Sunset Over Britain
British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
By Bobmin
slinky_jinx posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 4:39am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
YOU ARE GODS!!!! I worship at your literary genius' feet. It has been a helluva ride and you're awesome. Please, please start writing Sunrise Over Britain as soon as possible!
jedithistle posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 4:17am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful story. I have enjoyed this story from start to finish and look forward to Sunrise over Britain when you are rested up from this endevor -- hopefully it will be soon.
Ricky posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 4:04am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
This Story has been awesome Bob and Alyx. Keep up the good work
Nchisholm posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 3:52am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I have to hand it to you.... you great writers have crafted a masterpiece..... though you superpower Harry, you still capture all his flaws and quirks... Many of your readers including myself look foward to the conclusion story to this masterpiece....
Irezumi posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 3:48am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Thank You.
I started reading your wonderful story when it was posted on After reading the first couple of chapters, I went and read both of you other stories, both of with have the same incredable writing style I came to love in this story. All I can say, you both deserve a much needed rest. I, for one, be be eagerly waiting on the next installment in this wonderful story.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 3:19am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Excellent wrap up to the first book. I'll be looking forward to the next one.
I thought the ending was nicely done, wrapping the the end of this section of the story and setting the stage for the next.
sternchen posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 3:11am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Hi Bobmin,
I'm new here. I found this storry afew weeks ago and finshed until yet. My mother language is German so I have a little trouble with the text. But think I understood anough to say that your storry is really fantastic.
Steven Laub posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 3:00am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Just wanted to drop you a line and say I LOVED the story and can't wait for the next one. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for a great story and I look forward to the next installment,
MattD posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:37am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Sweet story. Nothing much else I can say, beside the fact that it's well-written, captivating, and above all else, humorous and enjoyable as a stand-alone piece of work.
Kudos on your achievement,
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:35am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Talk about ending with a bang, not a whimper! Several rather surprising things happen during this chapter:
1. Harry organizes the Hogwarts ghosts and poltergeist Peeves into a Prankster Force against the occupying Nibblers.
2. The French try to invervene in the British situation, but are rebuffed by the US.
3. We find out that *neither* Granger is a Muggle, or even a Squib; both are magical, but blocked. Harry knocks down their blocks, enabling them to be the wizard (Dan) and witch (Emma) they were supposed to be. (Both had Maturas close to that of their daughter (as opposed to Harry's record-buster).)
4. Harry finishes the Magical Fence, trapping Tom and Company inside the UK; unfortunately, they now have nearly complete autonomy within it for now.
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:19am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Great job. I can't wait for the sequel.
I know from my reading experience that writing a convincing dark story is on a completely different scale of difficulty than to write a light-hearted fic, and you mastered that challenge in every respect! Congrats!!! :D
Amanda1 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:16am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Wonderful Job. I followed SOB from beginning to end, and it has been a wonderful adventure!
Tanydwr posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:55am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Keep up the awesome work and don't leave updating too long! However, don't rush it either. There's nothing worse than a rush job.
750 pages?! Bloody, hell, my first draft of my novel reached 160 max! (Of course now it's being rewritten, and perhaps I'll even get around to publishing it, but still...)
Keep up the incredible work. Really. And I think your ending Author's Notes are great. Although I'll confess to guilt of one or two of your pet peeves (more than one story at once, change of POV - although I always make that clear - lots of OCs - although I try not to make them Mary-Sues).
Lol, Tanydwr
e shaw posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:36am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Mr.Zemme posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:32am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Loved it, thank you very much for writing it.
darktail posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 1:05am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I love it... can't really think of anything to say, other that repeat that I LOVE IT! I can't wait for the sequel! Keep up the good work! Bye, for now!
Brian1 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 12:41am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Wow, what a great conclusion to a wonderfully fun story. If you choose to take some time off for the holidays, you deserve it. Have a great Thanksgiving (and christmas and new years, if you're the celebrating sort) and I can't wait for the start of Sunrise!
Harrypassion posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 12:28am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I for one can not wait to read the squel to this joyfull story.
Shades posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 12:13am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
wow... just... wow...
any word on those fleas i sent back to you? :)
and it has been a hell of a ride... I'm eagerly awaiting "Sunrise Over Britain"
Karla Greenawalt posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:02am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn