Content Harry Potter


black_wulf posted a comment on Friday 16th December 2005 2:32pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wow, I think I love you guys, make me cry and all that, was a beautiful ending. I can't believe I only just found this story, but I suppose that can be the blame that I am a slash shipper, rather than het, but this story intrigued me. You can thank your friends on for that. I am deeply grieved that my precious Sevvie is evil, but I suppose I would never read a whole lot of good fics if I never had an open mind about things... anywhoo, you guys rock in the fact that Albus is evil, I love you, or have I already said that? Oh, I have... anyways, you lot will have a hallowed place in my fic archive.

Gianda posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 6:04pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I really loved the story
Sorry that I am reading it so late but I really just found it

The changes from humor and serious notes are really good and I like the line it is taking.

I will start reading Sunrise over Britain now
I can hardly wait


smilingcat posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 8:48pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

wooohhh...what a wonderful story....I love this story...thank ´s for it....

Maxennce posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 2:21pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

very very very very cool. I loved this story and all of the ideas that you've had for it, not to mention the disclaimers that you have at the beginning of every chapter. More often than not, leaving me in conniptions every time I read them, especially in regards to the death of either, Snape, Ron or Dumbledore. Especially in the most gory of ways that you insist on using. good on you, I hope you keep up the great work, and I am almost shaking with nevous energy with finishing this review so that I can move to your next installment of this wonderful, exotic and very very different tale. Can tell you for sure that does not hold anything even close to the realms of what talent and intriuge this has (brown nosing much hey). Keep up the great work, especially with the dislciamers hey

Nyssa posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 2:15am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

loved this story, can't wait to start the next one, but unfortunately work calls to me before i can start!!!

burtikus posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 3:19am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Just finished this, and I loved it. I liked your previous two stories very much, as well, but this was very different, yet great in a more realistic sense. Okay, realistic considering that it's about magic. Great job! Can't wait to read sunrise next.

Pet Peeves (i.e. nit-picking): the word is fidelius, not fidelis. And one has "another THINK coming", not another thing coming.

Youngpoet716 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 10:34am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This story was amazing my brother recommended that i read it and i liked it i liked all of your stories i was a little hesistant at first with a dark dumbledore but i loved it later

Michael Evans posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 10:09am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

From what I've had time to read so far, it looks very good, congrats.

Bethany1 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:31am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn



*mumbles to self "How did I not stumble on this before??"*

Bob, Alyx, you're absolutely fantastic authors. This story has kept me going since the first sentence. It's got everything I love in a good thriller (and I cut my teeth on Clancy, Forsythe, Higgins, Koontz, and Ludlum),action, adventure, suspense, and what's more, it was all believable. Whatever action you took, whatever direction was explained in a plausible manner. Plus you weren't afraid to show the not-so-pretty side of war, of the hard decisions that had to made and the effects that making those decisions had on the people making them. That I think is what made Sunset Over Britain really go from good read to absolutely spectacular find. You didn't sugarcoat the not-so-pretty or fun parts. This is certainly going down as one of the best HP AU's in my Rec's folder.

Oh and the disclaimers and AN's had me rolling in laughter (and I was pretty convicted reading some of the Pet peeves- seeing myself as a repeat offender in some).

So thanks for a wonderful experience...I'm going to let Sunset simmer for a hour or two, to give myself a better chance to fully process it all and then I'll be seeing you both over at Sunrise.

harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:22am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wonderful! This is the deign closure for a wonderful story. Now I'm gonna read Sunrise, hoping the updates will come quickly!

Schokki posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 12:08am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wow!!!!! ^_______^

Definitely one of the best (and the longest^^)ff I've ever read! I enjoyed every chapter and couldn't stop reading until that my father cutted off the connection!-.-"""
It takes me exactly 7 days, so a week, to read your story!^^
Now I'm going to read "Sunrise over Britain" and I'm sure that the story is just as well! ;-)

So long,

Justin posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 11:59am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

WOW! I just read through that entire thing this week. I must admit this is definitely one of the best fan fics i have ever read. Great ending...especially with the Grangers becoming magical. I can't wait for sunrise.

John Burrage posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 7:54am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Why does the sequal have the exact same name as this fic? email me please with answer

allygator posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:06am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This story is awesome!!!!

I just recently discovered it through Jeconais's page on and what an amazing treat! I loved how you started the plot with canon from the end of book 5 and then created interesting and captivating plot twists with your alternative universe take on things. I think the best feature of this story was that you kept the AU aspect grounded, yes harry had superpowers but he still had real problems to deal with (his leg) that he couldn't just magically fix. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel to this story and reading more of your author's comments, the pet peeves were always right on and I'm going to check out your other stories.
Keep up the great work, and update soon!

TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 12:06pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wow. That was a fascinating and truly wonderful story. All on its own. It's doubly blessed to be a story of characters I already love.

How does one find Sunrise over Britain? Or has it begun as yet?

I commend you on your ability to not only weave a gripping tale, but to take characters and pairings that you freely admit to not liking and making them *the* pairing and redeeming hated characters.

I wish I had more specific comments, but I took two days to read your story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. For that, I thank you. I am an avid reader, but I find it increasingly difficult to find stories that capture my interest.

I look forward to reading more from you.


Sean Li posted a comment on Sunday 27th November 2005 5:55am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I bow to you guys...for all time. This is a story I will keep with me when all canon fades in my mind.

Bravo, Madame and good Sir. Bravo.

Meg M. posted a comment on Sunday 27th November 2005 5:17am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I don't normally review as I can never think of what to say but I just finished reading your story and I loved it. Thank you for a very interesting read and now I have to go read the rest of your stories now. Thank you for sharing this with me and I hope you keep writing for a long time to come if this is an example of the creativity in your minds.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 26th November 2005 3:22pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Thank you for a wonderful read, Bob and Alyx. I'll jump into Sunrise as obsessively as I did into Sunset when I discovered its existence. All I can say is a terribly eloquent "wow!" and bow down to your brilliance.
Thanks again!!!

FairyQilan1 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 1:48pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

You have some weird preocupation with the song 'Fly Me to the Moon', don't you? And Snape not being Rickman.In any case, i look forward to reading Sunrise over Britain.

Matthew Terlich posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd November 2005 3:35am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Awesome story guys.
Couldn't stop reading... which can often be a bad thing, but hey! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Nice to have a harry that isn't continually getting more powers and abilities as the story progresses. A very believeable and provoking story.

