Content Harry Potter


Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 12:11am for The Matura Magicus

Interesting start... I have been avoiding starting this fic, as I know it'll eat too much time (when I get hooked, I just don't manage to stop), but... it's a quiet start to the year, the kids are out, hubby's reading Abraxan's wonderful story, so why not. I'll try to behave and not throw everything else over board.

That said, I must admit I love the start. I like the idea of H/H, especially when it means Happy Harry... And Dumbledore being a complete ass is about time, someone need to expose his actions. Thank you for doing that, thank you for writing, and thank you for satisfying my craving for Powerful!Harry. I sure look forward to this ride, and hope I'll manage to take it slow....

Hugs and Happy Harry New Year!


Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Monday 21st November 2005 2:03pm for The Matura Magicus

I'm very intrigued so far. But it's midnight and I have to get up at 5, so I'll have to read more tomorrow. :-(
I am uncomfortable with DD being a bad guy, but am going with it because, as I said, I'm intrigued to learn where this is heading.

Anna1 posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 11:32pm for The Matura Magicus

I have just started reading your story and I think it's amazing. You have good style and believable characterisations (although they are obviously very far from the canon). I like the way you write, without wasting too much time on describing things that are not really necessary (like going on and on forever about how much Harry is suffering). Also cheers for Hermione's parents names...

light fan posted a comment on Friday 18th November 2005 1:25am for The Matura Magicus

The farther off canon, the better. I didn't like bk 5 and I don't know anyone who liked HBP. I love Harry having extraordinary powers, so I know I'll like the rest of your story. Thanks for sharing. All of your works were recommended by someone posting on portkey. I'd say he was right on the money.

jpotter posted a comment on Wednesday 16th November 2005 2:58pm for The Matura Magicus

this entire story was phenmomenal from beginning to end and I can't wait for the sequel

jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:34pm for The Matura Magicus

O also the ( scene where Dumbledore and McGonagall are bathing in Lime Jello, drinking Tequila shots and playing saxophones while Lemon Drops wearing Cowboy hats dance in a chorus line. Just kidding. Well maybe. Never can tell) thing give me one hell of an orgasam :p and i tell you know i aint kiddin.

Those dancing lemon drops got me so worked up!!

Crazy TeDDy

real names josh tho so yeah :p

jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 5:30pm for The Matura Magicus

OMG! I THINK IVE FALLIN IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! That review thing is so so HOT!!! Ive never knowen many authors not to ask for them but im so happy you said that.

I find it pathic for them to do this if i like your storie enough to read it when im done then ill review.

Well on to what i think about your wounderful storie here.

DEAR MOTHER OF GOD! This is some of the most brillent work ive seen so far. Tho i like some canon i also like this (what did you call it) AU stuff. I just wish i can find more sites with this AU shit. Id be a very happy man thats for sure :p

If you have any pleace to recommand please tell me and to let you know i love dirty stories. ;)

O and i read the refiners fire. Great FF.

Well love the storie and ill read this till my eyes fall out :p GREAT STUFF!!!1

Id kiss you if i could

MattD posted a comment on Tuesday 15th November 2005 2:42am for The Matura Magicus

Love it. The Matura is a great piece of fiction.

Mikee posted a comment on Sunday 13th November 2005 4:06pm for The Matura Magicus

I am so happy to have found your story. I've been looking for updates on it on 'the other site,' but finally got smart and checked your bio page. I am re-reading the story for, I think, the fourth time. Love your story (and the other two on the other site.). Will you re-post there.? I hope so. Anyway, I'm thrilled to have found "Sunset Over Britain" again. Thank you.

Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Saturday 12th November 2005 11:35pm for The Matura Magicus

I am rereading your story here on this site. I was reading it on before.

Rasmus posted a comment on Wednesday 9th November 2005 3:53am for The Matura Magicus

WOW... this is propably one of the best written fics i have ever read, and that is alot.
The plot is so original I had never even thought of something like it. all the fics where Dumbledore is against Harry are all just rediculous, but this one reallt got me hooked... and the long chapter nice. keep writting.
Oh, I was told to keep annoying you for updates by the guy who recommended this story so plzzzzzzzzzzz... update, I'll ber done with this by friday so... update and keep up the good work

Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 6th November 2005 11:18am for The Matura Magicus

I've read a whole boatload of Harry Potter fanfiction, and a couple of them with interesting twists, like for example a story in which Voldemort's defeat is only the beginning, from one of the other Authors on this site network.
But in all my time, this is the first fic where Fudge is actually changing for the better. Good job for making such an intriguing story.


Illucia posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 1:58am for The Matura Magicus

At first I decided to read this story because of Jeconais and Draco664. I mean, come one, if this would be of the same standard as those two, I'd be in heaven.
The story began a bit... slow. I was positively surprised by the lenght of the chapter though. Yet the events continued in the slow pace... how very annoying and so madly torturous. Especially when I hate unjustice. There's nothing worse... almost... than to read chapter after chapter filled with Harry who is heaped on all the wrongness in the world. Particularly when it's well written.
About half way I really got into this. Hermione, discounting few scenes, felt truly IC. Then I was slumped into the part of this where things are told rather than shown and I thought 'well, it was fun while it lasted'. I'm of course talking about the part where Harry is recuperating. It's sudden how things change form being detailed conversations to overall sentences than include a lot of things.
I was wrong to worry as soon it all went back to the 'good' style :)
The scenes have been many but all of them long enough not to make this feel 'jumpy'. Well done! Hermione and Harry, at least now, sound very delicious. All the more so when there clearly is some Ron bashing ahead *evilly rubs hands*
Anyway, I had already decided to drop a review before the next chapter when I read your statement at the bottom of the page. I couldn't believe my eyes. A writer with opinions actually and is actually making a statement!
Just for the record, I totally agree with you. Begging for reviews is ****ty. I'm too stubborn to abandon a good story because the author is an idiot but I'd never leave anything but a sarcastic review, if that, after me. What ever else I migth say, wouldn't obviously be recognised if even understood. (that doesn't include writers under fifteen who I usually shower with praise just to be sure they won't stop writing ;) ...and no, I don't think you're under 15.

Quillian posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 8:10pm for The Matura Magicus

Off to a cool start! This whole thing with the Weasleys being paid by Dumbledore... reminds me of "A Place Where I Belong" by Corwalch. And a good Fudge? Hm, this is a break from the norm, but interesting thus far... Off to read more now! :)

Eliew posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 10:18pm for The Matura Magicus

Interesting start, though it's really sad that most of the people that Harry trusted isn't all that trustworthy, especially the Weasels, save for the twins and Ginny. Now I'm wonder who else within the Order does not know of Albus's ulterior motives, people like Kingsley, Moody, Dung, etc.

Read your A/N regarding canon picking, but still just wanted to point out about the letter from Ron to Hermione where the Prophet was mention. Shouldn't it be 4th year rather than 3rd. If it's written as 3rd on purpose, then ignore this.

Meanwhile I'll continue with my reading. :)

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 11th October 2005 5:14am for The Matura Magicus

A *three HUNDRED and sixty hour* Matura? Given a powerful enough staff, Harry could convert Tom Riddle into so many free protons and electrons using a Blasting curse, or reduce Little Hangleton (the town, not just Riddle's ancestral home) to rubble, shielding or no shielding. (Why a staff? No wand, no matter what it uses for a core, could hope to withstand that sort of casting power for any length of time.) Harry was *already* atop the fifth-year student Power Rankings. (That is scary in and of itself, given that Hermione and Ron had both undergone their Maturas already, and Harry had not.) Now, Harry is as far ahead of Tom as Tom was ahead of Harry at the Battle of the Ministry, if not more so. How much trouble is Tom (let alone Dumbledore) in?

James Jarratt posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 9:51am for The Matura Magicus

I read your other 2 stories on and I loved them. I'll admit when I first find out that ya'll were doing a harry/hermione I wasn't planning on reading it but seeing as I couldnt find any story updates from other authors I love I came across your new story and I was like what the hell I got nothing to do and after reading the first chapter I am liking this story.

jim hood posted a comment on Friday 7th October 2005 11:12am for The Matura Magicus

I want to thank you and your misses for writing such truly GREAT STORIES . I have read all of the stories you both have written and i have reread them so many times that it is just about memorized . But the biggest thing is that i am a avid reader of your material from ffnet(can't believe how anal retentive they have become lol). When i found out you were leaveing and taken your new story away i went into panic mode lol. I just wnat to say thanks agian for the great stories. i have tried my hand at writting found that ernest t. bass is better at prose poetry adnfiction than i am Heh Heh heh

izoomzoom posted a comment on Friday 23rd September 2005 2:37am for The Matura Magicus

I am impressed so far. I normally don't think too much of the H/HR fics (I'm a H/G shipper if I ship at all) but just reading the first chapter you've got some great story lines here. I've always like the uber-Harry plot line and this should be no exception. I'll hopefully get through all the 17 more chapters this weekend and I'll be ready for more...

I _really_ approve of your 'peeve' I feel that begging for reviews is degrading. You do this because it's fun not for the attention. If JK had written HP for the money, it'd never gotten published 'cause it would have sucked and we wouldn't have the world to play in. Keep going!


gummihu posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2005 4:11am for The Matura Magicus

One word. DON’T. Sit on your fingers, take up knitting.

how do you knitt when you're sitting on your fingers??

Great story btw