By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 10th January 2011 10:27pm
Bye bye Dumb-ass-bore! I think putting him on trial would've been more entertaining, but he did deserve death in the end. The Snorkack is really cute!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 10th January 2011 12:25am
Haha! I love the bloopers! Very funny. That whole mission/operation/battle was really intense! I think I prefer Neville's brain popping spell to the redact, although Luna's vines were pretty cool too. Either way, I say let the Death Eaters suffer before they die!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 10:31pm
The Wheezengamot (yes I know it's Wizengamot.) is really just a group of self-serving politicians who think with their wallets. I'd like to see Harry walk into a meeting with them wearing a t-shirt that says, and I'm quoting a pet peeve from Sunset, your butthole is not a good source of inspiration. How many of the old coots would have heart attacks, I wonder?
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 9:23pm
Haha!! The pageant was super cute. At first I thought it was a reference to the headless horseman, but then it looked like a reference to Santa Claus. Either way, very cute!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 8:16pm
Wow nice cliffie! I really liked the Angels bonding. I'm a little puzzled over their looks though. I hope you describe them a little more in a future chapter!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 5:00pm
Poor Harry! His worst nightmare, barring Hermione dying,just came true! He'd better get used to the press.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 3:59pm
You two write so well it inspires me! Yay I might actually finish my fic! I haven't posted it yet, because you guys keep giving me more ideas and I like to have the whole thing ready before I post. Thanks for the Muse boost!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 8:04am
Hermione just gets more and more stupid... Part of me hopes she learns but part of me wants more drama. ;)
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Saturday 8th January 2011 9:54pm
Another great chapter!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Saturday 8th January 2011 2:19am
Nice prank on Neville and Ginny. Fred and George are in for it now!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 7th January 2011 10:35pm
Great job describing the ceremony!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 7th January 2011 9:21pm
Charlie accepted everything pretty fast for the impact it made on his core ideals. I don't know if it would've been so quick in reality, but the proof was clear enough for it to be believable. Well done!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 7th January 2011 8:31pm
Mmm... Strudel... You made me hungry! Damn you!!!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Thursday 6th January 2011 6:57pm
*bangs head on table at Charlies stupidity. He's utterly cringeworthy.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 2:04pm
Nice reference to the Lord of the Rings there, with the Prancing Pony. Poor Charlie, I hope he gets help soon. Great work!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 2:03pm
Nice reference to the Lord of the Rings there, with the Prancing Pony. Great work!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 1:38am
Was that a reference to Harry Potter and the Witches Secret in the disclaimer?
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 12:36am
I miss the pet peeves.:(
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th January 2011 11:51pm
Hermione with her own house elf?! It would've been ridiculous without the right circumstances, and you got them!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 10th January 2011 11:22pm