Sunset Over Britain
British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
By Bobmin
Olafr posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 12:43pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
That's all. Wow.
- Olafr.
Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 12:08pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
you have both done a wonderful job with this Fic, Yes I admist that it is more than a little dark, but then, much of history is. I look foreward to the start of 'sunrise' and the (Sadly) inevitable end of the series.
Keep up the wonderful work!
PS. Don't bother reading HBP if you havn't. it's just not really worth the effort.
Lia posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:57am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
An incredible story. I just loved it - definately left me wanting more!
thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Al posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:45am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I must I have enjoyed this story, I can not wait until Sunrise comes.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:31am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
A wonderful finnish to a great story. I can't wait for Sunrise to start. Time to start kicking some Death Eater Butt. I also can't wait to see what Bumbledore is going to do next.
Jayy posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 11:00am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
This has been a great fic and I wait with excitement for Sunrise over Britian. Keep up the great work and quick posts!
Peter Clark posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:38am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Very, very cool. So glad I followed the link that someone sent me and I could continue reading Sunset.
You two are superb authors, and I can't wait to read Sunrise.
alwrighto posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:38am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Wow. Seriously. That was really good. I've read the whole thing from the beginning without leaving a review but I think it's about time I did. That was seriously good and it's hard for me to say that considering that I hate Ron bashing, Harry/Hermione ships, and AU...and I think you'll find that Alan Rickman and Snape in actual fact are the same person. They're both one guy who has a really bad case of schizophrenia.
kelvin posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:36am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Wow, A wonderful ending. great story as always, i hope you get to finish your ficlet soon and return to sunrise.
Hagrid posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:26am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Yes, it has been one hell of a trip, as you put it. From the witty babble in the form of Disclaimers, to the well thought out plot twists and turns. A wonderful story. Keep up the good work and don't let the muggles get yer down.
Crys posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:25am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Excellent chapter.
I picked out what Harry was up to early (I've seen him try to do it in other fics) but you kept the accidental magic vague enough that the poltergeist theory was plausible.
One nit: In the oval office, aren't they mess stewards (naval servicemen) instead of civilian butlers?
Nice to see that the Irish are on top of things. The DEs coming in and the strange magical flares in Cork, I think. Hmm, wonder where AD is currently hiding.
Good idea to use the ghosts. I can't believe there isn't SOMETHING Voldy could do to a poltergeist, though. Necromancy, exorcisms, ritual of binding, something? Peeves and the ghosts had better be careful.
Looking forward to Sunrise!
Giovanni posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:22am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I liked most of the story, it was a bit fluffy at times but overall it was pretty good.
Keep up the good work.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 10:20am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Excellent, as always. I was a bit surprised to suddenly run into an Epilogue, though.
I'm looking forward to Sunrise. A recap about the Brotherhood & how they used it before would be nice when you get started.
Thanks for sharing this.
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:42am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Bravo! And if the so-called "Official" Book Six of the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Baked Plot, had been even one-quarter as good as Sunset over Britain, it would have been twice the novel it was. As it stands, however, I know I am going to be far more impatient about SoB's eventual sequel than I will be over the conclusion of the original series. Great work, Bob and Alyx!
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:32am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Voldemort is in trouble-His people are trapped in Britain and the island is a net importer of food and industrial raw materials. Combined with the facts that the wizard bank has shut down and that every nation in the world with a Ministry (or equivalent) of Magic will press for an embargo of Britain, it means that that he can't hold the kingdom for long from a logistics standpoint.
His one unit outside of Britain can no longer get in contact with him, and 2,000 galleons isn't much of a fund when you have to support 150 people. I figure that is roughly 50,000 dollars, which will keep Doholov's people in groceries for 2-3 months, assuming they don't spend it on anything else.
Albus is bound to show up in Haven and try something stupid early in the next book.
All in all, I believe this story is of higher quality than the official year 6 HP novel.
azntgr01 posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:30am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:21am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Nice ending, it wrapped things up quite nicely, though I would've liked to see where Molly got off to. I wonder how long unitl Dumbledore tries to show up at Padfoot? I found Harry's "prank" amusing too, it was nice to see him get one over on Hermione, if only because she missed the obvious.
John Wilburn posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:14am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Dear Bob and Alyx,
What a marvelous story! I can hardly wait for the sequel. Thank you. John
Athena Lupin posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 9:06am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
please have the next story up soon. you have encouraged me to do homework cause im not allowed online until i do it. Thanks. :) :-)
Andrew hansen posted a comment on Monday 14th November 2005 12:57pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn