Content Harry Potter


A. Austein posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 12:48am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

An absolute breathtaking piece of fiction! Unfortunately I am inept at writing a worthy review and it's at times like this my lack of appropriate vocabulary is obvious and very much mourned. Just know that I think that you as a team are unbeatable and am looking forward to reading the sequel. I also applaud your ending chapter comments to other authors (just hope that you have reached a few) and would love to have Harry's t-shirts! Many thanks for such an inspiring story.

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 9:34am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Amazing!!!! I have to finish the next one fast- My work and sleep are suffering!

Sam3 posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 12:41am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

really great story, i'm a bit pissed about Harry's leg and you cahnge Harry from weak to super that often it doesn't fit, just leave him super. Apart from that I loved the take over of Britain and laughed like hell at the mental image of Fred and George Weasley standing at the front of HMS victory doing a salute and listening to rule britania, I'll go read the sequel now, ta ta

Pokey1984 posted a comment on Sunday 26th February 2006 3:37pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Yes, I liked it. I'm on my way to "Sunrise Over Brtain" here in a few moments, but I wanted to stop and say 'Hi' first.

That's it. I really don't have any intelligent comment at this point, other than I've really enjoyed your story and thank you for writing it. Oh, and you better have written the sequel (I really should have checked before I started...) or I may never recover from the psychological scarring. (grin)

Pwn Master Paladin posted a comment on Friday 24th February 2006 5:57am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Dang...Nope not enough.

Freaking Awesome...STILL not enough.

HOLY FREAKING FLYING APOCALYPTIC DAMNATION! Finally, a correct expression t describe the gloriousness that is Sunset.

I originally read your stories on FFn (DA and SC), and when I read that they had removed this story, I decided to check it out. I must say that Thank GOD I did. Original, moving, angsty, dramatic, fluffy, smutty, smuffy...the list goes on. I think you have covered every genre of literature in this piece.

I must say I agree with you about HBP. I liked it, but felt there could be a better telling. You have proved it with this story.

Peace and Out, as I head for the Sunrise!

Pwn Master Paladin

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 23rd February 2006 11:25am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This has been a brilliant delight to read. So many things about this work, AU, bad Dumbledore, good Draco, and more are NOT my cup of tea. And yet I have enjoyed this immensely. It had been wonderful and thrilling.

My enjoyment of these things I generally do not care for is a testimony to your fine imagination and storytelling prowess.

Truly and rightly very well done indeed!

AJ4 posted a comment on Monday 6th February 2006 10:52am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

cool story!! I really loved it! Excellent work and my fav line is without a doubt the one about hermione giving voldie the finger and harry calling him tommy. that was just wonderful. i gotta read the sequal now!! --AJ : )

Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 7:22pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

That was a very marvellous story! You had me blushing with embarassment because I am guilty of some of your pet peeves, but you are quite right. The advice may seem harsh, but it is only an ignorant person that would take fault rather than learn. So with that, I bid thee goodnight.

simons_flower posted a comment on Saturday 4th February 2006 10:51am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I've been completely enthralled with this fic for three days now. And now that I've finally finished, I can move onto the sequel. Unfortunately, I can't read that all in one sitting yet because it's not done.

I think what I enjoyed most about this fic is not so much the super!Harry part of it, but the way Muggle Britain was involved. Voldemort wasn't content with just taking over with Wizarding world, but descended upon the Muggle one as well.

But I can't believe you nuked Stonehenge.

demos12000 posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 1:31pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This has been one of the best stories I have read in a long time. It is well written, and well thought out. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of viewing your talanted work.


Knight_Hax0r posted a comment on Saturday 21st January 2006 9:59am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

SWEET!!! Lovely DARK story, and it is beyond excellence!

This story is one of the best I have ever read,( and is better than some of those written by JK Rowling! I can't say she droped the ball on OFTP (killing sirius) and HBP (I've only read HBP once so i'm not entirely certain on my opinion... however after reading it I was on a HP high and started reading Fanfiction *most of which shows the Dark side of Dumbledore, and has shaken my mental postion of him from good to border line evil*))

Anyway I look forward to reading Sunrise and posting reviews bashing you for leaving us with mouth watering cliffies! =P

starlightsuprise posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 11:49pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Looking forward to reading your sequel

icmatinee posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 6:38pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Great story, I like the fact that you stuck to the AU. I will start reading Sunrise as soon as I finish writing this.

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Wednesday 11th January 2006 4:41am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

i have just finished sunset(which i found in a ron bashing thread at FA),took a membership at ur YG,and on my way to for ur stories there.
i just needed to tell u that i have enjoyed ur story very much(thank u for the pleasure of reading something good),but i enjoyed pet peeves even more.wish they take those and post as guidelines at every ff site.

(is there a reason for those adult themed,ill humored disclaimers?)

PS:to mods:Please don't mail me about my grammer,english is not my mother tongue,& i am depressed enough as it is abt my poor english.

shion936 posted a comment on Thursday 5th January 2006 10:12pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I really love that story.
I begin to read it in and then one day it was impossible to found (I'd read the story 'til chapter 15).
For weeks I didn't have any clue of where to find it.
Now, I can continue to read it.
I'm sure your sequel will be excellent too but first I have to finish reading this!

Thanks a lot for your story.


Chris Carter posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2006 1:31am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wonderful story. I'm usually not a fan of super!Harry stories but I enjoyed this one because you offset some of his abilities w/the leg injury, and you didn't load him up w/a ton of gadgets and gear. The Weasleys' recovering and repairing historic artifacts, was hilarious. There's a big problem w/the voodoo/similarity thing, what would keep Harry from simply making a red-eyed Voldie doll and casting the killing curse on it, or lighting it on fire, running it over w/a tank, etc. Again, great story, I look forward to reading the sequel.

Delgarth posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 4:30am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Bloody Brilliant.....

callasandivy posted a comment on Wednesday 21st December 2005 7:19pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

very cool. I've read myself to exhaustion and am deeply impressed with what you two have accomplished. Thank you for exploring this story and sharing your talents.

Xyverz posted a comment on Saturday 17th December 2005 3:47pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This has been a *wonderful* ride so far! I'm looking forward to getting started with Sunrise. :-) Thank you for keeping me entirely too entertained. (reading at work, etc...)

startreknewf posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 11:48pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

EXCELLENT-I really really enjoyed your story.It's very well written and you have some excellent original ideas .So many Harry Potter fanfics seem to cover the same ground, whereas yours is totally different. Where can I find Sunrise over Britain? I can't wait to read it.Thanks for all your hard work.