Content Harry Potter


Meghan posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 8:45am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Another amazing chapter from you both. Though saying it was your longest chapter in the author's notes was redundant. lol ;D What a wonderful way to spend the quiet hours in a day! I'm looking forward to Harry surprising everybody once again. I also think it would be interesting to read another news report from an abroad country looking in on all the mess going on with Britain. Or maybe even a televised report from a Magic Channel. :P I can't think of anything else to say other than that it's always sad to get to an end of one of your chapters because that means I must wait a month or so for the next one. Wishing you both happy writing and happy days.

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 8:26am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Absolutely brilliant chapter!!!

I do miss Crookshanks... and Hedwig... believe it or not... so I am writing a jigger called Crookshanks - A History (based in part on the fact that we had kittens here and one of them looks just like Crookshanks and Rose named it so ...) Coming to a Muirnin's Musings near you soon... *LOL*

I would deliver you donuts but you know how much I detest Idaho after my car accident 2 years ago even though it's not that far from Provo! I think Idaho is out to get me! I know Utah is...

I can't wait to get to read a new chapter, this is truely one of the best series out there and Dan's explaination to Remus as to why he was delegated to the boat rather than to one of the 'companies' was splendid... really made Moony think that he was protecting Harry's most priceless treasure.

Alyx needs more imput in this story... if she comes up with stuff like the interlude between Millie and Minnie... that was delightful... Perhaps they have a new came Kitty/Falcon tag...

Take care to you both, hope you are feeling much better and didn't get too wet from all the rain we got hit with down here

As Always,
Muirnin - who has her own brand new forum

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 8:04am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

This was great! You did a wonderful job describing the battle. I look forward to the next installment. Yes, I know this was early, but that doesn't mean I won't be impatient for chapter 13.

UdderPD posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 7:01am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Another excellent chapter.

Whats with the Doughnuts? I thought that in Potterverse they were called Cauldron Cakes?

Ruth posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 6:27am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Well done guys, loving big bld Neville, always knew e'd get there. Thanks for another great read.

rippergirl posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 6:26am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Loved it!! But of course you already knew that seeing as I have pretty much said the exact same thing after every chapter. Glad to see that you did update sooner. I love going to check my email and seeing that there is another chapter update from you guys. I get so excited! Anyways back to the review. Can't wait to see what Voldy's going to do after teh attack on Azkaban. Anyways read these reviews quickly and get back to posting the next chapter as soon as you can! :)

Deborahsu posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 6:26am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

I'm enjoying your story and wait impatiently for the next installment. This is VERY different from any other HP fanfic I've read. I still have trouble believing that Ron turned bad! Even though it was built on previous behavior ... and you do make it work. BTW, I agree wholeheartedly with your opinion of the official book 6. A waste of paper, doesn't logically follow what came before, and leaves little for the future. Your version is much better! :-)

Badger-dude posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 6:24am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Gd chapter :D

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 6:02am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Well worth the wait. The battle scenes were realistic and I expect Harry and company to learn a lot from this action; I'm sure the Death Eaters will, too, but there's a certain attitude there that probably precludes their learning as much as they could.

Anon-e-mouse posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 5:38am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

I love your story!

for some reason I've always had azkaban off the north east coast of Britain (in the north sea), I'll have to check up on that.

anyway, can't be bothered to find ur address or send donuts to u, so this will have to suffice :)

Serendipity posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 4:03am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Whee! I hope you have Voldemort having an absolute tantrum in the next chapter...


Kristina posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 4:01am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Well done guys, it was really good! Update soon!

p.s. will we hear more from dumbledore??

Draymon posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 3:35am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

excellent flow, great combat scene Keep up the good work!!!!

One question. Is Amy related to Kenny???? :P

Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:47am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

This was a great chapter. finally a good battle sequence that i knew that had to be coming. I have a feeling the story is gonna get more violent from here on in, good. Scott

beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:44am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

yet another great chapter and can't wait for more.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:38am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Wonderful. As always a great chapter. I loved Harry using the spell that destroyed the battlefield. I hope that there is more of an explanation in the next, even if it is only one sentence. I like how you made Susan pregnent. It is nice to see at least one instance of normal real life hitting them. I look forward to stories of the angels wreaking havoc on the main isle and what the Death Eaters do to combat them. Would an angel's good effect be like a phoenix, having negative effect on the black of Heart?

Thank you for writing and sharing with us.

Mike (MoA)

P.S. Bob - all new chapter of Cracked on Sunday.

Babs posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:29am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Hi Bobmin

Great chapter. I loved the way Harry described the encounter with the Sheik and its consequences, but please keep the Nundu out of Britain.
I wonder what effect a bunch of Angels will have on the British populace. Actually, are you setting things up for uprisings? The repressions of Voldemorts government are just over the top, the way you describe it, even if you keep your head down and your mouth shut, you suffer severely, especially compared to the standards of living British citizens are used to. What you describe reminds me of Germany during WWII. Considering that there is no external foe to blame, and the Haven group has dealt a blow to Malfoys' propaganda, people will start to pinpoint their current government. Add the uplifting effect of the Angels, and people will start to hope that things can change, that they can change things.

Oh well, looking forward to the next chapter.


Dicknorn posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:16am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Another brilliant chapter Bob and Alex. This story just became a little more serious for those in the Brotherhood. Hopefully this is a turning point with all the planning and training to start back into the war against Voldemort. Although I did miss the Q branch, but you made up for it with the prank on the twins. Always glad to see a post from you two keep up the great work, especially when you two surprise me and get a post out sooner than I expected one. There are just so many seperate plot lines in your story I never can understand how anyone can critisize it. There is always something happening and your loyal readers understand you taking this story AU with a superpowerful Harry especially since JKR's book six was blatantly a poor excuse of literature. I always knew Harry was going to die in JKR's series since I read book four, now JKR can not even keep that a secret after book six. There is not any suspence left in her series and that is why I look forward to your stories.


mjc posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:59am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

It was nice to see Harry go nuke...great thing about Harry's nasty fallout, no fireball wiping out everything for miles around, etc.

Hmm...somebody ought get Miles a box of Pepcid.

Ishtar posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:46am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip

Wonderful combat scenes! You really got across the feeling of chaos in a situation like that, and I like that while Harry is the central figure in this war, he is not doing it all on his own. I'm worried about Miles now though; is he giving himself an ulcer or is something worse happening? Somebody's going to have to tie him down so the Healers can look at him.

If all fanfics stayed within JKR's bounds, they'd all be roughly the same and would be very boring to read. The major point behind fanfic is to use canon as a jumping-off point and go off in all sorts of different directions. Bravo for rendering the WWII specialty squad caper as a HP story!