Mutant Storm
Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
By Bobmin
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:35am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
I think you've struck a good balance with portraying Harry's attitude. It only makes sense that such a wounded teenager would be rather bitter and angsty, even with help. But at the same time, it's not a lot of fun reading about someone being all bitter and angsty all the time. So following other characters a lot of the time while he's angsting is a good choice, I think, as well as advancing the story setup.
I'll be interested to see what you do with K'nor. Between meeting her and being marked, it rather forcefully brought to mind Jeconais's TMW and WKGQ. The remark about someone who had a mark of the spiders, I assume, is small tribute to WKGQ.
But anytime I think 'oh, that reminds of X' that clearly, I find it reduces my perception of the story's originality. At least, until it shows that it takes it in a different direction. So hope that you do. :-)
I was bit surprised at how quickly Jean took the Muggle Studies job. In canon it seems that the professors all live in the school. I, for one, would not be interested in living away from my spouse for any where near that long.
Good chapter, this is really one of my current favorites. Thanks for sharing it with us.
James Barber posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:35am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Hey could you send my name and address to the international girl chapter of the nymphomaniacs! since you seem to want to send names to internation thingys!
Hey great chapter, love the dragon thingy and oh love the scene where mione told off the moron...uhm I mean ron!
Hey screw an update...bring on the strippers!
charlotte posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:34am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Another Good entertaining chapter. Hmmm hate to see how Harry is going to react with the Unbitch teaching again.
snoopmary posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:25am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
I was so excited when I saw your new chapter, though not telling me what Ginny did to Ron was cruel! Cruel, I tell you!
I really enjoy how you've brought out Minerva and Poppy's opinions on the actions of Dumbledore and how the scales have fallen from their eyes regarding their unwitting conscription into the cult of Dumbledore.
I also really enjoyed Jean's interaction/smackdown of Snape.
Looking forward to more!
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:22am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
What a brilliant chapter. I like this Harry, pretty fed up, he's one step from bailing, it's only his families assurances that he really should face his demons up front. Snape and Umbridge should be interesting. If either of them messes with Harry too much, I'm figuring their in for a really, really bad day. The best part is, neither of them are smart enough to leave him be. This should be really interesting once school starts. Outstanding work as usual, thank you.
sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:19am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Another brilliant chapter. This is my favorite so far. I look forward to the next chapter. Keep up the excellent work.
If you're looking for another cross-over, why not try a Harry Potter/Dr. Who (with David Tennant as the Doctor of course).
Shadalarion2 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:13am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Cool a Dragon... Maybe have that Dragon give Snape and Dumblefumbles a good beating or maybe throw them both into the North Atlantic minus thier clothes and wands.
Looking forward to more chapters.
twilliams1797 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:00am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
update soon?, update when your writing and rewriting allows it, when the story is polished to the fine sheen that has become the hallmark of Bobmin..We will patiently wait, and if we cannot wait, go and read something else.. the adventures of Mr Black, Maybe..
ps.. here's my vote for a harmonian story, but if its not, don't mind me..
liquidfyre posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:59am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
okay now for a Real review hehe
nice chappie specially the wolverine telling dumbledore thingy off. As for the people with ron troubles... ITS NOT YOUR STORY go bugger yourselves with spiky green banana's. Okay ron is an idiot normally but not every story in the world is gonna go that way. if ya don't like it WRITE YOUR OWN. But don't come and screw with other people just cause they don't write exactly what you want. Oh and finally *asks really really nicely and gives Alex some fresh snape eyes* Pleeeeease tell us what ginny did to ron?
While im neutral on him overall ginny is quite the evil monkey at times and i would love to know what she did to him
liquidfyre posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:54am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
does the please make it okay?
Treck posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:44am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Nice job. I like the fact that there will be two mutant professors at Hogwarts.
And Yes I consider Dolores Umbridge a mutant or at least a non-human.
Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:38am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
A very enjoyable chapter!
I find myself looking forward to the next chapter as soon as I finish the current one.
It was good to see that Harry hurt but did not kill the members of the Order.
I loved Ginny's reaction to the story.
It was also good to see Hermione starting to grow up and stand up for herself.
The talk with Dumbledore was good but I wonder why nothing was mentioned about Umbridge.
This chapter did a good job of setting things up: the mutants settled in the castle, the elves are helping, Hogwarts has been reintroduced, etc. Let the games begin!
I look forward to what the dragon's gift turns out to be.
Best of luck on the next chapter!
dragonclaw posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:24am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
I have to say, that this story combination is alot more entertaining than I expected initially. However, you have developed an interesting and creative fusion that I quite enjoy.
In other words, great job! :)
Dragon Claw
jilumasam posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:24am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Good work!! Most enjoyable chapter!
I very much like Ron getting part of his just deserts for being so disloyal towards Harry.
I'm looking forward to seeing Harry back at Hogwarts!
smog2187 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:23am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Yay, an update! You know it's the mark of good writing when no matter how long the chapter is, when it's over it's still too soon... then again that sounds more like an addiction so I guess I'm just addicted to good writing.
Nice detail with the mark of the dragon, though I hope this doesn't become too much of a Super!Harry story with his mutant powers and ability to take on three adult wizards at once.
Thanks for writing!
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:20am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Very well written. The blending from dark scenes to scenes with humor worked well.
One point that hasn't been touched upon is Umbridge and the Blood Quill, just she has been returned to Hogwarts with authority intact. Looking forward to the explosion when this comes out.
I'm of mixed feelings about how Harry's feelings towards the wizarding world are being considered of less impact than expanding operations, possibly dur to the adult viewpoint - we know what is good for you, or do as I say not as I do. Looking forward to seeing how you resolve this.
solarphile posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:17am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
As usual, a wonderfully fascinating chapter. I'm intrigued by your choices in things to retain from the books (Minister Scrimgeour) and things you've changed (Professor Umbridge 2: This Time It's Personal). This last, I suspect, will be the cause of much amusing displays of temper on Harry's part.
It seems clear from parts of Dumbledore's inner monolouge that he isn't at all as sorry about the things he's done to Harry as he appears to be. Other times, however, he comes across as geniuine - is me just That Good at the manipulation thing, or is there some inconsistency on some level?
Given that this crossover is with the Marvel Universe (if only the parts with the X-Men), Hagrid's remark about the man with the "mark o' the spiders" doubly funny. Spi-der-man, Spi-der-man . . .
I was suprised that Snape was as cool towards Jean as he was, since we now know he was madly in love with Lily. Of course, this may be one of the bits from the books you've jettisoned, but the idea of Snape having a creepy, stalkerish crush on Jean (much to her dismay, and Scott and Harry's anger) is one I thought you would have jumped on. ;-)
Finally, one technical note: In the section marked "Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix (August 10th)", the last five paragraphs? Perfectly done - just enough information to let us know what's going on, while letting our imagination fill in the details. I am very impressed.
riegert8 posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:17am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Interesting chapter
KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 7:06am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!
Great fun. However, I see an oncoming trainwreck... Umbridge and her bigotry. Maybe, as a show of good faith, Dumbles can roast her over a slow fire?
Kail posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 8:39am for Chapter 04 - The Mutants are coming!