Content Harry Potter


ED PLATT posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 7:21am

Great story as always very well written and entertaining thank you so much for posting this excellent story. One question where did harry find his elf frick he seems to be a very different elf.

Marius DeJordan posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 7:13am

I have missed your writing. Thanks for this little Gem. I truly enjoyed it and wait for the next.

Greetings from Germany

Ltank687 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 7:13am

i'd like to see a ship other than harry/ginny, even though it is my favorite ship. You guys do a lot of H/G and it would be nice to see that passion in another relationship. Other than that, I enjoyed yet another story from the wonderous bobmin couple! :) congrats

driftrr posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 7:01am

Love this story as much all the others.
You said.
"What about that other story, you know the mutant one?"

Bob shrugged. "We'll get back to it eventually. This and some of the other little one shots are needed to help clear out writing throats so to speak. In the meantime here is the;

For this I have to say thank you since it is one my favorite story you have and to me it show even know it been a while since you updated it that you have not forgoten.

Have fun and my your plot bunnies breed at epadmic rates :-)

Jonathan Langford posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 6:50am

Very nice. I always like it when justice is served.

carlostrong29 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 6:35am

Loved the story. Funny that you never mentioned Neville or Luna, but whatever. Glad to see you two writing again.

nkorah posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 6:09am


She can walk around the UK with a GoodYear sign for a whole month and nobody will know what it's all about.

Now Dunlop is a real tire, Or she can try Michelin or Pirelli...

I'm really glad to have new reading from you, and it's certainly well written and entertaining as always - but storytelling wise -

So the corrupted ministry put pressure on them to advance individual interests, and they used blackmail and pushed back and got what they wanted, and their men back in position of power.

Is that your story? couldn't they change anything basic? didn't they even try to?

I'm a bit disapointed...

Dracolych69 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 6:06am

Nice. Right up there with Clell61659, as far as this type of offering goes. Very nice.

carolebear posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:47am

I'm so glad to see you back! I really missed your stories, especially the Author's notes and disclaimers at the beginning ;). This story was fun, but I'm glad it was published all in one shot. I hate waiting for updates.

txspenguin posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:36am

Really enjoyed reading this. I wish that you would have carried a little farther before you ended it. I would have liked to have read more about Harry's clean-up of the Ministry while showing the growing families of the Potters and Weasleys. I would also like to read a story that dealt with the spell that Harry and Hermione used in this story.
I enjoyed reading this! Keep up the good work.

Danny K posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:34am

Welcome back Bob and Alyx. Thanks for this great addition to the Marriage Law genre. Best wishes to you and your families.

I liked how you were able to keep the family togetherness theme through the fic. With so many authors openly hating Ginny, a good story with She and Harry together is a nice break. Thanks again for all the very pleasurable reading time.

DarthDuncan posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:33am

Great story, I like your spin on an overdone plot device.

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:31am

I've always loved your H&G stories so it's good to have you back.
I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I just could not stop reading.
I loved it to bits and I'm saddened to see it's only a one shot *sigh* but brilliant non the less.
Thanx for writing. C

ps: I feel so sorry for that pony. :)

DaZZa posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:11am

It's great to see you guys posting another story, and I love this one. Angst, revenge, redemption, and Fudge getting shafted - what more could a loyal fan (of yours!) want? :-) Hope things continue to look up for you guys in the future, and you don't abandon us poor weenies who love fan fiction, but don't have the talent to write it ourselves. :-)

Melferd posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:02am

Wow...there is so much to love!!
It's refreshing to find likable Weasleys. I love Ron growing up! Molly as a decent person, with! I adore the answer to Percy, exactly what the snot-nosed idjit required. I can so see Arthur doing exactly what you had him do, working with his boys, just keep going for the good of the family. I really loved the honestly and depth achieved by Ginny and Harry, and the fact that they both had to grow up apart to find each other again.
There's just one small thing:
*glances nervously at Alex's FP of Infinite Attacks (+2)**

um, do we still love Hermione? I mean, enough to have more fun with Harry/Hermione?? Don't get me wrong, *checks air for flying iron** you all could write Harry and Bellatrix (bleh) and make it seem funny and normal. I just...miss H/Hr the way you write them.

Robert Malley posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 4:57am

I just love all your stories. I am glad you are writing again. I enjoyed this one very much.

Andrew2 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 4:28am

Computer repaired this afternoon - £95
KFC Bargin Bucket for supper - £10
New chapter of a Bobmin story - Priceless

Carol Layland posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 4:01am

Iread and reviewed this story over on but could not refuse the opportunity to reread it here as it is truly from two of the best writers that I have ever read and I reread what you have written many times. I am wondering as I was on just what gender Hermione's baby will be. Perhaps in the fullness of time I will get that information. I am very eagerly awaiting your next posting as both your stories and your disclaimers are fun to read. Carol Layland

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:51am

It's good to see you guys posting again. I hope that all of the RL troubles have been sorted out. Are you going to continue this, or is it a one-shot?

willyjoeshow posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 3:24am

Great story,can't wait for your next.
