Content Harry Potter


sblackfan posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:24pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Fantastic chapter! I loved seeing Jean put Snape in his place. Thanks for writing such a fabulous story!!!!

PamelaC posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:49pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Well of course I like it, as usual with your stuff. Loved the dragon.
However, just wondering, how do you explain a blatant error like this: 'Minerva nodded unhappily and cursed her lack of inaction'...?

314159 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:35pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I found the name Blackmoor a little odd (it's make more sense if it were on a moor, rather than an island) but other than that this chapter is full of win.


vasilis01 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:26pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Only five dollars. Please update soon. Other than that excellent update.

Darak1 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:18pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I can't help it, but if all non standar humans are considered dark creatures, woudn't ultimately the wizards be considered as dark creatures as they are a minority and thus definitely non standard :D

tatsu.zzmage posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 6:06pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Now that was fun. heheheheh. so how do you like your Snape I'm thinking char-broiled sounds good from the inside out.

Thomas posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:45pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

You know that Department of Homeland Defense threat would work better if all the people that read this fic lived in the U.S. and not like me in the E.U. So...........Update Soon!!!! LOL

I love this fic. I'm kinda hoping that you'll just use the X-men characters and ignore all the Comic/Cartoons/Movies story lines, cuz i like my Jean alive, my Scott not boning a blond slut-bomb and my Logan being the best at what he does and what he does ain't nice.

The other X-men thing, if Harry leases Prof X his castle as a European base, wouldn't he run into a few of them sooner or later? Or will the remodelling the castle keep the rest of them away for the rest of the fic?

What will Jean's reaction to Umbridge be? I'm kinda hoping for a aneurysm and a students i regret to inform you that madame Umbridge passed away in her sleep last night. But that might be to mercifull.


piad2691 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:44pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Dear Bob & Alyx,
as allways a great pleasure to be invited into your livingroom/garage/office/computer/fanfiction or where you are writing this stuff. At the meeting with Dumbles, no one said anything about DADA ???
Can everybody beeee looking forward to a megasized Harry-bomb going off on sept. 4th ?? That is of course, if the Gryffs are having DADA the first day in school.

See you somewhere on the WWW.

DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:26pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Logan's directness is quite refreshing in an HP story, I must say!

Interesting that no one mentioned to Jean or Charles that Umbitch will be back -- I guess you want the explosion when she reacts to the Dark Creature in her class.

If I've mentioned this in a previous review, sorry, but I am surprised than Charles hasn't thought of magic as a prior mutation, a stable one that got passed on. If you carry on the story after Voldemort's gone to make it more x-mancentric, then that could be an opening. But in this story, it could be a way of explaining to Harry, at least, why wizards might be worth saving, even if the wizarding world might not be. Still, I'm sure you have your own ideas on that!

Sarah9 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:24pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I'm really pleased with the way you've done this. I'm not a massive fan of X-Men and all i really remember of the movies (I think i saw the first ten minutes of one of them)is that there were mutants, so i expected to be more than a little confused when I read this. However, you've made sure that even people who have as little knowledge as I do can understand. Good job.
I'm looking forward to Harry's interactions with Hermione and Ginny when they all get to Hogwarts.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:02pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Very good part here, and to work in reverse: Snape is a piece of roody-poo trailer park trash in this fic it seems, and I cannot imagine ina million years, no matter how much warning he gets, that he'd leave Harry alone. I do hope that this will be his only warning, and that when he tries something, the pain will make him void himself. Next, I enjoyed Albus getting raked, and boohoo he doesn't like being taken advatage of like he and Snape do to the students, maybe he'll learn a bit from that, but not likely. Love the moment with the Dragon, and will look forwardto see the lovely lady show up again. Hermione and Ginny are really growing here, and finally, she decided that Ron was too immature for her, something that seemed obvious in canon as well, but JKR was bound and determined to have her overlook.

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 5:01pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Just curious, but how long on average does it take to write one of your story chapters. Have you ever thought about writing an original work, and having it published?

Comet Moon posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:57pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!


Jean Rocks as always

Love that Snape is getting his

Look forward to more

Ja ne


withfujkilp9087528nvhc posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:57pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

This chapter was good, although I was hoping the school might start and it's a good thing that this is more Harry Potter based, as this is really great.

Imagine the effect in the battle, with Jean and Logan in this!

Can't wait for more!

BaciLaci posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:55pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Hello Bob & Alyx! I've been a lazy bum, and haven't reviewed anything yet... Sorry! My only excuse is that 'I was soooo busy reading those fanfics...'

Anyway... I read all of your stories, and laughed my head off. Except for the angsty stuff. I hate them (but it's supposed to be so, because I'm not a sadistic nor masochistic one... I read them nonetheless. Okay, I love evil-git-bashing be it Honored Headmonste... erm... masters, Jelause Gingers, Bossy Bushy Bookworms or anybody with evil intents against our Hero and his actual love/friends or simple stupid authority-worship) So your stories ar in the top 10... million or so :) ok-ok bad joke... you were the one (or two to be exact) that made me come here from ff dot net.
So as your reward:

Alyx: Please, drop one drop of your blood on this spot ¤

From now on only you can read this section...
There is a modified pensive transfigured to a kinky leather thong (the likes you have at home, so Bob won't miss it). It's simply reversable by the password 'Cheeky cheating'. If you go into it, think of any of your daydreams of Alain Rickman (even those with two or more of him in it) and say 'start sweet sensations'. It will give you all the sensory stimulations, not just sight and hearing. Later, if you work fast on new chapters/stories, this pensieve can be updated with Sean Connery or any other guys (or girls if you like) on the exact age that you wish. Sorry, but because of you being a muggle/mundane it can be only one at a time

(Mu-hahaha-hahaaaaa - perfected the unique evil laugh at least... but what are these people in white clothes with that funny looking back-zip sweater... and spraying those bottles of mountain-spirit air freshener in my face doi... "plop"... some time later... what's this frickin' headache and... shit! Lemme outta 'ere... on second tought... I like it here... why am I feeling so high?)

don't even try to demand more for only one chapter. So... Enjoy!

Bob: Your drop of blood goes here ¤

Ok, Alyx won't see this...
Here are some dougnuts transfigured to carrots. If you look at the fissures through an electron microscope, you will see thiny little runes engraved in it. Well, it was qite a feat stealing a muggle eyesight correcting blaser thingy... or something... and Imperioing the correct guy to change the mechanics and the programming, but you're worth it (Don't even think of it, I'm straight... I meant your writing). Cut one 12th off of one, and touch only that piece. The activating phrase is 'donate doughnut'. If you are disturbed by Alyx/your_doctor/anybody_who_will_rat_you_out simply say 'do not donate doughnut', and it will reverse back to carrots. At this time I'm unable to prevent the already swallowed pieces to go back to carrots on this pasword, but working on it... Oh I nearly forgot one of the runes is a compulsion-rune, that will make you work harder on the next chapter, and makes you unable to reproduce the runes on the carrots. Sorry to tell you, but it activated, when you looked at them (insert former evil laugh and the accompanying struggle with the muggle mind meddlers... I mean healers). Bon apétite.

So, Alyx use your clothing well, poor Bob deserves it (wink-wink)...
And Bob, to show that you so much deserve that interresting underwear eat all the carrots (more winks)...

joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:51pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Thanks for the update and thanks for not going berserk with the crossovers. So many promising stories are ruined that way.

rabio posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:20pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I like your style of writing very much, but I think you have Jean spilling out information about Harry's mental status to everyone, and I see that as a bit wierd.
don't let me discourage you, you're both great writers!

Ta'al posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:09pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Excellent chapter, though I personally liked the Harry of the first chapter moreso than the weakling he's becoming this is a great story, please continue!

ChocoholicWriter posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 4:06pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I really enjoyed the chapter and can't wait to see how Harry and Ginny react to each other when they finally meet again. Also a quick question about Hermione - she's definitely on Harry's side isn't she? I mean, I know she had a right go at Ron and told him that he had ruined his chances with her and that it was mentioned that she was struggling with how she views authority figures but I'm a little confused on how she views Harry. Don't suppose you could clear that up for me, could you? Can't wait for the next chapter. Absolutely loving the fic.

SassyFrass posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 3:38pm for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I really liked Hagrid in this chapter, especially when he got the letter from Harry and pointedly told everyone that it was private.
I'm curious as to whether Xavier or Jean picked up Dumbledore's thoughts about needing Harry to be in class with Snape so he'll (meaning Harry) look to Dumbledore more. If so, I assume they're very cautious in all dealings with Dumbledore. If not, why not? I can't imagine they'd be that trusting.
It was a great update, and I'm very pleased with everyone's reactions to Ron's idiocy.
I am looking forward to the next update.
PS--I hope you get to Harry/Ginny goodness soon!!!!!