Content Harry Potter


darksidhe posted a comment on Saturday 9th May 2009 7:16am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Holy CRAP! Thank you for the story. That was so moving... Wow.

jazz3 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th April 2009 7:49am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I loved this story!

andrakis2 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th March 2009 10:29pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

hi. I will just say i am greatly pleased with this story i have read a lot of the fanfiction out there and never have i seen a story so well written and original too boot! I just stumbled onto this site after finding your story on a list (super harry) and found a lot of my fav authors here. Great story.:) have a cookie. And i an sorry for my grammer i read these sites on my phone so it is a little harder to review and type

TangledPencils posted a comment on Tuesday 17th March 2009 9:02pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I've spent the last 3 days reading this fic, and simply couldn't stop, it was so enthralling. I really enjoyed it, particularly the witty T Shirts...I was literally pmsl over them!

Totally loved it, very well written, well done!

Now I'm off to start the sequel, despite it being nearly midnight, and my eyes are having trouble focusing!

Lord_Angel posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 7:34am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

An incredible book. I Can't wait to read the next installment of the duo. (Can't figure out what to call a two book story.) Your disclaimer's and notes are funny and inspirational to those who read them. I hope that you write some books for the real world. Your creativity and compatibility of working together is very inspirational and awe inspiring. May your reader's give you reviews and all non-believers bow at your feet.

Meg Renee posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 10:41am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I have loved reading your story! Ya'll have such a way with detail, that there were times when I had to stop and remind myself that it wasn't really happening! Thank you so much for the entertainment, and don't worry I am about to go read the sequel! -Meg

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Sunday 8th February 2009 1:19pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I have again, read your story for a fourth time and still am in love with it. You both have fantastic creativety and your story is an ispiration to many. Thank you for working on it and following it though to the end. Brilliant Job!

robst posted a comment on Sunday 1st February 2009 5:19am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Really loved this story though I must confess to skipping over the disclaimers and author’s notes. In my defence I would like to place the blame for this totally in your court, the story was so good I just couldn’t wait to start reading the chapter to find out what happened next. Am now just about to start reading your sequel.


Angel.of.Blood posted a comment on Monday 29th December 2008 8:26am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Let me start off by saying that I'm far off to be a good, obedient reader and reviewer. Hell, this story is the first one that I ever reviewed for. It's the way you write, and the very essence of this story that mesmerized me enough to ignore my nature and drop you a few friendly lines.

What I like most about your stories is the fact that there's so much loving detail. But still you maintain the balance between descriptive scenes and action. Other authors would definitely have messed this up.
The running gags of Harry's shirts and so on add this certain comical relief that makes me bow my head before you. There's the dark atmosphere on the one hand, and the funny comments on the other, none of them hindering the other. And I won't even start to comment your ANs and Disclaimers with your constant bickering and positively frustrating anti-hints.

Seen as my girlfriend will skin me alive if I don't stop writing now (a fact that Bob will certainly be able to sympathize with) I'll take the less dangerous option presented to me and close this review with kind regards to both of you. I hope that the following story will be just as entertaining and sometimes mind-boogling as this one.

All the best,
Thomas Pietruschka, age 18, Germany

Revellyn posted a comment on Saturday 20th December 2008 7:39pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I did enjoy your story; it had more twists and turns within its plot than most stories can dream of.

Your characterisations are not always spot-on - I did think that midway through, Harry and Hermione became merely a shadow of what JK Rowling shaped them to be. This may be because you took her characterisation and developed it to suit your purposes.

One thing that has always bothered me throughout the reading of this fic is something that is not directly related to the fic itself.

Your pet peeves shows that you have developed a keen sense of what you like, and what you don't like, but I find that you have fallen somewhat into the trap of hypocrisy. There are numerous syntax/grammatical errors - the most common being a confusion of 'you/you're' - and whilst I would normally forgive most authors for this, I find myself most unwilling to do so for people who profess to be strict about such things.

My apologies for any undue harsh criticisms - I did enjoy the story, and I think you have marvellous ideas and an unbound creativity. Perhaps, though, the ego needs to be kept a little in check.

harrygaurav posted a comment on Tuesday 16th December 2008 5:28am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

First I must congratulate U on such a great story. I for one really really enjoyed. I always thought people kept muggles totally isolated from wizarding problems, but U guys got that right in extremely detailed storyline. However is amazing, I really think Voldemort for one would never think of using muggle army etc for taking control of Britain. I mean he wants to destroy muggles and muggleborns, he hates everything about muggles, why would he start his goal with taking over muggle establishments & also Lucius seems to have far too much understanding of muggle world and army for that matter. This is the only point which I think is a valid one. I always thought Harry & Hermione would always be the first ones to go to war using both wizardry and muggle technology. But anyway it was ur choice for fiction that voldemort used muggle army for dominance and I may say U handled it extremely well giving us details of every action or event that was taking place, be it other countries' reaction towards Britain. I Loved It and looking forward to reading Sunrise... Great Work Guys

Robert Fergusson posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2008 4:48pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Great story ...... liked the disclaimers especially ...... looking forward to reading the sequel.
A Tassie Terror

nth_x posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2008 5:49am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This was a great read. Some of my favorite ideas were the concept of a "grey lord", Harry "taking after his mother" in his animagus abilities, and the voodoo map idea. My pet peeve is when authors make Harry an animagus, then dump it into the back corner as "just another super power". If he can change into a super-cool creature that no one has ever before in the history of magic...that should be an important part of the story. Anyway, thanks again for an excellent read, now I'm off to the sequel.

scrotum posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 3:31pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn


surabhi posted a comment on Wednesday 29th October 2008 1:33pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

its the best fanfic that i have ever read

arjaila posted a comment on Thursday 28th August 2008 11:53am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I am just a little bit in love with this novel. Actually, more than just a little bit. It's an extraordinary piece of writing, with a fantastic plot and believable characterization. As a staunch Harry/Hermione fan, I was very impressed with how you built their love story, how it was realistically difficult. As a staunch anti-Ron and anti-Dumbledore person, I'm not sure I could have asked for more from a story (and Dumbles still hasn't really gotten his!). The idea of Grey!Harry has been done a lot, but I'm not sure it has been done better. Thank you for sharing this.

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 11:59pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Considering how long ago this fic was written I do not know if you will ever read this last review but I wish to say that you have one hell of a good story here and I have now read it twice. From here I go to "Sunrise"'s second reading and in between I shall keep up with Mutant Storm which I am absolutely waiting for with Bated Breath. You are both so very talented and like you I do feel that JKR was getting tired and bored with her HP series and thus rushed her books just a little. I especially like both your disclaimer and author note additions to your stories.

RockBiter posted a comment on Saturday 23rd August 2008 8:37am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Bloody brilliant! What more can be said?

Gemma O'Donnell posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 10:57am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This book is amazing. Its so nice to read a story that avoids all your pet peeves. Your story as well as been witty and humourous, has really well developed characters and plot and is resulted in very little uni work been done recently. I think you have given a more realistic portrayal of human nature and the characters in the potter universe i sometimes feel that at times the jk rowling version is rosetinted. im looking forward to the sequel but i feel that should wait till to holidays as i imagine it will be just as addictive as this was. Another thing i really like is the changing of pov scenes its not only interesting but gives a fuller picture and you can feel like you are in on the secret as later scenes make sense to us but not the characters as the plot is slowly unraveled.

ChocoholicWriter posted a comment on Monday 28th July 2008 11:14pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wow what a story! Normally I don't like Harry/Hermione fics but this was recommended to me by a friend and is one of very few that makes a relationship between Harry and Hermione believable. Also, I like the way you've made Draco and Narcissa good and Lucius bad (sorry, couldn't think of alternative adjectives), most people redeem Lucius and Draco and it was a freshing change as well as more believable. I like the way you've explained Luna's eccentricities, most fics say she's simply odd rather than making her something so rare and extraordinary that she can't help but be different, its also nice to see a fic where Luna isn't a Seer. I like fics where canon characters that are mentioned briefly and never again are brought more into play so we learn more about them and since Susan and Terry are two of the more well-known underused canon characters I had no trouble remembering who they are and what House they're in. I know this is a long review but I hope you appreciate my comments. Good job, I can't wait to read the sequel to this and any other fics you've written.