Content Harry Potter


Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th January 2011 11:06pm

That's a lot of action for just one chapter! As always, great job!

missindy posted a comment on Tuesday 28th December 2010 3:14pm

I started reading this story when you originally published it. I eagerly awaited each chapter, but work and school got in the way, and I got behind. I have now finally been able to reread the entire thing, and I think I like it even better now than I did before. I kinda want to read it again already. Thanks for writing it. You guys are awesome! :)

h4hr posted a comment on Friday 17th December 2010 7:59pm

I loved this series. Your "standard disclaimer" was a hoot. I ussually only read H/Hr stories but I may read something of yours that is not strickly h/hr. I always wondered why JKR didn't include more of dobby when h/hr were looking for the horcrux's since Dobby could have gotten food and stuff for them. Anyway, I loved the militarized elfs in your story. I hope you continue to write stories and a few of h/hr. I liked how you got rid of the "dead weight/git" of one Ron Weasley as I never thought he was really a friend to Harry at all. Snape bashing is always fun and yes Dumbles got what he deserved.

I wrote one story and found the writing to be fun but difficult to maintain "in character" with different characters. I never got around to publishing it even though those few who read it liked it. Maybe someday I'll take the plunge.

Keep writing as you are getting better with each story, so that means your best story is yet to be written.

Steve, a Harry/Hermione fan.

have-a-little-priest posted a comment on Saturday 13th November 2010 9:49pm

I loved it! Long as it was (between the two SoBs 2,213pages at size8font) it was wonderful! Thank you for the humor alongside all the hardships!

strrynighte posted a comment on Saturday 6th November 2010 6:56pm

Hey Bob and Alex. I've been re-reading your stories Sunrise and Sunset the past couple of weeks. I love your work!

But as an English teacher, I have a small pet-peeve of my own... "your" and "you're."

A number of times in your stories, you mean to say "you're"-- as in "you are," but it is misspelled as "your," which indicates possession. You might think about going back and checking your "your"s and "you're"s. :)

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 5th November 2010 5:18am

I would not want to get on the bad side of the twins! They can be downright vicious!

There were other traps, some hidden, some so obvious as to be overlooked. No matter what they looked like, they all had one thing in common; death. And not a neat, painless type of death. The twins had been especially vicious with their creations. The man-eating trash cans worked in pairs to rip men in half; the fake galleons, a few spread around on the ground of each camp, were packed with enough explosive force that, once triggered, could blow a man into pieces. Oh yes, the twins had been busy.

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 5th November 2010 5:17am

I would notwant to get on the bad side of the twins! They can be downright vicious!

There were other traps, some hidden, some so obvious as to be overlooked. No matter what they looked like, they all had one thing in common; death. And not a neat, painless type of death. The twins had been especially vicious with their creations. The man-eating trash cans worked in pairs to rip men in half; the fake galleons, a few spread around on the ground of each camp, were packed with enough explosive force that, once triggered, could blow a man into pieces. Oh yes, the twins had been busy.

Songbird posted a comment on Monday 1st November 2010 11:35am

This is my second time through this story and I found even more to love than the first time I read it. Thank you for all that you put into your stories, the hard work shows. Please continue to write as it would be a sad day when you stop!

Songbird posted a comment on Monday 1st November 2010 11:34am

THis is my second time through this story and I found even more to love than the first time I read it. Thank you for all that you put into your stories, the hard work shows. Please continue to write as it would be a sad day when you stop!

cmcbride799 posted a comment on Sunday 31st October 2010 8:33am

This was really really Good

Patches posted a comment on Thursday 28th October 2010 12:38pm

Dear Bob and Alyx,
I love all your stories and so far I think I have them all printed out. I just reread the Sun Series and I was please at how much detail I had forgotten. Don't be sorry about that. It gives me the ability to be surprised and enjoy the story again like I did the first time. I went back to read the stories again while I wait for the next installment of Mutant Storm. I understand that you are writing away while all your rabid readers are waiting. I think in my weak mind I remember you saying you wanted to complete a certain amount of the story before you continue to post. Thanks for all the writing you have done. I look forward to reading whatever you wish to write. Thanks so much for your contribution to the Potterverse. pms posted a comment on Sunday 10th October 2010 12:39am

I think somebody should write a story where Harry goes to live with the Johansens when he's a toddler!!!!

NuitTombee posted a comment on Wednesday 6th October 2010 12:42am

I feel sad now too. But as they say...
"...all good things must come to an end."
- Q to Picard.

NuitTombee posted a comment on Tuesday 5th October 2010 11:24pm

Sentence(s) that need correction(s):
He ran a hand through his hear, messing it up even worse than before.
Again, if this has already been mentioned I apologize.

NuitTombee posted a comment on Tuesday 5th October 2010 9:32pm

Stuff I think needs correction(s):
He looked up to see his mother smiling at him. "She has all the right parts." He brow creased in puzzlement. "How did you know what I was doing?"
I think 'He' needs to be 'His'.

She smiled up at him. "Sore, and a lot smaller," she replied. "Have you meet our daughter yet?"
I believe you meant 'met', not 'meet' or shes too groggy.

I hope you find this helpful, if not I'm sorry.

NuitTombee posted a comment on Tuesday 5th October 2010 8:26pm

I believe that this contains a mistake. Charlie talking about himself I mean.

"I do, but I also know she and Neville both are doing what they were born to do, Charlie. We talk about Harry and the prophecy, but all of them have a role they were destined to play. My sister... Our sister has become a powerful witch with a strong sense of responsibility. She is doing what she feels she must. I didn't want to accept that, but it's the truth. Even I can see it now," Charlie said


sfjoellen posted a comment on Monday 27th September 2010 7:21pm

really excellent..

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Saturday 25th September 2010 12:39am

Really, why did they just pardon Weasley? He's nice, but he's incompetent. And he did not pay nearly enough for his own, personal crimes.

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Saturday 25th September 2010 12:05am

I think they share fault, but Hermione here blames it all on Harry! She doesn't even talk about how it was her fault for jumping to conclusions! Not a very sympathetic character...

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 11:55pm

Yeah, Hermione is really stupid.