Sunset Over Britain
Alligators in the Classroom
By Bobmin
Phoenix Felinus posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd February 2011 11:03pm for Alligators in the Classroom
So far I am loving Sunset Over Britain. I am a major fanfiction fan- largely due to in the cannon Harry being made out to be quite a bit of an idiot (I mean honestly- Mrs. Weasley loudly asking what the platform number is in book 1 when she has had 2 children graduate and another to attending). Also I completely agree with your petpeeve for the chapter Alligators in the Classroom. I lost count of how many fanfics I have read over the last 2 years that is listed as "English" and sound really good in the summary, however when you actually read the story the language is so badly damaged to the point where you have to read and re-read one single 5 word sentence about 30 times before you get the jest of it. That kind of damage is caused either by a non-english speaker with no grasp of the language or someone who is severly drunk. In the former case: the situation can be solved with-like you said- an native english speaker as a beta; in the later case: the writer should not be writing until sober.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 3rd January 2011 3:50pm for Alligators in the Classroom
The trial was really fun to read, but I think Molly really, really, really needs to be put in her place. On second thought, a lot of characters do! Dumbledore especially! Does he have dementia or something? Maybe he's on hallucinogens... Whatever the case, his questionable motives are well written and believable. I've tried writing Dumbles as an evil guy, and it's hard! Well done all around!
ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 6:55pm for Alligators in the Classroom
I almost think Hermione doesn't deserve Harry in this story...she has a lot to learn...quick to anger and accuse Harry, even though she supposedly knows and loves him best...insecure and so needing always be best and envious of Harry being more capable (to a much lesser degree than Ron, but that seems to be tempered by the fact that he loves her)...rejoicing in the power that his love for her gives her...--;
cello posted a comment on Monday 6th September 2010 3:11pm for Alligators in the Classroom
Molly described as a chubby Petunia defending her wronged chook tickled me. I half expected an Emma and Molly throwndown for a minute there.
Good job humanizing Minerva. Tired of seeing her written as a sexless crone, pining for a kind word from the Headmonster.
Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Saturday 12th September 2009 5:13am for Alligators in the Classroom
There is the matter of apostrophe use in your stories. Apostrophes are used in making a contraction or a possessive, they are NOT used to indicate plurals. Also a possessive of a word ending in the letter "s" is marked by an apostrophe after the s (Sirius' house) rather than an extra apostrophe and s (Sirius's house) .
Amathest posted a comment on Sunday 8th February 2009 1:52am for Alligators in the Classroom
ireally really like your story! i love the angle your working from, making the characters a bit different than in cannon characters. i think its neat that you tried a different aproch to the story line of harry potter. thinking outside the box is deffeniatly a major plus in this story. the plot line of the story keeps you guessing about what happens next (weather or not your right). i think that this is the most incredibly unique story i've read so far please keep up the good work!
darthloki posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 4:02pm for Alligators in the Classroom
"Oh, Merlin! The last time I saw a look like that was the night before James, Sirius, Remus and Peter put a Fidelis charm on every bathroom in the school, then sold the locations to people for a galleon per bathroom," exclaimed Minerva.
*laughter* Entreprenurial spirit aliv and well...
firecast posted a comment on Saturday 8th December 2007 1:11pm for Alligators in the Classroom
Just recently re-discovered your works hiding in my favorites. The both of you truly manage to write believable tales in which I don't like they way certain characters are portrayed ( Ron & Arthur ), but they still have believable reasons behind their actions. I mean, if you look at Ron's actions & attitudes, they are remarkably bigoted and closeminded, yet in cannon Harry forgives or excuses him.
By the way that is the BEST Marauder era prank I've ever read or heard of. Fidelus-ing all th washrooms? Unbelievably hilarious!!
I love the way you both manage to write such excellent stories. I realise that you have finished this tale, but I am loving what I have read so far. Looking forward to your other works. Keep up the Excellent work both of you, it keeps me coming back.
Alrune posted a comment on Sunday 2nd December 2007 1:49am for Alligators in the Classroom
"Er… Dan? I don’t own enough money to pay you what she’s worth. You’ll have to find another way to earn your cows," he said.
Absolutely brilliant... and that line made me swoon and laugh all at the same time... Great work!
Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 6:40pm for Alligators in the Classroom
Evil :)
Prof McGon married?
Hu? that's something interessting...
I can't imagine, if I am honest :)
Dragen posted a comment on Wednesday 17th October 2007 8:30am for Alligators in the Classroom
Dumbledore and Snape are fools to make Ron focus on defense, as he could become the next Dark Lord.
I love the duel between Hermione and Pansy. I like how Harry stopped Pansy’s spell. And how Hermione reacted when she thought Harry interfered in the duel.
I like the Board Meeting for Ron, I like how Esther Hampton reacted about a few things. I like how Molly reacted when she heard that Harry was going to kill Ron if it wasn't for Hermione. Shame he wasn't explied.
LuckyBitch posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 8:00pm for Alligators in the Classroom
"Oh, Merlin! The last time I saw a look like that was the night before James, Sirius, Remus and Peter put a Fidelis charm on every bathroom in the school, then sold the locations to people for a galleon per bathroom," exclaimed Minerva.
your fantasy is... i dunno how to describe it, but its GOOOOOOD.. really good :D i liked that.. btw i like the improvment in h/h sexual relationships :}
Cynthia1850 posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 10:17am for Alligators in the Classroom
Ha, started reading this chapter and thought Harry was having a wet dream...turned out it was your disclaimer. Damn!
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Thursday 31st May 2007 6:26am for Alligators in the Classroom
I'll surprise and leave just a brief comment: great story
Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Saturday 21st April 2007 7:19am for Alligators in the Classroom
I am impressed by this story. This is my first time reading this set of stories, and I like it so far. I like the DADA Professor, Romany. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more of this story, and the sequal, Sunrise over Brittain.
gdbessey posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 9:27am for Alligators in the Classroom
I would swear you're channeling my fanfic pet peeves. Thank God this isn't divination class.
Quynh posted a comment on Wednesday 7th March 2007 11:04am for Alligators in the Classroom
Damn straight on the Peeve... though I am a beta for one, and it is killer trying to figure out what this next line says.
Naruto as fight he smashes face of Sasuke, blowing face and brusing cheek.
Needless to say, I've had it for about half a day and I'm still about 5000/8000 words left to go. Oh how I weep.
Great chapter, and I find it steadaly harder and harder to ever read an acuall Harry Potter book, seeing as I only have PS and HBP... though I do enjoy reading the former, and I suddenly hate the latter... hn
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 10:45am for Alligators in the Classroom
Who has Dumbledore and Snape redirected?
"Harry was a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, surrounded by a headache!" That about sums it it's my favorite line of the chapter.
Did the alligators get a snap at Snape?
Dragen posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 11:23am for Alligators in the Classroom
What another great chapter;
Poor Harry, there’s a war going on with his name on it, and there isn’t a thing that Harry can do to stop it. And he feels terrible that he can do anything, but stand by and let it happen.
There a few things that you shouldn’t do in front of Harry, the most important is never attack or hurt Hermione in front of him. And Pansy cross that line, and found out what would happen. The fool!
Luna really is a strange person; I don’t know why Rolling added her. But people do have fun writing her, and does it will.
I like how everyone reacted when they find out that Tonks is Harry’s guardian. And the Board meeting was good, where a few truths come out. As much as I like what happen to Ron, it was a lot, he devises more. And What Molly did after was uncalled for; she should feel lucky that Harry and Dan or Emma didn’t do anything to her. I said this once and I say it again; Dumbledore’s world is falling around him.
I wonder what Harry is planning.
I do like this new Malfoy…
Cassandra30 posted a comment on Monday 25th June 2012 5:55pm for Alligators in the Classroom