Sunset Over Britain
The Matura Magicus
By Bobmin
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 23rd June 2006 10:21pm for The Matura Magicus
Why didn't they leave Harry's boxers on? Otherwise wonderful beginning. Poor Harry, but I liked Hermione's description. Is everyone actually evil or is there something else going on? Loved the name Padfoot Manor. Great beginning.
Sterling posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 7:42am for The Matura Magicus
This is decently written but I have some problems with some of your premises...One, that Remus would go to the Granger's for help. He may trust Hermione but going to a pair of muggle dentists to help with a wizard's health? Two, you are caricaturizing Ron. He has his problems but he isn't nearly as bad as you are making him out to be. It IS possible to have a H/Hr story without Ron being made into a villain or killed off or something. Three, The ways you are having Molly Weasley and Dumbledore act is nearly ludicrous and totally out of character. Molly would never be interested in Harry's money and Dumbledore would never condone the use of potions on Hermione to keep her "under control". Later on you actually make Dumbledore seem as dark as Voldemort in some ways. I'll keep on reading just to see if you have any justifications for this bizzarre behaviour by your characters. But you are really stretching the bounds of believeability in this first chapter of yours. I don't mind AU's but dang it if the characters are warped to far from their roots there is no real reason to even write a fanfic. Just come up with your own characters and run with it.
Pointer posted a comment on Sunday 4th June 2006 9:04am for The Matura Magicus
"if you’re writing fan fic for reviews only, don’t bother writing."
Heh, I was always told authors write because they must, not because they wished. :)
Good start to an interesting story.
the_elusive_snitch posted a comment on Sunday 4th June 2006 7:21am for The Matura Magicus
I really like this story so far. You've portrayed
Ron as what I believe to be somewhat close to his actually character in the books. He's a prat... at times perfectly content to turn on Harry like all the rest; and at best he's a fawning sycophant. I like the H/Hr relationship. Based on the first five books it makes the most sense (don't know what JKR was thinking or if she even was when she wrote book six. know this story is already finished and the sequal is in progress while I'm reading but keep up the good work with your writing.
DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 11:03pm for The Matura Magicus
wow i love you'r story the twists amazing. I really love how everyone wants to use harry not help him except hermione and moony and hermione's parents and director Bones.
Cyborg posted a comment on Monday 15th May 2006 6:12am for The Matura Magicus
very fresh and original. i was getting bored of the same fanfics in different costumes. ;)
kittykatluver posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 11:02pm for The Matura Magicus
It was.... beautiful! I can't wait till I have time to read the next chapter. It's a nice change from what I usually read about HP.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 3:26am for The Matura Magicus
Outstanding start.
Stalicon posted a comment on Monday 24th April 2006 9:34am for The Matura Magicus
well that was....crappy you have harry being to emotinal, no guy, even an abused one, would ever start cring in front of a female friend every five minutes. Not saying that we don't cry just that mister keep to myself would burst into tears and let his friend see it.
Also Relashinship seems to move to fast.
Though writing and overall story was pretty good.
Liannakanzacki posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 4:51am for The Matura Magicus
dude.... my partner reads fanfics alot and this is the first one he's shown me. and Dude you rock ^^ you've got me hooked after 1 chapter :>
lianna k
chapps posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 8:40pm for The Matura Magicus
yeah !!! Great opening, wow... how quickly you've set the chess board... very nice, can't wait to read more :)
Alan Johanson posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 3:17pm for The Matura Magicus
As always, I enjoy your writing. I must admit to having misgivings, since I really don't fancy Harry/Hermione, but you do not disappoint.
Well done - keep it up.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Monday 20th February 2006 11:05pm for The Matura Magicus
This is a frightening AU story concept. It shakes me to think about a Dumbledore in this light.
But, it is an excellent start for a story.
AJ4 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st February 2006 1:02pm for The Matura Magicus
Like the story so far! Really liked DA and SC from I must read more! --AJ : )
Lillith Desiree posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 7:38am for The Matura Magicus
I love this story it is amazing so far! I give a good old fashioned round of applause for this chapter considering it's all i've read so far but i do love manipulative basterd Dumbledore stories because as of the moment i'm rather pissed off at old Dumble for his actions in the past 5 years and book six is rather unrealistic. I mean Harry just lost the closest thing he had to a parent he wouldn't just get oer it and forgive Dumbledore for his excessive manipulations and the fact that at the end he went into a deeper period of grieving than he did for Sirius is highly unjustifed.
Josh5 posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 8:26am for The Matura Magicus
This seems as though it is going to be an excellent story! Well onward to see what else happens to dear old Harry!!
EricThorsen posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 1:53am for The Matura Magicus
interesting idea... wonder how this will turn out.
Tildessmoo posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 12:27am for The Matura Magicus
I do believe I have not been disappointed from my earlier expectations. The Powerful Harry has been done before, but only because it is such a wonderful addition to so many plots, and yours is among the most interesting methods I have yet seen. As for Dumbledore, I'm used to seeing him be manipulative in fanfics (and my own mind; Harry's relationship with him in HBP actually surprised me), but this goes beyond the pale. Which is a good thing - stretching the "reality" of canon in amazing ways, and while I know you don't like people to compare fanfics with canon, I must say that this actually seems quite compatible with JKR's work up through OotP, and as well written as hers, as well.
I must say that Ron took me by surprise, and I'm not sure where to fall with the Weasley parents (I suppose later chapters will tell me whether they were using Harry or helping him anyway and just taking advantage of the perks of doing so - if they were in enough trouble financially Molly and Arthur might be able to justify such things to themselves). Sorry for being so speculative in the first out of twenty-five-plus-four written chapters, but I tend to write as I think, so it comes out in a bit of a stream-of-consciousness style.
One thing I'll mention is, if you care about Brit-picking (which you may not, being an American writing predominantly for Americans (especially yourself; the best authors write for themselves first and foremost it seems)) is that the characters would probably be using the metric system, and Harry's temperature, therefore, would be measured in degrees Celsius. Thus, normal body temperature (98.6F) would be 37 degrees C,an average temperature of 101F would be 38.(3 repeating)C, a 105F fever would be 40.6C (technically, 40 point 5-repeating), and if it dropped to 99 degrees that would be 37.(2 repeating). Rounding off since my numbers are calculated, not read from a thermometer, of course. And, while I'm being annoyingly pedantic, the formula for conversion is C=F-32*(5/9) or degrees Celsius equals five ninths of thirty-two less than degrees Farenheit.
Sorry for the thermal measurements lesson; reading so much about Hermione in SOB and Parallels is bringing out the know-it-all in me, I guess.
Tildessmoo posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:46pm for The Matura Magicus
Okay, before I even begin reading, I've already got something to comment on. This is a frickin' book! Baen Books (whom I hope will be publishing my work within a year or so) generally accepts manuscripts of 100-130 thousand words; this is nearly three times their upper limit! Having seen how well you write in Parallels, and having read the description, I can't believe this will be anything less than epic, and I imagine if I can manage to get this printed and bound it will wind up on my shelf next to "To Green Angel Tower" by Tad Williams (paperback version printed in two volumes to keep it from falling apart)- and taking up even more space! And there's a sequel, too... The "Lord of the Rings" of fanfiction! Expect more reviews when I've actually read something to review!
Z3US posted a comment on Wednesday 28th June 2006 5:25am for The Matura Magicus