Content Harry Potter


drt0xic posted a comment on Wednesday 8th August 2007 4:38am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I really enjoy your stories and your writing style. I am wondering if you would explore Harry having a relationship with some of his other, lesser contemporaries. For example, Harry and Padma, Harry and Daphne, etc. Something that isn't very common (like Harry/Ginny, Harry/Luna or Harry/Hermione).

As for Harry/ you I don't really care for May/December stories, but after reading some of Bob's disclaimers, I admit to being curious re: what he could do with it...


frozendream posted a comment on Sunday 29th July 2007 1:56pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This was an excellent story Thank you. I will read the sequel in a day or two thank you very much again.

Lahmikhara posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2007 7:18pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

An amazing story I must say ^_^ It took a bit getting used to an evil Ron but it worked well for the story so no complains there.

The disclaimers cracked me up they where certainly a refreshing change from the usual.

The story itself is well written I wasn't able to find any glaring plotholes and only noticed a few typo's troughout this entire epic length story.

Seeing as I'm itching to read the sequell you've written I'll refrain from turning this into a lengty detailed review. All in all it's a great story and I'll move on to the next part now to find out what happens there.



Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 10:34am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

You know I was wondering earlier on if Nevile's gran was still alive. You never mentioned her once until that latest chapter at the Haven. You didn't mention when she was transfered to the Haven like the others.

So you are now going to exhast Harry further by doing that ritual that Remus found about the Brotherhood. I'm surprised that Dumbles didn't ever come across it once in his lifetime. I guess that the book could have been enchanted to show itself when someone 'worthy' was found/available. Nice twist.

Oh for the fact that Hermione's parents now turned Witch/Wizard is definately new to me! You're the first I've read to ever do such a thing in their storyline. Congrats on that inovative twist. Huh. Now I'm going to start on Sunrise and looking forward on what other Potter character you're going to torture. I'm hoping it's still Snape or Umbridge next. Maybe even Riddle! *grins* Seeing Voldie in control of a pair of Muggle fanfic writers would be hilarious! Or maybe even Lucius! *laughs harder at images imagined* Thanks for this storyline.

shadowsqueenvx posted a comment on Thursday 14th June 2007 1:44pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I really loved this story. Thank you so much for writing it. I'm looking forward to the next part.


MadEye M!ke posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 6:00am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Just great :) Well, I'm off, reading the sequel...

Nyssa posted a comment on Saturday 9th June 2007 12:22pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Loved the story

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 3rd June 2007 8:04am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This has been a great, fun read. Well, I'm off to the sequel.

Cynthia1850 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd June 2007 5:22am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn


Sheepstamper posted a comment on Wednesday 30th May 2007 10:28pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Bloody Brilliant Story.......

skulLXeon posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 1:19pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

well... i gotta say... its taken me several days to finish reading this...
and its been a great read...
really good... and because i can't really think of or articulate anything about this story...
i'll just say its good and move on to the next one...
so adios for now... =D

morao posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 9:31am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

"Before the French ambassador could respond another voice, this one clearly with a Brooklyn accent, broken in."

w00000t Brooklyn.... heh im from brooklyn

ella1983 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 3:27pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

brilliant, bloody brilliant, thats the only way i can think of to describe this fic (although even if it was crap i'd probably have still read it just for the disclaimers and A/N lol) well it's just taken me a full 39hrs to read this story so i better get some sleep before i start on it's sequel as i can't wait to see what happens next :-)

davidg posted a comment on Sunday 29th April 2007 2:27am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Fabulous. There is no other word that I can think of that will properly encapsulate what I have just read. Ron's dead...woohoo!! (sorry, just had to be done!)

Now moving onto the sequel and I have high hopes of it being just as good if not better. Keep up the good work guys - may you write fanfic of this calibre for many years to come.

Aadarshinah posted a comment on Saturday 14th April 2007 12:23am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Wow. I ususally don't go for H/H stories, but this story was amazing. I've scarely been able to stay away from it the last few days. It's an amazing peice of "Mirror World" fiction and, were it not for publishing rights, would easily serve as an alternate HBP for those, like me, disapointed with the book.

And Harry's T-shirts are hillarious. I don't know where you came up with the idea for them, but 5 are too few for the hillarity they bring.

lorddwar posted a comment on Tuesday 10th April 2007 6:59pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

A very well written story with a few minor spelling/wording errors that are mostly corrected while reading. I like Powerful!Harry stories and this is a great one.
My thanks to both of you while I move on to Sunrise.


bluezy posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd April 2007 5:16am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I read this book in one go, I really liked it.

Thank you for sharing it amongst us, critics. I have written some fictional stories myself but would never dare to share them.


vateruncer posted a comment on Thursday 29th March 2007 7:50am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I have sat and read this story and have been intrigued in many ways, yet the one thing I have to compliment you on is how very hard it is to tell that two people wrote this story. Though I will also say that I found your disclaimers as well as AN's to be a welcome change to many stories I have read. I just wished to say I am going to start posting reviews or sending an email to the two of you as I begin the next story. If you wish to contact me before I do get a chance to review here is my email.

funderbunk7967 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 9:04am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I absolutely love your story! It took me a week to read it, but it was definitely worth it. I can't wait to see how the sequel/7th year ends.

bauer posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 3:57am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Excellent story. I rather enjoyed two other fictions of yours that were sent to me by a friend. After reading them I had to see what else you could come up with. I must say good work and please continue to write and entertain