Content Harry Potter


ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 11:38pm

Hermione is quite annoying...overly focused on the letter rather than the spirit of the law...quick to think the worst of Harry...first, Harry! You idiot! and then Damn you Harry! --;

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 10:57pm

Why won't the Weasley's deal with Charlie? They're fing delusional... they all realize that its important but then don't do it --;

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 10:00pm

I wonder if that was a reasonable decision to make. They're at war. They have limited forces. They lost one 'soldier' for two civilians who will be essentially useless, one of which is very sick and will further tax their resources. In attempting to reunite one family, they broke apart another. Was this extraction of 2 civilians worthwhile, at a time of war? What if they had all died, waiting for the healer to give a go? Frankly speaking, I'm not sure this extraction was smart or worthwhile, beyond any emotional ties Harry has with his Hogwarts classmates, which is just preferential and a terrible basis for making military decisions.

Terry Chang posted a comment on Tuesday 21st September 2010 7:50am

I've read this story multiple times. The part in here regarding Ginny. Wow. That part is written so well, so emotive (if that's a word). Definitely feel the moment there. Thank you. Gotta go back and read from that point again.

NuitTombee posted a comment on Monday 13th September 2010 11:17pm

"I'm trying to get through the story, but my reticence to read anything positive about Draco "Dray" Black nee Malfoy, is making it a bit difficult. I am aware that nee is used to refer to maiden names." *Sigh* "I'll try too finish the story at least."

Magic8888 posted a comment on Sunday 15th August 2010 8:14am

Wow. I have been looking forward to a "new" H/Hr story for quite a while when I can across this and "Sunset". Both were excellent! THANKS!!!

Jakh33 posted a comment on Monday 9th August 2010 7:56pm

Your story seems a little bit confusing, did a few years pass between sunrise and sunset because in sunset I read this:
""Yeah, twin girls, squibs apparently, Helga and Inga, age nine," replied George."

but now in sunset you have:
"Entering the room, she was shocked to find her brother asleep, with his girlfriend in the same bed, and neither were dressed."

Are you saying that Fred and George are having sex... with nine year olds?

albaholly posted a comment on Friday 30th July 2010 8:56pm

This chapter has my favourite scene in either book. The scene with Thadeus taking the reforming Death Eater under his wing. The idea of the conversation taking decades and the redemption taking centuries just struck a chord with me for some reason.

I have to say, this is about the fourth time I have read Sunset/Sunrise. It is amazing, I have got so many published books that I do not hold in such high regard to read them so many times. Your work (almost without exception, I am not so keen on the current X-men crossover, I am not an X-men fan) is very high on my list of must reads in Harry Potter fanfiction. Indeed, if it was slightly more...socially read fanfiction, it would be on my fiction must reads.

Your work is of extremely high quality, thank you for sharing and continuing to share with us.



guamja posted a comment on Friday 30th July 2010 3:13pm

Great set of stories...Thank you.

loretta537 posted a comment on Monday 19th July 2010 11:59pm

this was great! yes i took longer to read sunrise than i did sunset, but stopped once or twice to read other things instead of reading this straight through

avidreaderbz posted a comment on Friday 2nd July 2010 4:36am

Wonderful ending, especially liked the tshirts! I am now going to search for some funny stuff you have written, im betting it will be amazing!

bz x

avidreaderbz posted a comment on Thursday 1st July 2010 3:11am

"Look up and take in the beauty of creation in all it's majesty" I like this so much that I have put it on my facebook, cited you awesome guys of course! Though let me know if you dont approve yadda yadda, want it removed...etc

bz x

switchhammerhit posted a comment on Sunday 27th June 2010 9:15pm

sun series: well done, well done.

avidreaderbz posted a comment on Sunday 20th June 2010 3:15pm

You do know that you are psychic right? Okay, I know that you wrote this a few years ago, but it just so happens that I have my Latin prose exam tomorrow (the owl equivalent, without the w) and guess what one of the prose pieces is? Tacitus's account of Boudica's rebellion, in Colchester. And the other is Caeser's annuls of the druids. I'm not even joking you can look it up, look at what exams OCR have schedules in the UK for June 22nd. Creepy!

samsas posted a comment on Tuesday 8th June 2010 8:51am

Bows to the authors,

This has been quite a lovely story to read. (Drat! The English turn of phrase is rubbing off on me!)

After four days of reading I am sad to see it end.

However on the bright side it is time to take a look at some of your other works =).

Waving Samsas aka Jen turn and makes her way off the stage only to run into Gred and Forge. Erm guys, what are you doing....? Grinning the two red heads pull out thier wands (O.o Not Those! Wow you have a dirty mind) and tap them against thier leg.

It's quite simple you see, Department Q needs a new lab assistant, Thing 1 explained as Thing 2 pulled out a piece of paper. Hearing our plight, a common associate of ours exchanged your IOU's in lieu of a outstanding debt owed to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

Noooooooo! Jen wailed befor disappearing from stage in a puff of smoke.

Turning Fred and George exchanged a delightful grin. Shall we go Thing 1? Why yes Thing 2, lets. disappearing with a small pop.

Far away in a non-disclosed location, Jen ranted at the walls.

Dam, you Plot Bunny's! I'll get you for this just you wait!!

Kristine posted a comment on Sunday 6th June 2010 6:49am

whatever you did to fix the problem, thank you. i had just gotten into reading both stories when the problem started.

Separ posted a comment on Saturday 5th June 2010 7:50am

Thanks for writing this story

Thomas Light posted a comment on Thursday 3rd June 2010 4:52pm

Well what can I say about this story. This one actually haunted me for some time, because I really wanted to finish it. I read some of your stories and they are enjoyable. Out of all the stories that I have read, this one was a unique take after the fifth year and so on. I am not interested in the sixth book that J.K. Rowling tried to do (No offense it was weak of a storyline with some plotholes that needed to be adressed....please don't kill me) And this also surprised me at how the characters changed there so called status quo and make it believable. The plot twists and villains that were intruduced is what kept me reading the story. There are good fan fictions that I have read, and this one is under my favorite list, because of how the story is both complex and unique, and how it manages to explain the issues with war and the economy. Overall the story is really good. I commend you both for doing this and hope that I read something like this sometime in the future. Now if you will excuse me I will be taking a sleeping potion after reading this for nearly three days and take care.

Thomas Light

Monki666 posted a comment on Thursday 13th May 2010 2:57am

thanx for the gud read i really enjoyed it this is about the third time ive read both of these books cheers

Miminomo posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 6:58pm

I thought of this after going on to a new chapter several chapters ago. Nymphadora "Tonks" Lupin would be sick of being asked to impersonate other women. I'd expect Remus would only want her to just be herself, or they would never have fallen for each other.