Content Harry Potter


RockBiter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th August 2008 4:32am for The Matura Magicus

Hi Guys,

I'm new to this site, after finding your work on and reviewing Dumbledore's Army. After a visit to your author page, I discovered you had left there and probably would never see the reviews. But, anyway, here I am, still reading.

This is such a generous thing for you to do--providing us all with an outlet for our frustration while we wait for more Harry. That wait, apparently, has been extended with the dirty little trick Warner Brothers has decided to pull. (Don't get me started on the fact that they have lied to children.)

It has been a little difficult for me to get my head around the changes you have made in character and place, but I enjoyed the two on FF immensely and am looking forward to seeing what you'll do here.

Viki Worley posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 9:43pm for The Matura Magicus

While I do not usually like a Harry Hermione ship I do like this story so far. I totally agree with you over the authors begging for reviews...usually I don't finish reading a fic if the author is of that mind set.

I like the idea of you taking an idea and running with it to see where it will go. Good work!

Off to read some more.


Crystal Snape posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 5:29am for The Matura Magicus

I Really Like The Story So Far!!! Keep It Up!!!!;p

David305 posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 12:11am for The Matura Magicus

Dear Bobmin,
I was just wondering if you have just now decided to post this story on Fan Fiction dot net, or if you're being plagiarized.
This first chapter has just been posted there. The listed story name is "Britain's Darkest Hour". The listed author is AustinHP91. The URL is Britain's Darkest Hour

If not -- sic 'em!! (g)

King Darius posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 4:59pm for The Matura Magicus

good story so far, but i noticed a slight flaw in logic, and the only reason i can think of doing it the way you did would be to show Hermione's determination to support harry. its the part where you have remus and the others putting him in the bed and have hermione carry the IV while harry is naked. the problem being, that remus could have easily leveitated both harry and the IV, and even if he could only levitate one, hermione would be able to leave the room.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 1:46am for The Matura Magicus

Good start, and just so you know, I normally review seldomly too, as the story is a whole, not parts. I also agree with the "i only write to get reviews" thing, I do hint that I like getting suggestions and such, but it's not why I write. Only one question, what site is black-phoenix-warrior on?

dougal74 posted a comment on Sunday 16th March 2008 2:35am for The Matura Magicus

Good start, great chapter.

Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 12:26am for The Matura Magicus

Wow, I really need to leave FFN more. But right now I am blazing in anger. I hate Dumbledore more than any other fictional character in history, and sincerely hopes he gets his just desserts. I can't wait! This is amazing, and I'm now going to devour the other chapters you have posted.

Thank you for taking the time to write. I know it can be frustrating.

And Fudge has backbone! That is stunningly rare. In my entire lifetime, I have never read a fic where the Ministry actually HELPS Harry. XD

goldy23 posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2008 1:37pm for The Matura Magicus

So far i am really into i dont wanna say anything until i read the whole story

teddylonglong posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 1:13am for The Matura Magicus

Love the story - Brilliant

atruwriter posted a comment on Thursday 3rd January 2008 6:09pm for The Matura Magicus

I'm absolutely loving it so far! I've sat here, totally and utterly enthralled with it as it went along. Just the first chapter alone was incredible. I can't wait to read more. Unfortuantely, it's two in the morning, so I'll have to come back to this in the morning. Until then!:D

dadscooking posted a comment on Saturday 22nd December 2007 1:15am for The Matura Magicus

the problem i having leaving reviews is that I don't know how long ago this was posted and if you will ever see it. Oh well, I absolutely love your sense of humor while writing. The irreverent Cynicism is refreshing. I know this is only chapter 1 and I am somewhat gushing but hey, it's Harry Potter fan fiction. Not like this is War & Peace or such.

Keep writing and should you publish anything (and from someone who reads incessantly, you are better than most) let me know.

Best regards,

Bobmin356 replied:

Well we might not reply to every review, but we do see them.

And while it might not be war and peace, you are starting a two part tale that took over a million words to tell.

Enjoy reading and thanks for dropping us a note.

Bob and Alyx

2ndsly posted a comment on Friday 21st December 2007 12:55pm for The Matura Magicus

I think it started rather plainly.
When the story open up it started with facts stated almost as plainly as I could imagine
writing it.
However thew story has a good plot and I feel
that things are stated so plainly in the beggining because the basic facts and
misconceptions people could have needed to be
delt with.

Personally I think you could have done better than that but there is not anything wrong with
the way you delt with it. I just don't feel
it makes for the best opening.

I dont have a lot of experiance writing so
if I'm out of line tell me.

I think it could be better because I read
Dumbledores_Army over at

exalilent story by the way,
But I'm not sure if i will read the sequle.

Marvin posted a comment on Thursday 15th November 2007 11:58pm for The Matura Magicus

That's all that's left to say for me :)
Great story, really.
Thought that the Harry/Hermione is comming to fast, but the story waves over that :)
Interessted in how it goes on

Tammerz posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 8:21am for The Matura Magicus

This story was recced on the Yahoo group for A Year Like None Other by Aspeninthesunlight for having an excellent Draco/Luna pairing. As I have only read the first chapter, I haven't encountered this yet. However, I AM immensely enjoying the story so far. The writing tone is great, easy to understand, but concise. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this!

Bobmin356 replied:

You have a long way to go before you see Luna/Draco in this story. It does happen, and it is one of the romances we follow. However Luna Draco comes later in the fic. It is one of the principle romances in the story, but not the main one.

Keep reading, you'll get there.

nimistar posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 1:08am for The Matura Magicus

this is the second time reading the story and i still must say its one of the best. just wish you would post it on other websites, i was lucky to find it and so many people are missing out on such a great story.

nintschi posted a comment on Saturday 27th October 2007 6:44am for The Matura Magicus

Hi I really like this beginning it was recomanded by a steve 2 :)
I love the idea with Magical Maturis good idea. so I write this review even though I know there is a sequal already.
so update soon is stupid to say but I am happy to read more Nintschi

Chris26 posted a comment on Monday 22nd October 2007 5:04pm for The Matura Magicus

Well this story certainly starts well.

The Dursley's are gits !!! I want something bad to happen to them! Maybe you could roast them on fire are something ... and throw in Dumbledore as well, he surely deserves ... wait scratch that ... I'm sure you have something (un)pleasent for him in your story.

Well I liked the fact that Remus came to Hermione and her parents for help in taking care of Harry, but how the Order didin't know of his visit if Moddy was "watching" the Grangers.

Well it surely shows how "efective" the Order is ...

Harry and Hermione are falling for each other hard ... I liked the scene where Harry was "persuading" Hermione to have some "fun" in the afternoons. I wonder what kind of "fun" it will be ...

The Weslays are also in trouble aren't they ... Arthur and Molly had the best intentions for their "family" in taking part of stelling Harry's money ... but when the "younger" members of their family will learn ( I mean Ginny,Fred,George,Bill,Charlie ... I don't know about Percy but ...)

And Ron ... well Ron was a git in four'th year wasn't he ... and he was a little jelous about Harry's welth ... so when he learned that he could also be "rich" ... well it certainly is in't OC for him ... and it is another fact for the theory what too much money does to "some" persons.

And I'm not defending him !!!
I think that you should feed him to a bunch of spiders or something , I don't care about the redhead GIT.

Anywhy Good story so far with a twist for sure.
And this chapter also shows that you both are better writers then JK ... because I don't think that she could have such good ideas as for ... example ... I don't know "The Matura Magicus"

Onto chapter 2 I think ...

k13cat posted a comment on Sunday 21st October 2007 7:57am for The Matura Magicus

Wonderful start to the story. I like the twist of an evil Ron -- quite plausible. I like Neville better anyway. As I've only read the first 2 books I don't know where the Grangers stand in canon, but I like their greater inclusion thus far.

Your author notes are great, particularly the pet peeves. I too absolutely Loathe "fic for ransom" as I like to call the demands for x # of reviews before the author will consider posting more. That is only one of my pet peeves.

Mionefan posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2007 2:40am for The Matura Magicus

Nice to see an author that does a decent job on a Harry - Hermione fan fiction