of healing Ginny's problem, I've read a couple of stories where Harry loses a limb and asks dumbles or someone to cast that on him.
I like that your final battle used walls it helped your story have classic fantasy elements for its epic final battle. Defensive walls are never mentioned for Hogwarts mainly because its a school no doubt but a castle built in medieval times would have had them regardless of muggle's or wizards who were doing the building.
I like how you tieing up loads of bits but I'm looking forward to how you let Harry and Hermione have some peace and quiet when the world will call for Harry to do so much.
lelila posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 12:52pm
i got to say it--i can hardly believe the battle is over. i might have said it in the last review but it had to be said again.
ya know, harry has really rubbed off on hermione and vice versa of course, but i got a real kick out of hermione saying 'bugger' to duties and all that. hee hee. and it's also nice to see that draco still has a thing against being a gryffindor. professor flitwick kissing professor sprout like that was quite cute.
but war is not without its casualties. so many dead and hurt. that was a close call with both ginny and neville. ginny seemed really shallow about the whole 'it won't be a real.' she lost a leg and her husband nearly died cause he thought she was dead. should have just handed her a pair of crutches and told her to deal with that but i may be a bit too harsh about ginny in general. honestly, harry having a bum leg is a nice way of keeping him human with the super powers and all that but the explanation that came along with ginny's injury was nice.
and it really is a nice tribute to name their future daughter alison. so was she a relative of the creevey brothers?
wonderful, brillant. *applause* there is a wrap up chapter or 2, isn't there?
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 12:08pm
And the aftermath of a hard fought victory is painful, but just not as painful as the aftermath of a hard fought defeat. I loved the sequence involving Ginny's leg, good to see that the useful bits of knowledge are getting recovered.
What's going to be challenging, now, is finishing the liberation of Great Britain and then the reconstruction of society, both muggle and magical. I really don't envy the leaders of either part of society, that'll be quite the chore.
igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 11:50am
I couldn't help but notice that you spelled the name Alison right...
I was all excited because it's usually spelled Allison. (I personally think then it would be pronounced all-ison). More Texan and drawling...
Great chapter!
Hope you update soon!
Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 11:03am
I can't believe I forgot about Neville in my last review...should have had that under the heading of cliffy. Oh, well, too late to do that now. I'm only forseeing two or three more chapters (two most likely) from this story, so I will be kinda sad to see it end. You guys have done an outstanding job with this story and the others you have written as well, and I will make it a priority to read any new stuff you put out. Keep up the good humor (I'm still laughing a bit for my part in chapter 29 even) and good writing. Here's to your next...
Dustin aka Dudeous1492
Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 10:32am
Thanks for another update! I went back and read Dumbledores army and the one with the weird name while I was waiting for this one and enjoyed those as well. Thanks for all the enterainment! Looking forward to the next chapter.
BTW think you could teach me spell for restarting a heart? sounds easier then CPR and Defibrillator treatment.
rippergirl posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 9:14am
Yay another good chapter. Don't have too much to say but it was enjoyable as always. Nice to see that everyone in the brotherhood survived the war even though others had to die in order for it to be so. Hope to hear more about eocho's bargain? he made to the lady in the lake to help protect the brotherhood. Can't wait to hear more about the wrapping up of the story. Hope to read it soon. Cheers.
Adam posted a comment on Friday 30th March 2007 11:57pm