Content Harry Potter


tangentsferret posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:46pm

Yay for a story, and such an interesting one, too! Boo for no llamas anymore.
As experiments with renovating cliches go, I think this one turned out rather well. Will there be a twisted Severitus forthcoming, then, if the union rules are so strict?

Meg posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:38pm

Glad to see that you two really aren't buried by 25' of snow. I hope that real-life stuff is getting better for you, or at least less painful. :)

To the story!

I liked it..... but. I very much enjoyed the plot of it, as well as the subplots you wove in there. The thing that's keeping me on the "like" side rather than the "love" side is that it felt rushed, and there were a couple of points where I felt like I was missing something. Not anything plot-wise, more character-wise. For me, the characters didn't feel quite as full-formed as in some of your other stories, so I couldn't quite connect with them.

Still, I had a lovely time reading this, sitting with a cup of coffee and in front of the fireplace in my new house. :D Even with this being an H/G fic, my favorite moments in it were Hermione ones. Hermione and Molly talking, and then the Harry interactions.

Thanks for posting this. :) I can't think of a nicer way to take an unpacking break, especially as the house is nice and quiet.


Dakaath@TTH posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:37pm

I'll start off by saying I detest the Harry/Ginny pairing for my own personal reasons. However, from a neutral viewpoint your story is quite good. You really capture the character's feelings and reactions and make it possible to easily see why they are acting they way they are in the situations they're in. Nice job.

fatthom posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:31pm

Nice to see some new work from you. I hope you are well personally.

I do like the one shot, but would love to see a prequel. I do think maybe the ending was a little rushed, but don't want to scare you away:)

Thank You for continuing to entertain in ways many can not.


freakyfinger posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 11:15pm

Yay! You guys are back!! Where have you been??

I do like the new story, but I've been waiting for updates the the Xmen one. It's hard to find good crossover fics.

clt_71 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:45pm

As usual, I love your work. Up to your usual standards...high as a bird in the sky. I know there won't be a "sequal" per se, but will there be any kind of continuation of this line? I can see a few possibilities.

Anyway, great as usual.

justin4 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:34pm

im so glad you guys are back. i was worried that something had happend. glad to know all is right in my fan-fiction world again.

werewolph posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:20pm

Awww, it's only a one off? Damn, this could make a good story.

Nice work though, Similar in vein to your Sunset and Sunrise pieces.

Sandra Smith posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:19pm

This is an excellant story. As much as I detest Harry/Ginny pairings, this chapter was well written. I love a kick ass Harry. Please continue to write this story

DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:12pm

Very interesting concepts, and a good twist on the genre! (too bad it was Ginny, but it wouldn't have worked in any other way)

ian mcfarland posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:11pm

it is good to have you back this story is very good on par with sunset & sunrise 9 out of 10

CRose posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 10:06pm

...Equine Glory!

That line had me Laughing my Ass off. Fudge is always fun to play with.

Entilzah posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 9:42pm

Good to see you back writing, you two.

A fun piece. Nothing too heavy nor light, but enjoyable all the same!

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 9:23pm

Wow, that was great guys. Nice interesting twists for sure. A fun ride. Now harry just needs a great flaming eye on top of his tower. :) Cheers!!!

Chris1 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 9:15pm

Nice to see this one posted here :)

I hope life is improving for you guys.


John1 posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 9:12pm

And here I was worried you had become a victim of Harry Potter burnout I am glad to see I was wrong.

The fic was a little fast paced for how thing went down especially compared to your and Alyx's other fics. Don't get me wrong it I like it is good fic but how could you do that to that poor pony???;)

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 8:52pm

Fun little story. Personally, I think Harry and Ginny got back together too easily/quickly, but unless you wanted to string this story out, this is what had to happen.

BTW, using the transfigured pony (should've used a jackass) was highly entertaining.

Welcome back. Hopefully the issue that drove you away for a time is resolved in as painless a way as possible.

Mark Safransky posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 8:27pm

Ooh, nice one-shot for you coming out of the gate and getting back into writing again. Hope everything turned out okay for you and Alyx. Looking forward to your ramblings in the future!

Corina posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 7:45pm

I am not fond of one shots to be honest, but seeing the length of this you can hardly call it a one shot.

The story was very nice though. I would like to see more. I hope one day you will do a kind of story again like sunset/sunrise. I loved that.

UdderPD posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 7:16pm

Firstly it is very good to have you both back in the world of HPFF.

This story is excellent and I realy enjoyed reading it, so thank you.

Why don't you try to add some more to 'Wizard Falls'? Personally I was never too keen on 'Mutant Storm'.