Content Harry Potter


Kris posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 11:34am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Loved it, LOVED it, and LOVED IT some more! Good Lordy you guys are good! You have talent I wish I had... I tried to write a cross over and it was boring, flat and terrible! Kudos, Snaps, Checks and Flowers to you for not only balancing the story lines, but doing it flawlessly!

Thank you for updating today! It was the cherry on top of my Good Day Sunday! ;)

mwinter posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 11:11am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

We at the DHS thank you for your help. Now if we can just talk to you about these disclaimers and hand over your FPIA we'll be good. If you don't well have to take Bob down to our station to show you that we mean business. There we'll feed him all the donuts he can eat to help us finally take away your FPIA for good if you don't hand it over.

Darkemace posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 11:04am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Just a quick question:

Does this story take place before or after Jean's Firebird 2772 possession?

Anyhow I like it, so please keep writing.

Lee Mercer posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 11:00am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

This gets better with every chapter !!!!! Cant wait for the next one. You are both great story weavers

Matt101 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:39am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I always loved your stories, keep it up :)

laganima posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:39am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Ouch, terrorist retirement fund. Bet homeland loves that. Anyway i like this. I think the direction is going right for the feel of it so far. The only major thing i would like to see is Harry killing Snape and maybe Draco. Tho him humiliating Draco often is just as good. Maybe kicking the snot out of Snap also. Anyway good story and keep it coming ... Oh yea I hear shotguns are great for destroying writers block. Use rhino shells.

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:34am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Instead of "update soon," would you prefer "chapter's too short?"
1) So far, Ron is unforgivable. Ginny is a raving homicidal maniac, and Herms is just barely entering the realm of human being. Needless to say, Minnie is still far from human, bumbles is still almost as inhumane as Moldie (but you might let him learn something), Fawks is still a sycophantic turkey with delusions of grandeur who, if he was truly light, would have left the old fart years ago. I do not understand Jean allowing Harry to EVER go back to Hoggy, much less encourage the child she says she loves to return to a world governed by egotistical perverts. And if the X-men can't stop Magneto, what hope do they have against Moldie?
If Jean loves Harry, maybe she should get Luna over for a visit (and keep him away from ALL Weasleys--you have not shown them to have much in the way of morals, brains, or decent human impulses.
PS: it would be nice if a magical creature just once would take the time to say "this might hurt a bit."

M. R. Moore posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:28am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I've enjoyed all your stories... Sunset/Sunrise being my favorites (I favor Harry/Hermione but enjoy a little variety), but I think that this one could very easily get 3rd.

I've read only a few HP/X-men and of them most were very poorly done because (as you mentioned) they wanted to have all the characters from both universes involved right from the start. I don’t know about you but something tells me that Magneto and Voldemort wouldn't really get along as well as they do in some stories… I think the Dark Lord’s dreams for the world would remind everyone’s favorite master of magnetism a tad too much of old uncle Adolf.

I want to talk about Snape now... I like the direction that your taking Hogwart's loveable (insert buckets of sarcasm) Potions Master, I get the feeling its a direction you haven't really explored with him.

Dumbledore's Army and Spirtus had him as the nice and forgiving married Snape that Harry trusted.

Sunset/Sunrise he was little more than a contemptible nuisance that should have been stuck the ceiling of the Entrance Hall more often.

Now, from the looks of how this chapter played out though he will be fully deserving of his comeuppance, whatever it may be.

Either way, loved the chapter, and looking forward to the next one... Take your time though... Your updates have adverse effects on my school work... ;)

Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:12am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

As always, another excellent chapter. I'm itching to see the reunion between Ginny, Hermione and Harry, and wonder if he will beleive their sincerity. Again, I'm glad you decided to redeem Ron instead of making him the stereotypical asshole most authors (yourselves included) have done in the past.

This series is really suprising me on how good it is for what kind of crossover you are attempting. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

Finbar posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:05am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Shiny Shiny chapter!

So, Will we be seeing Harry the Penguin Animagus? Platypus? Giant 3 toed Sloth?

I'm really enjoying this story, I am also looking foreward to reading about Harry flattening Malfoy HARD. I cant see him standing for any abuse this year. hmmm I think Slytherin will take a pounding before Harry is expelled by the Ministry.
Holy Crap! Umbridge will be back! Around a telepath who will know ALL her dark little secrets. Her racism will only make things worse. I can only see her blackmailed or turned into chunky-salsa.
Hey, if she is back, does that mean the curse on the DADA position is broken? Cause she lasted more than a year?
Otherwise, will we get to see her suffer horribly before she dies screaming in agony?



Ryan Nolen posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:03am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Very interesting, quite good so far and I hope to see more. I see no problems with the story, and enjoy your sillyness with the disclaimers.

Hope you keep up the good work, and please, please, have someone kill Snape soon, he needs to die!

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:56am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

such a joy to read the section with the sea dragon - simply perfection on a page.

thanks so much for continuing this lovely story, I appreciate the smooth blending of the strengths of each world into such a harmonious mix.

warmest regards

James Kennedy posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:52am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

I'm sorry. I just can't get into the story. I like most of your work, but the "Mum" thing is a big turnoff for me. Maybe I'll enjoy the next one.

Kaerion posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:52am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Excellent chapter, as always! :D

I'm not all that familiar with the X-men, other than having seen the movies and read about the comics, so I can't really comment on how in-character the various people are, but I absolutely love what you've done with them. As I mentioned in an earlier review, Harry getting unconditional love and support are the best things that could've happened to him, and the way you've solved that problem is nothing short of amazing, which you proved again in this chapter, with the various interactions between Jean and the teachers at Hogwarts. You've managed to make me care just as much about Jean, Scott, Logan and Xavier, as I do about Harry & co, which, in my book, means that you're at least halfway to making a successful crossover-story. The fact that your story is awesome, takes you the rest of the way! :)

I also liked the reactions to Ron's interview, and I'm pleased to see the angle Rita chose for her story. I have no doubt that she doesn't really care about Harry, and is acting in her own best interests, but at least she was on his "side" this time, and I have no doubt that that blunted at least some of the reactions (since the Wizarding World is primarily composed of sheeple).

I have to admit that some of Dumbledore's thoughts in this chapter worried me, though, even while they weren't all that surprising. It's obvious that he still sees Harry primarily as a weapon, and I hope (for his own sake...) that that will change in the future. But you've managed to make him at least as complex a character as he is in canon, so while I don't really like him all that much, I can't help but feel that it makes the story that much better. It's also worrying that he wouldn't mention Umbridge being back, knowing how Harry feels about her, but I can't wait to see how you'll handle their reunion at Hogwarts (even though I suspect/hope that Jean will find out, and tip him off), as well as Snape's future actions now that he's been slapped down and warned; it should be truly epic! :D

Thanks for sharing your writing, and keep up the great work! While I know better than to nag, I hope we'll see another chapter soon! You have me at the edge of my seat, in anticipation! :)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:41am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Ron's not only hit rock bottom, I swear he's drilled down to the mohovoric (sp) discontinunity and he's gonna have a long, long climb out of it; he's also lost big in seveal other ways as I'm certain that he's comments have turned off 'most every girl around his age at Hogwarts, with the possible oexception of some die-hard purebloods in Slytherin and I can't see him being interested in them with his predjudices. I also suspect he's going to find that Hermione no longer helps him with his homework.

The bit where he discovers "something" at the other end of the island was a nice touch of humor in the story, as was Ginny's acquring a wand and visiting a bit of vengeance on Ron.

Umbridge as DADA teacher for another year? 'Twill be interesting to see how long she lasts if she tries anything with Harry; i can see Scott demonstrating just *why* he wears those funny glasses.

Taim Kelrathos posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:38am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

This is an awesome story and I eagerly await the next update. I'm not saying this to rush you (I really am!) but I want to just give you a little more encouragement.

Keep up the good work, and don't forget the usefulness of a Metal Gear!

Jiapa posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:30am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Thank you for another enjoyable chapter. I'm glad that Jean was able to give Dumbledore a clue about Snape's mind rape, but I'm still wondering what is and was going on in Dumbledore's mind to make him so passive about Harry's abuse, about Umbridge's appointment, about the ministry elections and about the articles in the paper about Harry.

I look forward to finding the answers in your next chapter! *grin*

Andrew Sak posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:28am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Excellent chapter. However, I'm not sure if Jean and Prof. Xavier have realized that Wizarding Britain as you make it out to be (i.e. Victorian ages, insular and anti-everything that's not a pureblood) is the right place for Harry to be, especially when his mind is not exactly stable. It will be interesting to see how you mesh his capability to use X-men tech and equipment with his wizarding powers (now that he's shielded the equipment from magical surges) against Voldemort and the Death Munchers. Also the reaction of the rest of the Hogwarts' student population on having a "Dark creature" attending classes with them - more isolation, muttering that stops as he comes into the room and of course the usual pureblood diatribe from the mini-Death Muncher wannabees? Kekekekeke.

Update soon! (The International Terrorist Retirement fund appreciates your frequent donations and would like to reward you with a lifetime membership to the Al-Qaeda 1-800 direct-to-Osama number). This message is also being copied to the Director of Homeland Security.

Ian Major posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:17am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

Update Soon! (just kidding)

Love the scene with the dragon and now I'm annoyed that Umbridge is back, so, will she still be High Inquisitor with the ability to change the rules whenever something annoys her?

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 9:08am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!

> She claimed I was born of phoenixes turned human
*blink* *laugh* Oh, the irony . . .

> an' if there is somethin' in it that he wants me to share with yeh, I will. Otherwise, it's private," Hagrid said
Go, Hagrid! He's shown every sign of being a perfect lapdog in every fic (and canon). Nice to see a version who won't get pushed around by everyone.

> Cynthia Creevy
Huh. How will that play with Colin and Dennis's hero-worship of Harry? Or is she a non-relative?

Also, you're going with the "magicians are not mutants" line. Too bad. I wanted to see the public meltdown (and Ron's) when it was pointed out that every single one of the bigoted arseholes are the very thing they hate.

Thanks for the fun story. Looking forward to more.