Content Harry Potter


The Bartman posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 8:06am for A False Sense of Security

I really enjoy your story. How much? I RARELY review stories. I'm glad I was able to find it again after it got kicked off of

Greg posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 7:11am for A False Sense of Security

Great Chapter! I am getting really antsy to see how this story ends. It is going to be spectacular!! ;-) Keep up the good work and update again soon.

Paul posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 6:06am for A False Sense of Security

Hey guys, as a brit I have to congratulate you on you authenticity when working with the UK geography. So many times an author will just seemingly pick places at random and locate them in completely the wrong place i.e. heading down the M4 to Little Whinging in Surrey, when the M4 doesn't even enter Surrey and goes west from London. So hats off to you. That also goes for the rest of your research, I have to remind myself that your guys are Americans and not Brits so pat yourselves on the back for a great story and keep in coming I can't wait to see where it goes .....


Charles posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 6:00am for A False Sense of Security

I like the POV changes, in this type of story they make the action flow better and more naturally. In this sense your writing style is really quite similar to that of Stephen King. Build tension throughout the entire story, relieving only tiny bits of it here and there, while showing it from many differant perspectives, then finishing it up with a lot of action near the end, followed by a brief let down period.

Keep up the good writing :)

Dave posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 5:34am for A False Sense of Security

The tangled spider web that you have been weaving throughout the story keeps getting bigger and more complicated as each chapter is published. I got the distinct impression in this chapter that the actions of Harry on the Astronomy Tower are helping to insure the prophecy coming to light. I have been curious to see what the rest of the worlds reaction to the events happening in England would be, and I was pleased to see some of that in this chpater. I am curious if the actions of Voldy could lead to war with other nations. I await your next chapter, and am looking forward to see what new twists await Harry & co.


Riven posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 5:12am for A False Sense of Security

absolutley awsome chapter. love it and cant wait for the next one.
i would just love to see Luscious try to march into hogwarts and take draco with him. it would be an awsome sight to see.

Eric Prenovost posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 4:00am for A False Sense of Security

Another excellent chapter. I've really enjoyed reading your story so far, and can only hope that you keep the quality up to your usual high standards.

As far as constructive criticism goes, I don't really have any suggestions. Granted, a few errors here and there do exist, but they're rare enough to not detract from the rest of the story.

A bit of musing, though... you have the Death Eaters in charge of the Ministry and there's still month's left before the time of prophecy. How in the heck is Hogwarts going to hold out for several months??? After all, Voldy is effectively in charge of the British wizarding world now... and it won't take too much to be in charge of the rest of England.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 3:51am for A False Sense of Security

Outstanding chapter, while I was glad to see Dumbledore tossed out on his arse, I was sadened to see him and Snape carrying on as normal. I'm curious as to what exactly the bit with Mundungus was about. As for the rest, well, it was well written but it's kind of like watching the Prequel trilogy for Star Wars, you enjoy it, but you know it's going to get ugly. Again, great job, thank you.

Bill Robertson posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 2:47am for A False Sense of Security

Hey. I just found your story a couple days ago. Haven't stoped reading since. I agree with so many of your pet peeves too. I can't wait till your next chapter comes out. Keep up the great work :D

Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 2:12am for A False Sense of Security

Ah-ah, Bob and Alyx! *waggles finger* No mocking the nice readers (myself included) who can't guess what you are going to do next in the story. We are bread and butter to your egos with our nice reviews, after all. ;-)

Woo! Harry really has got incredibly strong, hasn't he? Okay, the Junior Death Nibblers are hardly a serious threat but they must have some capability in dark and combat magic for Tom to be willing to take them on.

It looks like Harry may have to bring his evacuation forward a few months, as Tom's final plan is now in motion. I strongly suspect that Harry will have to lead a Dunkirk-style fighting withdrawal from Hogwarts.

First priority is to get the Library relocated to Padfoot City, then start withdrawing the kids, year by year, until Harry, the DA, the Outsiders and the reliable 6th- and 7th-years as well as staff are ready for the final act. My I recommend a Russian 50-megaton nuclear bomb in the Great Hall as a welcome gift for Tommy and his Usual Band of Idiots?

You know... some magic doesn't need inherit abilities in the user to work, if the stuff has the right charms and the like. I wonder if Narcissa may choose to teach Emma the basics of potions and the like.

Final comment? Snape and Dumbles are about to become full Dark Wizards. Those rituals corrupt the soul and are being undertaken in the pursuit of power for controlling others - pure Dark magic. I doubt that Dumbledore will realise what is going on before he decides to 'infiltrate' the Death Eaters and ends up working hand-in-glove with Tom.

Still reading, still loving it!

BenRG's Rating: 9/10