Sunset Over Britain
British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
By Bobmin
Anime Monster posted a comment on Monday 8th February 2010 3:58am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Wow... I think that's the best word to use to sum up what I'm feeling after this...and also state that I'm going to be forced to the grocery store tomorrow to buy some bacon... I started reading this two days ago and I only now finished it, on day one I found the link late and ended up staying up past a new dawn and well into the morning before I could tear myself away to sleep. It's now 3:30 in the morning on the third day and I'm going to bed before reading the sequel.
Before I do, though, I wanted to say a few things about this. A question first, have you read "V for Vendetta"? Not seen the movie, read the book. This, especially in the chapters after the new minister is elected, reminds me of that comic. The confusion and share terror of the unknown and now a totalitarian government in charge of England, I'm eager to see what you do in the sequel, but I know I need to wait until after I wake up later this morning to read it.
I must say, this is probably the best sixth year fic I've read, and I've read a lot of them. This is realistic, I could see some of what you were planning before it happened (as soon as I read the first of Hermione's prophecies I knew early May and then as an afterthought, mid to late April, then again, my mum is a Taurus, so I sorta cheated). The nuclear bomb? There's only one other story I've ever read that involved a nuclear bomb going off in England, so I felt refreshed seeing such an underused idea rather then all the cliche ones that I always see.
Funny, I think this is going to be one of my longest reviews, and normally I have a thing about reviewing stories older than a year, but for truly exceptional works, I make exceptions.
You've truly astounded me and renewed my faith in HP fanfic writers (maybe after the sequel I can get back to some of my works). I know I repeat myself, but I can't find the correct words to drive home to you what I want to say. This was so believable it was scary. Actually, shuddered today as real news broke from Connecticut, it reminded me of the scene with the the refinery (I think that's what it was) being blown up. I know this is a work of fiction, but only truly astounding works cause that sort of reaction to me.
There were so many scenes that made me gasp and others that made me pause and take a walk to digest them. There were some points were I just couldn't stop laughing. And perhaps that is the best thing about this, even though the theme of this is so dark and (I don't have the correct word for it, disturbing is close, but not quite what I mean), you managed to remember that every storm cloud has a silver lining and keep a supply of humor going.
I like the people you kept alive, and I cried when our favorite nurse died. I like the twist you put on Dumbledore (yes, manipulative, evil Dumbledore has been done to death, but you've managed to do it in a way that is rather original) and the rather Yin Yang concept you've seem to have weaved in (that even light hides a bit of darkness and darkness can have a bit of light). On the note of the way you did Dumbledore, another thing I really liked, was how Voldemort wasn't excessively quite and allowing one conflict to be worked out. That's probably the most original thing about that particular plot. That and the redemption of Arthur with the divorce and the death of Ron. The evacuation of Hogwarts was done rather originally, too. I've seen it done where everyone went through the Humpback Witch on the third floor to Honeydukes, but that one never made sense (and J.K.R.'s in the Deathly Hallows didn't make much sense, either).
Anyways, it's time for me to wrap this up, even though there are so many more things I could say. I'm so tired that I barely caught myself before I said "third flour" rather than "third floor" and turned Hogwarts into some odd bakery or confectionery good.
May the muses always shine on you as they have for this story. And please excuse any bad grammar, spelling, etc. as I know better than write into 4AM (which it just turned), but felt the need to do so while this was still fresh in my mind.
delrusant posted a comment on Monday 8th February 2010 1:30am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I have only one word : WOW
You wroteadventures, drama, comedies and tragedies into a flowing sagathat mix them seamlessly. Thank you for this great story which made me dream.
The only really big black dot is the judgement spell in saint mungo, it does not seem to take harry much to cast and as such is an ultimate weapon that he never use afterward. The introduction of such a spell should not have been done because it makes us wonder why it is never used again and why it is not used to reduce woldemort and its forces to nothing before anything goes too wrong.
I can't wait to go on reading the sequel. ;-)
sfjoellen posted a comment on Friday 5th February 2010 10:26pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
now thats a great story, thanks, onward to the sunrise
dragonblade3200 posted a comment on Monday 25th January 2010 7:02pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I shall simply say this: Your rendition of book six was more heart renching and morally uplifting than the book written by the original author, taking me on an emotional roller coster from which I am sad to get off of. I look forward to reading Sunrise over Britain, though this first volume was more satisfying than many books by well known and long published authors out there.
Thank you for your amazing story
h4hr posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 12:50am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I loved your story even though I thought Harry's leg problem was a bit over done to my taste. Your witty disclaimers were great! At times I thought Hermione was out of character in her reactions to some things Harry did, for example I didn't think she would get upset with him for starting her parents core for them.
I only read Harry/Hermione pairing stories as I can't stand the cannon pairings nor do I think Draco, Snape, or Dumbles need to be rehabed nor become Harry's friend.
I hope you write more Harry/Hermione stories. As a team you two are my favorites as well as Merlin's apprentice/(her husband) writing team.
Steve aka H4Hr
h4hr posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 12:49am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I loved your story even though I thought Harry's leg problem was a bit over done to my taste. Your witty disclaimers were great! At times I thought Hermione was out of character in her reactions to some things Harry did, for example I didn't think she would get upset with him for starting her parents core for them.
I only read Harry/Hermione pairing stories as I can't stand the cannon pairings nor do I think Draco, Snape, or Dumbles need to be rehabed nor become Harry's friend.
I hope you write more Harry/Hermione stories. As a team you two are my favorites as well as Merlin's apprentice/(her husband) writing team.
Steve aka H4Hr
rocketboy08 posted a comment on Saturday 26th December 2009 10:26am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Wonderful story! However, for super Harry fics I do prefer [u]Potter's Revenge[/u].
Although it's clear there are permanent magical injuries in canon, I was curious why some type of prosthetic either muggle or magical wouldn't be beneficial to Harry's damaged leg? Wouldn't the Granger's as medical professionals suggest this?
I do have a couple things that I disagree with in the story, one is I felt there were a few times where Hermione was left watching from the sidelines like a damsel in distress when I would have expected her to jump in to the fight with both feet.
The other is more philosophical concerning the attitudes of killing being called murder. I disagree with canon and in this story, not that Harry feels he must become a murderer by killing Riddle, that feeling is expected, but it should be understood that killing in defense of yourself or others needs no further justification, and is not murder. Remorse is healthy and to be expeceted, but any deaths as the result of a crime are the fault of the criminal. I never see an author explain that to Harry. He may be allowed to rationalize having to kill, but rarely are the moral burdens lifted from him.
Sankara posted a comment on Thursday 17th December 2009 4:43am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
While I enjoyed the story a lot, I can't help notice that a few of the things you rant about in your "pet peeves" section seem to have made their way in to this story.... (such as your rant about a super-powered Harry not needing to have super-powered friends, and then bumping up the power of Draco and Ginny, and making Dan and Emma magical, or the idea that super-powered Harry doesn't need "special toys", then giving your super-powered Harry a large, ethereal dog as an assistant. There are other examples, but you get the idea).
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Tuesday 24th November 2009 10:23am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I just reread this story and loved it as much as the 1st time I read it.
h4hr posted a comment on Wednesday 11th November 2009 12:52am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I loved your story. Your authors note at the beginning of each chapter was quite entertaining.
I only read Harry/Hermione stories as I really don't like the weasley youngest kids. Ginny is ok but there is just no support in cannon to suggest Harry would end up with her. Ron is just too infuriating to consider as boyfriend material to anyone let alone to Hermione.
I hope you write some more stories with H/Hr.
past posted a comment on Thursday 5th November 2009 10:04pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
great story, although I am not sure what I enjoyed more... the story or the notes! I know it has been a while since this was posted, but I still feel obligated to leave a review. I am positive a lot of work went into this and that should be recognized. I am a fan of the Harry and Hermione pairing but have found that it is difficult to find quality lengthy sotries with the pairing. Love the AU, I am currently writing a AU fic where Albus is the bad guy and voldemort is the good guy, because I thought it would be fun to twist the canon facts.Great job! now i am off to the sequel.
Gatonio1 posted a comment on Friday 23rd October 2009 7:17pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I just finished reading your amazing novel and am sorry have not reviewed chapter by chapter but found myself far too captivated to stop and review. I am thoroughly enraptured by your work and was introduced to it through one of the reviewers of my own stories who suggested to read it for inspiration to write a good Draco-Luna relationship. I've spent the last four school days reading this book and have not stopped even for a moment. I was thrown out of my English class because I found your work far more interesting than following with John Donne's poetry.
The ideas and lengths you've employed to make this story travel are truly fascinating and inspiring and I hope to someday write something of this magnitude and length. Its to put it simply, awe-inspiring to see something so fascinating and unbelievable and I agree there are a lot of people on fanfic that have been inspired by your ideas.
I would highly appreciate you reading and perhaps reviewing my stories on fanfic at
Kisses and support,
~ Gatonio
Lerris Smith posted a comment on Sunday 27th September 2009 2:41am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
This (including Sunset) was an excellent story and one I highly recommend. It has been a few days since I finished it, but I suppose if I was going to nitpick a little bit I would tend to perhaps suggest examining the framework a little bit more closely. Some things were a little convenient, like the fact that Harry literally had enough money to build and run a city, and anything else he needed.
Some things like Harry's disability seem like they might have been better to work on in the story earlier. I'm not saying it should have been solved, but perhaps if more effort was made early on to solve the issue and it failed, then perhaps fewer questions would have been raised about it.
The brotherhood was an interesting touch, yet it seemed to have too many pluses and not enough minuses. Of course, I'm not saying it should have been a net minus or anything, but things shouldn't be too easy.
I suppose my biggest nitpick is the blind faith in prophesy and how they had to avoid a confrontation and let all those horrible things happen until a certain time. Now that may have been true, but I can't see Harry accepting it blindly, at least, not until he tries to beat it once or twice and gets smacked down hard for it. Who knows, perhaps Harry could beat prophecy once, albeit at a horrible price..
Again, overall this was an excellent piece of writing. Thanks for sharing it.
Alice Zecco posted a comment on Friday 25th September 2009 7:31am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
This was a wonderful work. You accomplished your goal! I am starting the next on now!
Alexis Rinaldi posted a comment on Sunday 20th September 2009 4:17am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I cannot believe how caught up I am in your story - I've been reading for 3 days now and can not wait to go read the next story. You have become my absolute most FAVORITE authors! I love the way you have taken a world crafted by JKR and turned it into something complex and interesting for those of us who can't really get into books 5-7 (sorry, OOP just turned my stomach!). Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!!
ghostchicken posted a comment on Sunday 19th July 2009 4:36am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Even in the darkest of times, there's hope, and in hope, there's assurance. I'll read Sunrise Over Britain now.
seanchaidhe posted a comment on Tuesday 30th June 2009 1:36pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I just spent the last two days reading your novel. And it really is a novel. While some characterization appears to be OOC, most of what you have crafted is very believable in my mind. I was one of those HP readers who very much disliked HBP and I am happy to see that you have created an AU version that has both respected and furthered JK's characters. I only wish the real year 6 book was this honest and faithful to the world the author created. Great story! I can't wait to read the next one.
Lientjuhh posted a comment on Sunday 21st June 2009 7:49pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
I liked it.. Well done.. :)
wardwillian posted a comment on Friday 19th June 2009 10:18am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn
Great story keep it up .
Jennianne posted a comment on Monday 8th March 2010 2:18am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn