By Bobmin
Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 5:53am
Nicely tied up the cliffy from the last chapter. Also dilineated the difference between the French gov't and the bad guys.
I liked the whole Dilly trial subplot. Indeed making a statement with that ruling. All for the good.
Ah, so that was Cho. Dramatic end to that thread. I was going to suggest she try to attack LV, but this way makes more sense.
Some little typos I saw, but nothing major.
Nice chapter. Looking forward to the next one.
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 5:53am
Great to see you update again, and still with such frequency. I really enjoyed this chapter, as well as the last ones. I'm looking forward the remaining parts. It looks like things are slowly drawing to a close.
You are doing a good job with grammar and spelling and such, which I think is important to properly enjoy the story. I noticed a mistake in this chapter, though - there is no such thing as a specie. Species is both singular and plural of the word.
Anyway, I wish you success and godspeed in writing the remaining chapters. See you one of the next updates!
liquidfyre posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 4:58am
So if your not gonna go NoBing after this one is over with whats yer next story gonna be then ya schizophrenic lil monkeys ya? huh huh huh?
but damn good chapter keep upt he good work and good way for cho to bite the wand
Lourens posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 4:18am
As Ron would say (had he been alive) "Bloody brilliant!" As always! :D
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:51am
Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
I was confused by 'BRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP' sound, though. Harry recognized it, but the only thing I can come up with is that it's maybe that auto-spell gun they used on the Death Eater enclave in Ireland way back. I don't remember it being used again after that.
Is that what it was? Or was it something different?
Bobmin356 replied:
That was our mistake. A couple sentences got deleted.
It was the sound of a combat apparation. The brigade practiced it extensively. The idea was to make as much noise as possible and have everyone apparate at the same time, startling the defenders.
That was what was missing. Its been added now.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:15am
Good update this time around. It wasn't exactly filled with a lot of plot but rather one of those chapters that fleshed out the characters (particularly Harry) and the world that the main story takes place in.
I personally pictured Umtumba more as a Morgan Freeman type. But who can argue with James Earl Jones' voice.
Good for was about time Snapey-poo got what was coming to him anyways. Who knew that apples could be so smart.
Voldemort being injured is interesting...I wonder what the implications of that are?
Thanks for writing,
Jason Karr posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:12am
to bad about cho chang. at least she hurt voldemody and took all the reseach with her, I like how she killed Snape. It is to bad she could not get out of the castle and to Harry and the otheirs.
Treck posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 3:11am
/Wonders if a donut repelling charm would be a good thing at Bob's house.
Mongo posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 2:49am
For what it's worth, that short film about the sheered sheep is called Boundin' -- it's on the Incredibles DVD.
minervakitty posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 2:27am
Makes me wonder on how fast Fleur's father would find those in the hidden government. I'm surprised that Cho was left behind. Does this mean that the Cauldron of Chaos is gone for good? Death by a squished head is so ewww. Would Harry have a talk with Umtumba about the responsibilities of being a Maglois? I'll be waiting to see how many of those working in the French ministry winds up dead. Would it be a total surprised on who the real leader of the shadow government is? It would be very amusing for a book to accidentally appear over Harry's head, with a ritual on how to cleanse a place from all the negative and evil rituals. Oh, what happen to the place that was santified? There won't be a sequel to Sunrise? Darn!!! Had a nice name for it. "Dawn Over Britain" It sorts of fit with the series. Puts a plate of virtual Chocolate cheese cake out with chocolate covered doughnuts and drinks of choice.
DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 2:16am
SPEW indeed. Yech. I hope to see the 'real' French government exposed to the air in detail. It looks interesting. (If it predates Charlemagne, are they also active in the rest of ares of the Carolingian Empire?)
Glad you took care of the 'killer-elf' problem. As for Snape, a well-done offing of the snivelling bat. -golf clap- Glad to see voldie got burnt -- a reminder that he's not as all powerful as he thinks he is.
Sirius Issues posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 9:22pm
Beautifully done! However, I think it would have been appropriate for Amelia to end her eulogy with "Constant vigilance." Alas, poor Moody, we knew him well...sort of (sniff, sob!)
Sirius Issues posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 12:04pm
'I left a review pointing out the errors to the author. The reply was a simple "Bagger off!"'
... Maybe they meant "Badger off"??? (Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!)
ben morris posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 10:14am
Excellent as always. Just a quick question, Are you leaving the wings on Crookshanks? An idea for the name of the new species---How about Sneazle (sp?) This could also be construed as the origin of some more bizare magical species out there!
Erin posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 1:31am
good update looking forward to the next.
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Saturday 10th February 2007 8:54am
I'm really curious about what Luna did and who survived the buildings destruction. Your handling of the Necromancer and what Peeves and Co. did with the shovels was great! You two really do a good job mixing in a bit of humor with all the seriousness.
Berkeley posted a comment on Thursday 8th February 2007 1:10pm
I've noticed that you guys are using the word 'quip' more frequently, but you're using it incorrectly. A quip is a witty statement, not just a statement period.
apr911 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th February 2007 2:08pm
Hey Guys!
I had some time over the past few days and with little else to do I took to re-reading Sunset & Sunrise.
I must say, Very Well Done! The story was great the first time around but it was definitely better the second time around.
Knowing what was to come and reading it in one fell swoop allowed me to pick up on some of the smaller details that I missed, overlooked or forgot about.
In any event I wanted to tell you guys Great Job and Keep up the good work. I eagerly await the next chapter and hope it comes out soon.
I realize some of these were subplots that have yet to or never developed or they were used simply as filler/bridge pieces but I did want to ask about whatever happened to Angie & Mason Long? What were the strangler collars, mentioned by name when voldemort was searching for cauldrons of chaos, for/do they have any significance? What was the creature consuming the bodies of Snape's "Test Subjects"
Also, Your updateless list...
Ch 6. The Cleansed Power - Updated and then off the map again
Ch 7. HP & the Mind Mage - Moved & rewritten but seemingly abandoned before reaching its previous update point
Ch. 9. HP & Merlin's Gifts - Recently Updated
Ch. 10. The Time of Change - Updated Nov 06
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. Yes, many things were used as filler material, never meant to be fully fleshed out - like the strangler collars. The Long's fulfilled their mission and have gone on to other adventures.
As for the creature consuming the bodies of the test subjects, do I really need to tell you? How about if I give you some not so subtle hints? Let's see. We all know where the dungeons in the castle are located. So what butts up against the outside of the dungeons? And what lives there that has tentacles? You see the creature in JKR's books, so it's nothing new. I'm sure if you think about for a moment, you'll figure it out.
Thanks for reading, Tony, and we hope you continue to enjoy the story!
jessiepp posted a comment on Tuesday 6th February 2007 7:13am
neet keep it up
jzysman posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 6:15am