Content Harry Potter


Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 8:40pm

An excellent chapter, I really just can't think of anything else to say but thank you.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 8:36pm

I probably shouldn't, but I had to kind of laugh over Emma crying. Yes she deserved it by then, but still. The bit with Luna and her hubcap was slightly outdone by the Sheikh and his babies. The bit with Alison was very sad. Poor Ginny. The scene with her and Neville with Harry in his mind was superb. I still think that not healing Harry's leg is one of the best things about this story. Fantastic chapter. I'll be interested to see how you finish this. More please.

Thomas posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 7:07pm

Hey here's an idea. Since Amelia aproved of the limb replacement spell, let the healers offer harry to remove the bad part of his leg and replace it using the spell.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 7:00pm

Excellent part, and looking like most people got through it, even thopugh there was some heartbreak, and laughs mixed in, and will be looking forward to what will happen now, when the more visible bad guys are gone, and others come out of their hidey-holes and try to make their own way.

DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 6:56pm

An excellent chapter. Again, I congratulate you on your well-thought out series.


Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 6:39pm

Thoroughly enjoyable and very well done as always. My only complaint is that seeing a new chapter from you plays hell with getting ready to go to work in the morning. I have got to start checking later in the evenings.

Thanks again for sharing this -- and all your stories -- with us!

scott2 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 6:22pm

Awesome, I'm still iffy about hermiones attitude in a few area's but I'm begining to see that she is just human not some perfect and thereby less interesting image I have cooked up in the terrifying hell pit that is my imagination.

Enjoyable as always and looking forward to more :)

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 3:38pm

Excellent chapter. You make me feel profoundly inadequate.

That said, excellent job, thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

wolfey posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 2:51pm

haha about the whole fawkes and pheonix thing. I always thought that the only acceptable animal for harry was hedwig. So I like the stories where hedwig gives her life for harry and is brought back as a white pheonix

lmahlerdd posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 2:00pm

Good job, and great recommendation for the updateless list.

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 1:30pm

No, no Fawkes for Harry. Sorry. Maybe we can give him a Snorkack pup?

I saw this and had a sudden image of a little Luna-cy vignette, a scene where Luna is introduced to a Duckbill Platypus and refuses to believe in it...great story as always, the only sad thing is that it's winding down towards the end.

kendiara posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 12:38pm

I have apparently moved from fan to stalker, as I managed to time finding the chapter between posting and messages going out...


Wonderful as always. Can't wait to see what you do with everyone /grin

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 12:36pm

Interesting chapter, and I still wait with baited breath for what actually hit Harry at the end of his duel with Voldemort.

So why doesn't Harry just amputate his leg and replace it. The aesthetic value would be outweighed by having a fully functional leg again.

Thanks for writing,

freakyfinger posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 12:33pm

It's kind of funny to contrast the last chapter with this one. There's a huge difference in the tone and the speed of things.

A snorkack pup? Nah, Luna already has an adult that will probably have children at some point. Perhaps Harry can have an Angel as a familiar. Brings a whole new light to the term, "Guardian Angel", doesn't it?

I wonder if Voldy wanted a Dementor as a familiar . . .

Orion posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 12:29pm

Very good. As always, loved it.

mekareami posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 12:02am

I just adore you nice long chapters :) Makes reading on a PDA so much easier.

Thank you for the updates and I eagerly await the rest of the story :)

lmahlerdd posted a comment on Monday 26th March 2007 1:59pm

Nice nod to Tolkien with Radagast, but Dumbles doesn't seem the nature loving type. Great chapter!

FriskyPixie posted a comment on Monday 26th March 2007 4:05am

Thank you for answerng my question! I don't mind Harry having a bad leg, lol, I have a bad leg. I was only wondering about his power. He's just so powerful it seemed a little odd that he didn't just say, "Oh, I fixed my leg yesterday, it was nothing," lol. You've portrayed Harry GREATin this story. I'm very glad I came across it. Happy writing! I can't wait until the next chapter.

I hope Ginny is okay :looks nervous:

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 25th March 2007 10:30pm

I loved it!

...I didn't get an email alert as to this chapter update....but I still read it! (Once I was told it was updated)

I honestly don't know what to say.

You've meshed everything together so perfectly, it was an actual battle, not too much (which makes me skip over sections), but not too little which makes it seems false.

You are gods.

Keep it uip!

Alorkin posted a comment on Sunday 25th March 2007 10:43am

An OUTSTANDING chapter! The battle scenes and the delivery of baby Siomha, were just as I remembered (them both).
Voldemort isn't a very good tactician. If he had been, he would have realized he was being led by his ego into a trap. Lucius wasn't\t much better, but with ol' Voldy's prediliction, for shooting the messenger, he and the other 'leaders' of the dark forces,(read: Mulciber) were more concerned with keeping their own skins intact and jockying for position, to really concentrate on running a war.
The 'choosen' aa nice use for the imperial guards. I'd tell Emperor Palpitine you were using them, but then I don't really think he'd like that. He's also known for shooting the messenger...erm, nemmmind!
The battle itself, was classic enfold and destroy. Well done to your troops!
Harry's method for ridding the mortal plain of the mortal pain that was Lord Voldemort, was, I think, unique I don't think I've ever read a similiar method of killing him off. Another Bravo-Zulu to you!
Now what? Th wizarding world has a great deal of work ahead of them. The secrecy statutes are shot to hell. The muggles are officially aware as they can be made of the wizarding worrld. Now that Voldemort is finally gone, the entirety of Britain must be rebuilt. I wonder if you intend to try those who collablorrated with Voldy's forces. I think the Hague is gonna be booked for decades!
I look forward to the completion of this most excllent fic. Alorkin

It's good to know Bob's doing better.