Sunset Over Britain
The Matura Magicus
By Bobmin
verhausen posted a comment on Wednesday 26th September 2007 12:24am for The Matura Magicus
Great story! It's great to find a story where the adults are actually acting as adults and have finally realized that Harry is being manipulated. You have done a wonderful job with the writing and the imagery.
Christophe Thomas posted a comment on Thursday 6th September 2007 1:37am for The Matura Magicus
like the ideas :) looks like its going to be an all nighter again
dolia posted a comment on Friday 31st August 2007 9:02am for The Matura Magicus
i realy like this story.can't wait to read more.
Ask posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 8:02am for The Matura Magicus
Hmmm.... this is turning out to be a pretty interesting story...Ron's evil...i like that but dumble dore? I don't know..But i guess for the sake of the story...I do like the pairing and i also like the fact that not all the weasley are into this ...evil plot. It add a uniqueness...Any way great story and keep writing...!!!
LuckyBitch posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 6:48pm for The Matura Magicus
this story is just not the same as all others, it has something very attractive and i even cant tell what it is. btw the idea of dumbledore bad doesnt sound really good :] anyways, after the first chapter its my favourite story ;] good job
Clell65619 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th August 2007 8:40am for The Matura Magicus
Lord you can write. This is easily the most powerful first chapter of any Fic I've ever read. I'm sorry I came to this one so late, but at least I don't have to wait for the next chapter.
joeBob posted a comment on Tuesday 7th August 2007 5:39pm for The Matura Magicus
One of the many things that bug me about canon in HBP and DH is the totally gratuitous way that JKR killed off Amelia Bones.
I wonder if it is partly your fault.
Your wonderful stories keep casting her in the role that JKR NEVER seems to write... A COMPETENT, caring, justice-seeking adult.
The canon Amelia's death violates Checkov's law and other good story telling tenets and logically makes little sense in the light of DH.
Do you think that JKR did it as a slap to the excellent fan fic writers that try and inject a believable/heroic adult into her world?
Misato Katsuragi posted a comment on Thursday 2nd August 2007 12:02pm for The Matura Magicus
The story is great, but I feel that you use the capital letters too often.
AzraeltheFallen posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 11:00pm for The Matura Magicus
Loved the first chapter, and really liked the length of it. In the beginning I wasn't very keen on the entire Dumbledore is evil idea, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense.
Great story, and with it finished and an other one to follow I know I have allot of hours in front of me:P
Idiot977 posted a comment on Saturday 21st July 2007 2:01pm for The Matura Magicus
Your story is awesome already. I totally agree with you on the pet peeve. Thank god you aren't one of those people.
TA posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 10:01am for The Matura Magicus
Hey, one thing wrong with the names that I noticed in another one too. It is Ginerva Weasley not Ginevra.
Bobmin356 replied:
Sorry, but you're wrong. Even the Lexicon says it's Ginevra, not Ginerva...
Tazspaz posted a comment on Friday 15th June 2007 1:15am for The Matura Magicus
That was awesome, I love the super Harry fics, but it is so hard to find a good one out there. Keep it up.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 8:34am for The Matura Magicus
First and foremost, you have a intresting review box. This is a first that I've seen with the 'quote, URL, @ and image' as an option.
As for the canon part...PLEASE keep drifting as far as possible! (Unless Ms R decides to change things in her last book. I'm very much hoping she will correct that.) I love H/Hr pairing. You're also making Dumbledore to so-called-Light version of Voldermort. I myself would call Dumbledore dark grey. I'm going to enjoy this story alot I can tell.
mythic77 posted a comment on Friday 8th June 2007 2:15am for The Matura Magicus
Have enjoyed it so far, and I'm looking forward to the rest. I heartily agree with your attitude about withholding chapter updates until a certain number of reviews are received. In my own writing, I go so far as to never post the first installment until the story is complete, although I admit I haven't written that much fan fiction---just a few on HPFF. In any case, good job.
Firebolt2006 posted a comment on Sunday 20th May 2007 10:06am for The Matura Magicus
First, in answer to your authors notes. I like your attitude and agree totally about the canon pickers and the comments about other authors and reviews. That's one reason why I'm leaving a review. The second is this is a totally 150% AWESOME story. I love AU. You can do anything. And I really like your take on Dumbledork. After reading all the JKR versions, I find it very easy to believe that some of your ideas about Dumbledore is true. I know this is a completed story, but felt it important to let you know it was great!!!!
James13 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st May 2007 2:49pm for The Matura Magicus
Second time through reading this, and it's even more absorbing then it was the first time. I missed so many details! Good job guys :)
Katar Jin posted a comment on Monday 9th April 2007 12:47am for The Matura Magicus
wow your chapters are big looks good so far this fic may take me a few days. good thing im off all week
wolfey posted a comment on Sunday 25th March 2007 2:03am for The Matura Magicus
hey i kno you prob hate when people do this but i noticed one thing wrong with your first chapter. when you mentioned the article bout hermione and harry dating. that happened in fourth year. you said third.
Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 6:27am for The Matura Magicus
Even though this is the fourth time i have read this chapter i wanted to ask one thing? Taquella and Lime Jello....EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
Bad i have to dryclean my brain for reading that.
hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 9:21am for The Matura Magicus