Mutant Storm
Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
By Bobmin
mnmbaby1 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th April 2009 8:08am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Please update soon! I really like this story, and was hoping to read more chapters of this well written, brilliant story! PLEASE!
Milarqui posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2009 11:16pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
"He needs to learn potions from Professor Snape!" exclaimed Dumbledore. Snape's attitudes towards the boy helped Harry trust Dumbledore. That needed to continue!
Dumbledore stared at her, aghast that she'd even consider that he'd condone such an act. While he would allow Snape some liberties, he would never condone the man hurting a student, even Harry.
Just for those two comments, it's incredibly clear that Dumbledore actually doesn't care at all for Harry. And not only that...
Up in his office, the old man looked wistfully at the remains of his office and shook his head. It would take him many weeks to repair all of his instruments, if they could be repaired. His only regret was that he could not make Harry understand that the sacrifices he was forced to make were for the good of their world. Harry, he thought, isn't mature enough to make the connection between his sacrifice and the well-being of the wizarding world. It is a good thing I am here to guide him.
"That is enough!" Dumbledore said firmly, then he stood. "I admit I have made grave mistakes with regards to Harry Potter, but I had my reasons for what I did, and it wasn't so I could raise a weapon. I think the answer is obvious. Remus, Tonks, if you would, please return to Privet Drive and bring Harry here immediately."
If Harry actually knew about these things, I doubt that there would be enough left of Dumbledore to even fertilize Hogwarts' grounds.
Anyway, when is the update coming.
P.S: if it doesn't arrive soon, I have contacts in the FBI, the CIA and the Scarlet Alliance. All of them know where you live and have regarded you as Lvl 1 Terrorists, meaning that, with one signal, your whole home will be surrounded without hopes of escape and will be sent to secret prisons unless you agree to finish Chapter 5.
crocket posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2009 4:38pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
brilliant hope you do more cross overs not read all your works yet am hopeing to find harry potter artimus fowl cross over as ones i have read have been good but bet yours would be better
Bree Peeler posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2009 7:07am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Hey do you plan on writing any more of this? I was really stuck on it...
Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Monday 6th April 2009 8:41am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Can't wait for the next chapter. Please keep them coming.
Judson Ross posted a comment on Monday 6th April 2009 12:09am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Just another thought. Why not force Umbitch to undergo a DNA scan and prove that not only is her ugliness her mutant ability, but also that she is the long lost mother of 'The Blob' from the brotherhood? ROTFALMMFAO!!!
Judson Ross posted a comment on Sunday 5th April 2009 11:01pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
I just wanted to ask you which Marvel'verse you are pulling from for the X-Men. The comics or the movies. Granted, the movie stories might have to be pushed back by a decade but that is not an insurmountable problem. I also agree with you on the problem of writing a crossover story. I have noticed that the stories that have equal parts of both (or More) tend to not have very good ratings. As a case in point, you could check out my idea for a MoTU/HP story on I have not updated it because... frankly it sucks. It's listed under my nome de plume of Olaf Erikson. But anyway, I just wanted to say that this is an awesome story and it leaves me hungering for more. I'll not beg for you to update but could i send some virtual brownies and milk if it would help? lol
Zpenergy posted a comment on Sunday 5th April 2009 1:23pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
This story is amazing and it absorbs the readers in. I personally am waiting in anticipation for the next chapter.
Grace Cole posted a comment on Saturday 4th April 2009 4:55am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
I know that you are both busy and that authors hate when people beg for updates. Therefore, I am not doing that. Instead, all I am asking is for a sign. Just an indication of when we can expect the next chapter. I understand about real life. It would be easier to be patient for the next six months if I knew it was six months til the next update. It is the uncertainty that is killer.
Please, HELP!
Cirilla posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 5:18am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Umm... hi there. :)
I just read the whole thing, and I think it's great!
Although, it is kind of bad for me that Bobby won't show up here. :P
And - I just love your disclaimers. They make me laugh every time.
So... keep up the good work!
Anxiously waiting for the next chapter,
Ciri. ;)
PS - constructive reviews just aren't my thing, sorry. ^^'
PS2 - sorry for any possible mistakes, my English can be sloppy.
hoshi posted a comment on Wednesday 1st April 2009 5:01am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Hello !
Are you still there somewhere?
I hope it's just a busy real life which is keeping you away from the fanfiction world and not some serious problem or illness or accident.
I love this story and I really hope to read it till the end (long long to come end, with many updates and funny funky disclaimers :D ).
Do you think you could put a message on the Home page to assure us readers of your continued well being?
Wish you well.
Hoshi ^_^
LostGears posted a comment on Friday 27th March 2009 1:55pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
more, more, more, more more!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeee im dying 2 know what happens!!
freakyfinger posted a comment on Wednesday 25th March 2009 3:14am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Since it's been like 7 months since the story has been updated, it is okay to ask "What's up?" I love your stories. For not being professional, they have depth, character development, original ideas, an actual plotline, etc.
I hope everything is alright with you guys! It seems like all the authors I love from fanficauthors have vanished . . .
eviaw1 posted a comment on Friday 20th March 2009 6:38pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
i have greatly enjoyed the first four chapters of this story as well as your other stories. i understand that you have lives outside of writing fanfiction so i patiently for the next update.
ps. i find your rather unique disclaimers just as entertaining as the stories themselves
Thomas posted a comment on Tuesday 17th March 2009 5:51am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Now i don't know if i'll ever get an answer to this one, but here goes.
When Harry was adopted by Jean using the ritual at the American Gringgots branch, she recieved a magical boost. Now does Harry get a boost in his telepathic abilities because of this ritual?
It's a bloodritual to enhance the familial relationship, right? To bring them closer together in a sence? So if the ritual boosted Jean's magic to be a better substitute for his mother, wouldn't it (at least try to) boost his mutant abilities to make him a better son?
Chimeara169 posted a comment on Sunday 15th March 2009 4:59pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
I love the story! Great job with the entire crossover, that is usually the clumsiest part of the fic, but you've done excellent. I'll refrain from saying update soon, but the message is implied, if you catch my drift. Keep up the good work!
Lynn R Pierce posted a comment on Saturday 14th March 2009 10:21am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Great story. Love the character development and interaction. Story has a great pace, doesn't bog down with unnecessary detail not go so fast important details are left out. Great balance!
Well written, crossovers can be difficult, but neither the X-men nor Harry Potter suffer in this one. Well done!
Canis posted a comment on Thursday 12th March 2009 8:04am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Will there be more Llama's in the disclaimers?
Also got a couple of questions after reading this for the third (fourth?) time: Was the Stargate reference an intentional reference? If it was, was it a throwaway easter-egg?
Second, I'm going out on a limb and saying that the Phoenix Force hasn't manifest in Jean yet, but will it at any point? And if it does, what relation does it have to roasted turkeys like Fawkes?
Secondly, is Luna a mutant? I could easily see her as having an uncontrolled psychic gift enabling her to see/comprehend various things about the universe that most have to have encounters with extra-dimensional beings to even begin to clue into.
Shrilakkigan posted a comment on Wednesday 11th March 2009 2:37pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
This is a good story, and I look forward to both its continuation, as well as HarryGinny. I haven't had anything to do with X-Men since the evolution anime ended, aside from X-3, which didn't do either Scott or Jean justice, and they were always high among my favorites.
Aberbadger posted a comment on Wednesday 15th April 2009 1:59am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!