Content Harry Potter


The Seeker posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2018 3:00pm for The Boy Who Wasn't

Really funny deconstruction of yet another screw up by the infallible (in his own mind) Albus Dumbledore. Loved the deadpan deliveries from Tracey, Susan and Harry. 'You. Chose. The. Wrong. Boy.' is classic. Thanks for the laughs this story generated.

Ronald8472 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th February 2018 8:02am for The Boy Who Wasn't

Plot bunny? More like wererabbit...

Jonn_Wolfe posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 6:29am for The Boy Who Wasn't

There is much snerking and snorting with this reader. Brilliantly funny, loves.

Joris Windels posted a comment on Saturday 13th July 2013 9:44am for The Boy Who Wasn't

RE: (And yes, we mean it's finished. NO SEQUEL SO DON'T ASK)

If we do ask for one, do we get used in one of your delightfully lovely disclaimers? (If so, use Cardolan instead of my real name please

gara5289 posted a comment on Sunday 14th April 2013 11:49am for The Boy Who Wasn't

You could have a lot of fun writing a crack sequel if you wanted. Otherwise a better one-shot then most stories that are out there that use and abuse these cliches.

Bill3 posted a comment on Thursday 10th January 2013 5:35am for The Boy Who Wasn't

Good Fic, How about a sequel? ( Kidding) Loved Parallel, awsome story thank you for sharing these.

keichan2 posted a comment on Wednesday 25th July 2012 9:26am for The Boy Who Wasn't

"a young muggle born witch was killed by a troll" Noooo! You are evil! You killed She-Who-Must-Not-Die! Joke aside, it was a nice story.

Self delusion is as impressive as ever!

Thanks for sharing.

yungatheart posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2012 10:45pm for The Boy Who Wasn't

You are one of the best HP story writers out there and this one is no exception. I can always count on enjoying them. Thanks!

noreenklose posted a comment on Thursday 1st September 2011 10:30pm for The Boy Who Wasn't

I just love this one.
Neville picking flowers. Too cute for words.
Thanks for wtiting it.

ILikeToRead posted a comment on Monday 22nd August 2011 6:52pm for The Boy Who Wasn't

Rather funny tale. Thanks for sharing!

Tenchifew posted a comment on Wednesday 17th August 2011 9:56am for The Boy Who Wasn't

A nice little story that leaves m with a deep sense of satisfaction.
Than you for writing.

Addlcove posted a comment on Sunday 7th August 2011 7:25am for The Boy Who Wasn't

great laugh. would love a sequel though :p

lwj2 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th April 2011 6:13am for The Boy Who Wasn't

Buwahahahahahaha. That's great, thanks.

heren10 posted a comment on Saturday 23rd April 2011 9:27am for The Boy Who Wasn't

Bwah ha ha :)
Nothing like a good pickmeup in the morning, this was excellent

maddsloth posted a comment on Sunday 18th July 2010 3:44am for The Boy Who Wasn't

I think this was the shortest story I ever liked, I was short and to the point while a story of those 7 years would be cool this just worked. Poor old Dumbledore.

CrimsonEmperor posted a comment on Sunday 18th July 2010 1:45am for The Boy Who Wasn't

Lol nice! I'm not asking..... Though the whole Voldemort rules the world when they get back is strangely appealing...

slashslut posted a comment on Saturday 17th April 2010 1:23pm for The Boy Who Wasn't


Jdcavitt posted a comment on Monday 8th March 2010 10:46pm for The Boy Who Wasn't

d'ja have to kill hermione?

LukeJB posted a comment on Monday 22nd February 2010 5:04pm for The Boy Who Wasn't

If you woun't make a sequel, Can I? Please! Please! Please!

DanniKay posted a comment on Sunday 31st January 2010 10:55am for The Boy Who Wasn't

LMFAO!!!!!! YESS! Lol, I always wondered what would have happened if Dumbles had picked Nev. This is amazing haha :) Good job, I wish you would write a sequel, but hey, I'm happy enough with this one :)Cheers,