Content Harry Potter


BT posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 8:13am

Er, maybe someone mentioned this already, but when injured!Ginny portkeys in, she is "barely conscious" ... yet Emma worries that she can't find a pulse. Immediately after this, Ginny is able to drink a blood replenishing potion.

First aid training doesn't cover (all) injuries related to wizarding battles, but I think Red Cross had this one down.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 7:31am

Yay Swedish Chef!!!
Now that that's out of my system, what a fabulous chapter!!!
You write the battle scenes brilliantly, in fact some of the best I've ever read. The action just flows, and is see-able, unlike much of the lame fighting in all too many fics, JKR's included.
Thanks for such a wonderful, enthralling read. The hard work and long hours the two of you have put into this series is deeply appreciated.

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 5:22am

Oh my God! Wow, just plain wow! Finally we're there! Voldie is poking up daisies! It was all worth it, that epic story and he goes out like that. Just wow!

Thank you for an amazingly epic and brilliant last battle for an insanely brilliant epic fic!


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 5:19am

Very good chapter and great story.


dic posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 4:24am

nice chap
i'm really glad to hear that you'll be doing other storys after that one... it hadn't really crossed my mind until now but that makes the pain of seeing this story go towards its end a lttle less.
great job!!

Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 3:26am

I really have enjoyed sunset and sunrise. I think you guys are very good, and should publish something for real money. Would that take the fun out of it? I've been writing some stories for several years now, but my style is still too much of a lecture storytelling. I'm learning, though, from great authors like you. Best wishes. My handle is "oldwizard."

Renzo7 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 2:12am

Awesome work thanks for this masterpiece. one chapter left, right?

shadowtrey posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 2:01am

I'm reading! I'm reading! *laughs and nods, coughs and gets serious*

All things said and done, I'm more amazed at the depth of detail the two of you go into writing this, than with the awesome fight scenes and the likes.

On that note, I was curious as to whether y'all have thought any of writing and getting a book published. *chuckles* I'm quite certain that at least everyone who reads this would be more than happy to go out and buy the book. Especially if it were as good as this.

Anyway, great chappie, and I'm glad to see that Harry is putting to good use that spell for the leg.

...Though one question...which will probably be answered next chapter or something... was the soldier Creevy related to Dennis and his brother?

Lang posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 1:49am

Great chapter!

I'm wondering if there'll be any more smut before the end? Hmm... I think that last piece of smut you had was in Sunset... if you even had any in there at all.

Oh! Bob, I loved Potter's Revenge. It was a great story. If all your plot bunnies keep coming out like that argue with Alyx until she'll let you write one ^_^ or help write it =D

Can't wait for the next installment,

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 1:37am

Awesome chapter!
And as for Susan's labor being too way! My noticeable labor symptoms took place over an even shorter time period both times. And the second one ended up being an emergency C-section. As you say, each woman is different.

john2 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 1:36am

Have another rice cake, Bob.

My son went through a spell of several years, during which he couldn't eat wheat. He grew rather fond of the flavored rice cakes. Once he resolved his issues with wheat, however, he left rice cakes behind like training wheels.

Lovely conclusion to a lovely story - notwithstanding the totally improper use of it's as a possessive. Repeat after me: eye tee apostrophe ess is never used as a possessive.

End of rant.

I've enjoyed this story a whole lot - it deserves an epilogue, of course, but I'm glad you finished. I'm also looking forward to the new stuff.


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 1:19am

Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 1:17am

Great chapter! The tension is really starting rise and is almost palpable! The end is nigh!

Loved the stuff about theology and God. Are the views expressed by the Sheik; "God is." your own? I think its the best way to look at him, God just is!

Arthur's fumbling over the proposal was quite comic genius! Although it does seem all a bit fast but its good they can be happy.


Keldore posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 12:38am

One little problem with the whole can't heal Harry's leg thing. If the magical leg is just as good as a real leg, why not chop off the bad leg and stick on a magical one?

Jason Karr posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 12:05am

like that harry wants to live the nice life of the spot light.

lordblack posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 11:59pm

Bravo! it is a masterpeice, I can't wait for your next series.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 11:58pm

Hey folks, great starting-to-wrap-up chapter! I liked how Harry saved Neville (and got beat up in the doing, such a typical guy thing to do!) and the tenderness of the elves at the very end.

All that said, there are some military terms I'd like to mention, that you didn't get quite right. (Yes, I'm a veteran, and a beta, and a bit of a purist. Sorry....)

"I'm Captain Rodue, United States Marines." A Marine would always say United States Marine Corps.

"1st Marine Expeditionary force" Force is capitalized as well; it's part of the proper name.

"The airport was already in the hands of marine recon units" Marine is a proper noun, and as such is capitalized in this context. (not so if it's referring generically to things regarding the ocean, such as marine life)

"Navy seals" - SEAL is an acronym, and thus is all caps. (Sea, Air and Land)

I'm also seeing lots of its/it's and principal/principle hiccups, but those are my beta twitchies popping up.

Again, very nicely written! Thanks for a great update.

Tanydwr posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 11:07pm

Excellent chapter.
If people rag on about your spells, remind them that JKR manipulates spellings of spells so they are rooted in Latin, but not necessarily perfect Latin, conjugations and all! I do like your use of the Celtic languages for spells - which one are you using, Irish Gaelic or Welsh? Or even Scottish Gaelic, Cornish or Manx? Heehee. As you can tell, British here, and very proud of my Celtic roots! (Even though the idea and word Celt didn't actually come into fore until something like the eighteenth century, when someone decided they all had one origin and he wanted to call them Celts! Interestingly, most of the Irish come from Welsh Celts - and the Scots from Irish who settled there - as for the Isle of Man... Irish, Welsh, Viking...)
Oops, tangent there. Can you tell I'm a student? It's weird, I can remember facts like that, but not people's names...
As always, wonderful story, very interesting. The battle scenes and aftermath were incredible.
Please tell me William and Harry are still alive - our young princes are much better looking than their daddy. Must get from their mum and grandma (Queen Liz II was pretty in her day, and not nearly as nasty as Queen Liz I - ah, the wonders of constitutional monarchy...). I assume the 'announcement' stuff was the fact that Charlie feels his name is bad luck and wants to be George or something. Honestly, we've had six Georges, eight Williams, eight Henrys... Can't we have a Prince Mark or Fred or Gilbert or something? Liven things up a bit. Sorry, another tangent, but then I guess - from your disclaimers - you're a bit weird too. Nice to see adults outside my family are odd as well, but then you are American... Heehee. Only joking. I do have one question - when you hear the characters' voices in your head, do all the British ones come across with Oxford-educated, South England accents? Because most of us don't speak like that. Actually, the HP films are pretty good for casting people with normal British accents - except Emily Watson. She really does sound like the classic stereotype. Sorry, wandered off again. Hmm, don't seem able to focus on the chapter... Student-syndrome? And no, I haven't had any alcohol either. Though I did have a ten o'clock lecture, and my room smells of bleach from doing actual cleaning before the hols, so maybe it's that?
Have got to congratulate you on your British characters - they seem in character! You haven't got any of them spouting off about sidewalks or pants or mixing up biscuits with English Muffins... believe me, there's a big difference! And there's no 'gonnas', 'wannas' or suchlike thrown in in the wrong places (although with exposure to American TV programmes, like the brilliant Buffy [big Buffy fan here - I wrote an essay on it], and those like Charmed, Lost and 24, Americanisms do creep into speech, particularly if we're feeling lazy!).
Harry's clearly forgotten that as 'Lord Black' and 'Lord Potter', he's never really going to have a quiet life anyway! I love the fact he's in the British Army. And your King Charles seems more human than our Prince Charles (hey, what happened to Camilla in your fic? She survive or did she get killed too?). Oh, did you know Princess Diana actually died in a car crash? *rolls eyes* I could've told them that ten years ago, seeing it on the news, and I was nine! Honestly, if they wanted rid of Diana, they'd've done it more carefully. And it's not like the Royal Family has any power anyway!
Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter, hope my strange rambling review affords amusement - and try not to satirise me too badly (can you tell I'm in English Lit?) when you reply. (Hmm, maybe not, with that sentence.)
Lol, Tanydwr

uthamm posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 10:11pm

Great chapter. I always approach the updates with a bit of trepadation - this is an excellent story - the story that more often than not I choose to read (and reread) in my spare time. I don't want to see it end. I like the major magic that you have presented in the story as well as the limitations. Are you planning on a '15 years later' chapter or something? What will the brotherhood do? Families? Careers? Equal Rights for all creatures?

Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 8:42pm

Harry had a dream about Hermione and his uncle? That's just sick, Bob!

*chortle* Yeah, we new fathers do the counting thing, don't we? I know I did on my two.

> When she turned to him, he pulled her into a passionate kiss that sent most of the older students howling with wolf whistles and cat calls.
> He had always wanted to do that.
*choke* *laugh*

> The real forces wouldn't start arriving until later tonight.
Marines aren't "real" forces? I bet you're goign to get some flak from that line. "Heavy" forces, I'll agree with, but I think US Marines are as "real" as any.

> "I know," she said, grinning at him. "But it was very Gryffindorish of you."
> Draco moaned and closed his eyes in shame. He'd never live this down.

That "around the world" scene: Why do I have mental images from the end of SW:RotJ?

> "I won't ever forget you, or what you've done this day," he promised her.
*deep, shuddering breath* You're very good at putting a human face on these situations. Giving us a handful of regular soldiers to follow, some doing fine, some dying of their wounds, and so on.

Cute touch with Dobby and Winky at the end.