Content Harry Potter

Reviews posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 7:37am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I can't wait to read Sunrise Over Britain. You guys really do deserve to be on the same webpage as Kinsfire and all the rest you guys are awesome writers. Keep up the good work:):):):)

fawkes21 posted a comment on Friday 6th October 2006 4:03am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I must say I first found your other stories on I was impressed. Now that I found this site and can continue to read your new stories I just had to say something. In the words of another great author, I can continue to expect great things (stories) from you.


Duane E. Peters posted a comment on Wednesday 4th October 2006 9:24pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I just found this story, and just spent the last nine hours straight reading it.

You both have done well.

Amber Dragon posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 12:16am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

It took me a god three or four days to read the entire fic, and I have to say, that it was one of the best I've ever read, and I have read a good hundred or so. I really enjoyed reading this fic, and I think I will reccomend it to some of my friends. Keep up the good work!

la13 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:53am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I just found this story, and really, really enjoyed it. you guys have done a fabulous job of making a funny, witty story with an actual PLOT that's just fascinating to read. this is just an amazing story, and i'm so excited to go read the sequel!

Zoe Elizabath Farnell posted a comment on Tuesday 19th September 2006 12:38pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Great story.

Matthew Blair posted a comment on Tuesday 19th September 2006 2:20am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I wouldn't say this is very dark however it is really good cann't wait to read the next one, actually I am not gonna, I am gonna start reading it right now.

ladyimmortal posted a comment on Saturday 9th September 2006 12:10pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

What an absolutely AWESOME story this was.

There are so many things I loved about it. Well plotted, VERY well written, and extremely enjoyable. When I started it I had to read the whole thing at once! You really went all out on this one and I love the many ideas you all incorporated into this story.

I loved your pet peeves list too! You rock!

methinkst posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 5:38am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

i love this story. it was awesome. definately going in my favorites.

XxTriGuNxX posted a comment on Thursday 27th July 2006 8:28pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

It was a hell of a trip, A three day long non stop reading trip. This is probaly one of the best Harry fan fictions out there ( i cant honestly say the best as i have no read them all ). You did an amazing job of combining romance, angst, horror, adventure and even subtle humor ( i enjored the passage with Fred and George playing with minituarized tanks and the HMS Victory lol ). You did all this and more and it has been a pleasure and an honor to read it. You truly are both amazing writers. I would start on Sunrise Over Britian right now but alas it is 8:30 am and i havent slept yet.

Rhilaewial posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 2:52am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Well I've just finished reading Sunset and I have to admit I had to go find a bucket to cry into. This is an amazing story, I have one point and one question though
1. I think the spell for revival of the unconcious is 'Rennervate' not 'Ennervate'

2. Where is Kreacher?

The second question is cause Kreacher comes with the whole black family package doesn't he and what with Harry being Lord Black (well Potter-Black but still) one would think that Kreacher came in somewhere. Otherwise amazing story. I loved the redeemed Draco, evil Albus and Ron. Time someone put a fresh persepective on things.
Glad I read it once it was finished other wise you probably would have killed me with the suspence, your characters are real and vivid and man i have to print this and sunrise out to finish it. I warn you now i'm no mad reviewer I'll review once or twice on a story oftentimes after I've read the whole thing, but when I do review I prefer to ramble on a bit.
Your A/N: so funny, had me crying with laughter at them
Disclaimers: Hilarious, and yes Bob I don't think Snape is Alan Rickman, Alan isn't greasy enough
Pet Peeves: Couldn't agree with you two more though.
Harry being an Animagus: Agrees totally, bit worn out but I suppose still plausible, glad you didn't ruin an amazing story with an old old old idea, nice way of dispelling the idea
Characters in general: Amazing, top hole old beans. 10/10. Believable, realistic and plausible. And those were the evil guys. Albus, misguided and wanting fame. Yeah I can see that. Ron, jelous, misguided and totally in love with Hermione. Another believable and fresh thing. I likes how you downplayed him before a nice exit, well not so nice actually, I mean Rons scared to death of spiders and being savaged then killed by Acromantula's was probably second in his 10 Worst Nightmares, beaten only by 'The spides they want me to tapdance, I don't wanna tapdance'
'You tell those spiders Ron'
'Yeah tell them.....tell them...zzzzzzzzzzzzz'
probably. Neville and Ginny, Draco and Luna, Harry and Hermione, Remy and Nymph, all awwwwwwwwwwwwwww or jelousy cases.
Hope the review was long enough for you, it was a pleasure to type
Best and keep writing these amazing stories
(Psssst I'm the 5th Marauder, the one no one knows about so shhhh)

pam doyle posted a comment on Wednesday 19th July 2006 12:35pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn


Xanatos_ posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 12:42pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Bravo, that was one of the best fics I have read in years. I have read both DA and SC and I must say that you are the greatest authors I have come across!

Z3US posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 4:00pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Just one word:

brilliant !


Grukal posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 9:08pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

You know, i like this story. It has something that made me read it to the end. I like that. Keep up the good job

smartypants posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 11:17am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

Awesome, one of the best fics I've read since Lori's Paradigm of Uncertainty. :)

I especially enjoy your hilarious disclaimers at the beginning of every chapter. :D

Please keep up the good work!! I told myself I'd take a break from reading after I finished Sunset...but I think I need to go read Sunrise to see what happens next! just one more paragraph...or maybe one chapter...?

lovemoonyforever posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 4:20am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This was a fantastic story! I can't say everything I enjoyed, that would be to much, but I liked Emma and Dan very much (and their great names:)

Sterling posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 3:12am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

This was a very enjoyable read. There are points here and there where I didn't like how you handled things. But in the end it was a well done story and quite entertaining. Thanks.

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Wednesday 14th June 2006 11:21pm for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

I have read your story more then twice and minus the whole military parts which confused the hell out of me, its the best written story I have ever read. And i have read quite a lot. I DO SO HOPE The the sequel will be just as good. Please keep up the great work and effort.
Ailish McKechnie.

Pointer posted a comment on Tuesday 6th June 2006 11:24am for British Lockup and Brotherhood Reborn

That's a heck of a story.
