Sunset Over Britain
Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
By Bobmin
beauty0102 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 11:46pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
yeah great chapter can't wait for more.
Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 9:02pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST!!!!!!!! now i know what they were talking about on the yahoo group. no freaking way can you let harry die! then youh ave no story. so there :P and romany too?? i really liked her! can't say i'm unhappy about umbridge though. i did like how harry made remus get off his arse and do right by tonks. can't wait to see their little pups! ok so you have to write more, like right stinking now or else you will be plagued w/little pink alan rickmans (worse than snape in a dress ya think!). much love!
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 8:35pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
great chapter, update soon!
Riven posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 2:48pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
AWSOME CHAPTER!! deffinetly a O+++
it will be interesting to see how you keep harry alive after bring hit with that curse, and he must still be alive because the prophecy says only voldie can kill harry. too bad about romany though, that sux, and who will protect hogwarts while harry is absent?
it would have been cooler if harry had made some kind of shield ward that went up around the castle preventing ANYONE from entering or exiting.
i cannot wait for the next chapter.
patrik svensson posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 12:38pm for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
grejt story,
keep upp the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 11:41am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
AHH!! a Cliffy. One thing I know Harry is not dead! its a story about him. Dean Thomas a bad guy, thats a first. Keep it up you two.
Finbar posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 11:34am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
DAMM! Harry got hit with the Killing curse. You are just evil. I am dearly hoping that this is another of his illusions that was taken to the Ministry, not that he will be tortured horribly. I think that him getting horribly tortured and then either breaking out or being rescued might be a bit Cliche'd.
Dean Thomas was the Death Eater? Well, he IS a halfblood according to Rowling. That said, is Kingsley his father? Damm Shak for turning traitor:(
So, the attack is all the cue they need to begin the evacuation, as Hogwarts is no longer safe?
noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 10:58am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
You killed Harry! Of course not, but got some splainin' to do. You (two?) are the best. Nice length chapters, regular updates, interesting stories, no whining about reviews (no reader guilt). Now, if you would just let Harry have both Hermy and Ginny, it would be near perfect. Thank God for no Draco/Ginny. I can't read those. Even redeemed Draco...I can't see Ginny ever in love with him The problem with all non-H/G stories, is the lack of explanation of where Ginny's love/infatuation/crush went. It just seems to disappear.
My first rule for a truly outstanding fanfic is: LV dead, Snape dead, Draco dead, Dumbledor dead or forced out of employment, and (if possible) The Daily Prophet being sued of all assets for what it did to Harry.
Eliew posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 10:58am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses the part when Hermione realised what happened to the relics, knew something like that would happpened. Love too, how the twins were kids once more, playing with 'toy' armies. Luckily they weren't a set of triplets, nor were there planes that was being collected for preservasion. Unfortunatley Harry wasn't there, if not he could maybe get back a little of his lost childhood. But I love how Harry reacted upon thinking that Hermione is in trouble, did whatever is necessay to reach her as soon as possible.
Just wondering though, why did Dumbledore betray Snape especially when he already knew what Snape have uncovered regarding the power enhancing rituals, is he hoping for a more challenging Dark Lord to fight?
As for what happen to Ronald, I'll say good riddance, especially after what he has done to his ex-sister and her boyfriend. I like the idea of how the back of the greenhouse six is opened to the forest, but just one thing. Why would there be Acromantulas there, unless its a favourite hunting ground to them, though I failed to see how there will be prey there, since the area is actually part of the green house. And just how are the predators chased away from the area when someone need to have access to the trees.
Hmm.. will we be seeing Snape more often now for the opening Disclaimers?
And what is going to happen to Harry and Minevra? Harry certainly would survive, if only barely, but I fear for the Headmistress. Please do not add her to the list of people reciting the the disclaimer before the curtain open....
Ah... and the power sharing rituals... would that make the thirteen as powerful as Harry? Or would it even out the power Harry currently possess? Well, my guess on the recipents would be Hermione, Draco, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Minevra(if she survive her current ordeal), Tonks, Remus and the Twins. Bill, Amelia, Charlie, Ollivander and Narcissa would be among those who could be potential recipents as well, and if muggles could become magical through this, then the Grangers too. The best would be if the Grangers could be included, since nobody would expect them to suddenly be able to retaliate, thus giving them the element of surprise.
lbfan posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 10:48am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Good choice to kill off the main character. I love doing that as well. Nothing is better than a dead Harry at the end of a chapter.
Those who refuse to believe the main character has truly died will continue to read the next chapter.
Personally, I'm an optimist. I look forward to your next glorious chapter in this wonderful book.
minervakitty posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 9:50am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Yes!!!!!! Finally a decent way of killing Ron by his worse fear!!!! How long would it take for Ginny and Neville to recover from the attack that got Ron, his just desserts? Is Snape regretting his involvement with Dumbledore? Dumbledore is now short of one person that believes in him. I wonder if Harry would be able to get him and McGonagall out from the Ministry? Is Snape going to change for Harry to rescue him? Oh, a fitting way for Umbitch to die as well!!! I do hope that the person that tries to separate Harry from his staff gets killed. Just how many more people does Harry need to get?
Kathleen posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 9:30am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Oh, no!!! But Harry can't have died. He can't...there's a he's the MAIN CHARACTER...
please write quickly! :)
Manatheron posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 8:50am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
wait... NO! --Sob-- I've come to the end of your written work.
Excellent story, I'm not sure I agree with your Harry-Potter-Survived-the-killing-curse-yet-again approach, but it's somthing... on the other hand if your hoping that I'll forget about the basilisk skin then your Dead wrong. Of course by that token the defense professer might have survived to, that would be a nice... I rather like her.
as for the title, I half expected the betrayl to come from inside the padfoot complex. rather than refering to snape. out of courisity, is harry going to gain a power boost from that ritual as well? because as I read it he won't as the focus... perhaps I'm wrong.
also 'the relm of Uther's son' ? couldn't you have just said the relm of King Arthur? and I thought that harry was fleeing TO there, wouldn't that be Avalon? or is that only one island of it?
... -sigh- so many questions so little time.
Keep up the excellent work!
PS. I still have an Idea that could convult your story even more, but in a really interesting way!
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 8:32am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Great Chapter! But to leave it off like that... You know you're going to be hounded by people requesting the next chapter? :-) Can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the good work and update again soon.
azntgr01 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 8:32am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Great as usual. ^^
Matt posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 8:25am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Obviously, Harry is not dead. But...I dunno...that battle just seemed...odd. And of course you had to leave a goddamn cliffhanger...grrr.
sliver-of-moonlight posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 7:32am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
"Avada Kedavra".
And i was wondering if I could use your sorting hat poem, or part of it, for my story.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 7:19am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Very nice cliffie, there; worthy of the best of 1930's serials. I'll be interested in seeing how this one resolves.
I suspect, given the number of prisoners in open cages at Azkaban, that Voldemort is already researching The ritual of Anthrokrak prior to Snape's capture. I'd already suspected them for a blood magic rite before this ritual was mentioned.
Mark posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 6:27am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses
Oh, BTW Avada Kedavra
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 27th October 2005 1:33am for Padfoot, Betrayals and Curses