By Bobmin
Flower248 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th April 2010 8:46am
Thanks for writing this most enjoyable story. I enjoyed it immensely, infact I enjoyed it so much I got you a box of donuts! Careful, I may of gotten an explosive in the chocolate cream one.
moregoth posted a comment on Wednesday 21st April 2010 3:16pm
Wonderful tale! One of the things I enjoyed the most was all the misc. characters you introduced they added an interesting layer to the story. Thanks for sharing!
Silvereyes posted a comment on Monday 19th April 2010 6:02pm
Wow! What a piece of work. I've read your sun series over the last couple of days and hardly couldn't stop. My daughter thought I were glued in front of the computer! :-) With this story you gave me laughter, tears, goosebumps and sometimes the creeps. But this story, despite the fact that I'm usually reading slash, had so much emotion, so much love of the detail - you should be really proud of your work. As I'm myself an author I understand how it is to let a story and the charakters go. It's a bittersweet experience, but all good comes to an end. And what an end it was! I loved your Luna! And I loved your blushing Draco over Lunas comments! *g* I could tell you now, what I liked, but then I would writing until tomorrow. Let's just say that I simply loved both storys and reading it was fun.
Greetings from Germany,
Snag posted a comment on Thursday 15th April 2010 7:10pm
(Ch. 10) Agreed (re: unfinished fic notes)- Olafr did one of the best characterizations of Tonks that I've ever seen.
Fresh posted a comment on Sunday 11th April 2010 1:34pm
What a massive, impressive read! I'd be disappointed about finishing it, except I still have plenty more of your work to read through. :D
matt2256 posted a comment on Wednesday 31st March 2010 8:04pm
This was a very well written story. Thankyou for all the time and effort you put into the writing of both the story and the original disclaimers.
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Thursday 25th March 2010 4:57pm
Hey! I greatly enjoyed your story (and got grief from my mother over it, staying up way too late). Before I go to sleep, I'd like to ask this question: Whatever happened to the name Allison? I thought Harry and Hermione were going to name their daughter that!
Anyway, Read ya later!
-xxx- Malou
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd March 2010 7:17am
"Oh, Arthur!" she exclaimed as her eye filled with tears.
I didn ´t know Melinda was missing an eye!
Great story!
xxx Saida
tabbycat posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd March 2010 3:07am
I've spent the last month working my way through Sunset and Sunrise. I'm really impressed with all the thought and effort given to this book. Thanks for sharing your work with us HP ff junkies.
Fiermancer posted a comment on Thursday 18th March 2010 6:10am
Impressive story, I really enjoyed reading it and I'm looking forward to reading more of your writing.
Patrick Rice posted a comment on Wednesday 17th March 2010 6:09am
I have just dinished reading through this monster for the 5th or 6th time. It is definately on my "to be re-read" list. Thanks to both of you for all of your hard work in producing this claasic for us.
I also frequently read and re-read all of your other stories, and they are all wonderful.
I got a big box of chocolate creame donuts nere for Bob, and if Alyx doesn't let you have them. then she wound get her life-sized Snape blow-up doll. Regards, Patrick
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Sunday 14th March 2010 5:24pm
Hi! Did you ever think of making portable portals? If you could shrink the frame down enough to carry, that would be pretty cool!
I love this story! X Saida
anon.m7 posted a comment on Saturday 13th March 2010 5:45pm
sorry, the review below review was supposed to be for next chapter...
i seem to have hit a back button without noticing...
anon.m7 posted a comment on Saturday 13th March 2010 5:44pm
it is very hard to believe that your hermione will let that rescue mission,
or even show the letter to non-family. before the 'bonding' it would seem probable, but seems highly unlikely after she saw the memories...
this is probably your biggest mistake until now in this and the previous story.....
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Monday 8th March 2010 8:25am
Being "wheels" I'm sure they "spoked" quietly, no doubt they are well greased.
"They spoked quietly for a few moments before Amelia signaled Harry and Hermione to step forward."
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Sunday 7th March 2010 3:34pm
I'm glad I came into this story after you finished! No cliffhangers for me!! Yay!!!
-xxx- Malou
Jdnokc posted a comment on Saturday 27th February 2010 8:42pm
Im a little confused here as well. In the early chapters when they took the town public you specifically stated that the Fidelius would NOT be dropped around the Manor but first you had your Amhar character and now Dumbedore and his mercs able to see and approach the house???
Jdnokc posted a comment on Saturday 27th February 2010 12:40pm
I'm a little confused, anyone who was that willing and able to so easily kill would have a black aura. So how did he or she get past those supposed wards?
Paul Blay posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2010 2:35pm
Overall a good story, if rather dark for my usual tastes.
Some things I didn't like:
* Soul destroying rituals and daggers.
I don't like the concept that souls exist, but can be destroyed, by itself anyway but you were also inconsistent.
You reference captured souls being freed when the dementor leader was killed - but the dagger with 'dementor effect' didn't release anything when it was destroyed.
* the 'conflicting prophecy' plot device.
This was particularly weak. Given how vague the original Trelawney prophecy was it seems odd how certain they were that Voldemort had to become as powerful as Harry before he could be defeated. It would have been a more logical way of delaying things to just go by the Granger prophecies. The vital line in Trelawney's oracle was "~ Dark Lord will mark him as his equal". It's all about what the Dark lord does to Harry, and doesn't really fit the Dark Lord having to get more powerful himself before the final battle.
Quincy posted a comment on Thursday 29th April 2010 7:29pm