Sunset Over Britain
Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
By Bobmin
wstphal posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2012 4:16pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
I just wanted to share a comment in response to the AN.
There are good literary uses of person switching. I think it's _Bleak House_ by Charles Dickens that alternates chapters between a 1st person narrator & and a 3rd person omniscient narrator. Switching narrators &/or persons within a chapter is much more difficult for a reader and probably not a good idea in general, but good writers can handle it.
I think the two of you could.
darridle posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2011 9:16am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
and again Dumbles is the reason for Voldy's rise to (more) power. Can't say I'm suprised
... bad Bob n Alyx, you said no more cliffies *points up* n what is that then? *evil smile* well, no cliffy for me, cause the next chappy is already posted *goes after it*
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th January 2011 5:11pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Well... I didn't see THAT coming. Dean Thomas firing off an AK is new. I love surprises though, so good one! I've read enough FF to not be surprised easily, but you two have done it quite a few times now.
cello posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 6:26am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Whoa, had to catch my breath. Ya know, that really is a stupid expression...anyway...caught me offguard. Afraid of the next chapter; if this were a film I'd cover my eyes. Well done.
vadimb posted a comment on Friday 7th May 2010 6:21am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
"’s rare that you find a published book that uses more than one person’s point of view"
AFAIR, one of the oldes books in the world had a pretty imprtant wizard's deeds described by 4 different people. Just about 2000 years ago. Originally, there was more like 30 of them, but the critiques decided that it was too much and cut the numbers down.
Also, the famous trilogy by William Faulkner did POV shifts constantly for 3 books and it's at the top of my list of best books ever.
One thing I can agree with - not everybody can do it right.
Flower248 posted a comment on Thursday 15th April 2010 12:05pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
The square root of pi is as follows
Shall I go on?
Thank you for writing such an excelent story.
Paul Blay posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 11:47am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
"I know that, Hermione. Mum wasn’t an Animagus and neither am I."
Congratulations on having a story where Harry tries to become an Animagus, but can't. In every either story either he doesn't look into it, or Harry (and generally three quarters of the light-side cast) end up as animagi.
wilfite posted a comment on Thursday 14th January 2010 2:12pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
"Suddenly a machine barks and killing all on the stage." After the last authors notes saying one of your peeves is not testing a beta, I have to say I think yours is sleeping on the job.
Bexis posted a comment on Monday 12th October 2009 4:42am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Pet peeves: Second line first word of the standard disclaimer "Snap" for "Snape." Also every time I see (not here) "loose" where "lose" is meant.
It looks like Dumbledore, who started out overly manipulative and vain, but not Dark, has gone over to the other side.
kryptikk79 posted a comment on Sunday 7th December 2008 6:13am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
avada kedavra.
Marvin posted a comment on Saturday 17th November 2007 10:52pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
I hope I finish this story today.
You keep the circle round :)
Lord Slytherin posted a comment on Monday 12th November 2007 12:05am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
1.77245385 is the square root of pi....and on another note this is a bloody fantastic story
lucindahall posted a comment on Wednesday 17th October 2007 10:13am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
I heard about your fics from Harmony Podcast and the summary to Sunset Over Britain sounded so intriguing that I immediately began to read the fic. I would like to say that I'm really enjoying this fic, especially the disclaimer ad pet peeves section, I enjoy your sense of humor. Thank you for writing HP fics.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 11:50am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
You know this chapter raised alot of questions but also answered some previous ones from earlier chapters.
For the previous you know exposed it to be Dean Thomas to be the latest Gryphindor traitor. Now for the current, will that Git ever get a clue that he CAN'T change the current history? (Which git? I mean Dumbles.) Can't he ever be content he'll always have an animated portrait in Hogwarts to be a pest to Riddle? *look off to the nearby future* Dumbles portrait just calling up his and Riddles past in the Head Office trying to call him 'my dear boy' and how Riddle can 'still turn to the Light...' Then Riddle using Dumbles portrait in ways of inovative torture for his DE's. *laughs* I must say you two have me thinking. Ja ne!
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 3rd June 2007 4:08am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
I guess that answers the question as to whether Filius was going to be able to remove Dumbly's memory charm(s) and help Ron.
Good job with Harry's talk to Remus; you almost had me believing he was serious at first (I should've known better, considering your comments about HBP).
So another Killing Curse on Harry. Of course, he can't be dead, or the story would be over (and no sequel). Perhaps it was an illusion like with Draco.
Amber Dragon posted a comment on Wednesday 14th March 2007 11:54am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Wasn't your Pet Peeve in the last chapter improper grammar mistakes that result in not testing your beta? Here is a mistake that I found in this chapters disclaimer:
Suddenly a machine barks and killing all on the stage.
Wrong tense!
Bobmin356 replied:
That's the key point though, isn't it? The disclaimers and AN's are never beta read. They are the last things added to each chapter after it's been beta'd (which is mentioned in an AN for one of the chapters, I think). Nice try, though. I'm sure if you really want to hunt through the beta'd portion of each chapter, you'll find a mistake or two that was missed. However, you'll miss out on a lot of great fan fiction on the net if you spend all your free time hunting for them. And in the end, what does it get you? Not a lot, I'd wager.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2007 8:17am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
I still don't think Ollivander is fully human, but I like him.
Minerva's appropriate punishment comment was on target. His last minutes would have been filled with terror.
So a half blood was supporting a half blood who preached pureblood superiority. Did anyone ever notice Voldemort sounds like Hitler. They both talk of a superior race, but neither would fit into their own idea of superior race (or blood).
Maleficus-lupus posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 9:48am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
*wince* I as usual spoke before double checking my facts, please ignore my usual idiocy.(except for the avid reader part)
Maleficus-lupus posted a comment on Friday 2nd March 2007 9:46am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Just a minor note, I think Millicent should have said "I LOWERED the Acromantula Barrier." Rather then: "I raised the Acromantula barrier." Since raised is usually thought of as meaning activated rather then deactivated.
Ever an avid fan,
hill89 posted a comment on Monday 15th April 2013 3:10pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses