Mutant Storm
Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
By Bobmin
Kairan1979 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th July 2015 1:29pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Glad to see Neville joining Harry on his morning runs. Unlike Ron, Neville did nothing to hurt Harry, and he wasn't at Headquarters, which is a plus in Harry's books.
"Harry, I know I have made many mistakes in regard to your life and I see now how deeply I hurt you. I'm more sorry than you'll ever know and I hope you'll let me try to make it up to you," Dumbledore said softly."
Actions speak louder than words. If he really wanted to redeem himself, he could start with making sure Umbitch goes to Azkaban for torturing students with Blood Quill. Or give Snape a boot knowing what he did. But I don't see Dumbledore doing anything meaningful, and his empty platitudes worth less than the prayers of King Claudius.
darksidhe posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd September 2010 10:42am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Woohoo! Yay Ron!!
ghostchicken posted a comment on Thursday 24th June 2010 3:25pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
So POMONA (not Ponoma) Sprout's got a Mutant in her House and she's a Creevey. Thank goodness she's not as flaky as Colin or Dennis...
I understand why Harry's keeping his Mutant power a secret. If it's the thing the Dork Lard knows not, it has to be the thing that the Wizarding World knows not as well. I think it's hysterical that even Dumblydork doesn't know what it is. LOL
I LOVE LOGAN! I have always been a Wolverine fan. He's my favorite X-Man (and it has nothing to do with Hugh Jackman, I'll have you know). I love a snarky man... "Whore crutches?" OMG! ROFLMAO! Very clever.
I shall read on.
Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 1st January 2010 9:59am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
*eyebrow quirk*
Eeeenteresting. Veeeery eeeenteresting.
joy! posted a comment on Sunday 9th August 2009 4:56pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
That was absolutely great, as usual. I loved it, even though I know virtually nothing about the X-Men. Alright, I'll admit, I know NOTHING. But anyway, I hope (even though you'll probably kill me for saying this) you do update soon. I would send a couple of jelly donuts your way, but I'm close to bankcruptcy, and it's a public holiday, so the donut store is closed. Sorry, and don't include me in your disclaimers, I beg of you.
Geneva posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 12:11pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Y'know, I was a little skeptical of the X-Men/Potter crossover... But you two pulled it off! Way beyond what I expected, I really like the way you write. I enjoyed Sunset and Sunrise, and am very much enjoying Mutant Storm.Great Work! :) Thanks for posting your stories here for avid readers like myself to enjoy. I've even been late to work because I couldn't stop reading... The boss wasn't too thrilled with that one. ;) Anyway, thanks again, and don't let any idiots try and tell you how to write. They're probably pissed off because they don't have the talent to captivate readers like you do!
megnicole posted a comment on Sunday 26th July 2009 8:07am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Hey, this is a really good story. I havent ever watched the X-Men, but this story has me interested. I do hope that Harry and ron DON'T become friends agian.. at least not with anything resembling closeness. Ron seriously betrayed Harry and it would take a heck of a lot of making up for Harry to even slightly trust him agian. What ARE the extent of harry's powers. Can he do anything other than teleport? Update soon please :)
Faith1 posted a comment on Friday 24th July 2009 2:03pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Yes! I'm happy that you didn't forget about the Creevey girl! And I am pleased with the way Harry dealt with Ron. Oh! And Luna. We musn't forget Luna =D
truly_tazi posted a comment on Thursday 23rd July 2009 3:12am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Thank you for the update.
Pallav1 posted a comment on Thursday 23rd July 2009 12:57am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Hey another great chapter.
Keep up the good work. I want to know if you are working on another story. On your profile you mentioned a fic called "Evolutionary Revolution". When are you going to post that?
When is your next update going to be?
Tabraiz Rasul posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 3:12am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Drakir posted a comment on Tuesday 21st July 2009 1:38pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Interesting. I'd totally forgotten about this story till the alert reminded me, and yet once I read this chapter, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it once again.
Though, I can't help but be curious; how exactly are you planning to fix the Voldemort problem you spoke of in the previous chapter? Being that the HP-verse is the main universe, I don't see how you could, short of buffing up Snape with the power to snap the Earth in twain with his thoughts. Or making Magneto or some other magic/mutant hybrid go on a rampage.
Personally, I think the magic/mutant hybrid way would be kickass, what with the constant magic/power switching mid-battle. However, creating a new, original character can be a tough chore and, if not totally satisfactory, can turn off the author from writing. But then, that's just my opinion.
Marquis Black
(AKA Drakir)
Mariposa posted a comment on Tuesday 21st July 2009 7:23am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Sweet update! Loved the ending! Love to hate Evil!Snape. Absolutely LOVE Jean and the rest. Want to snuggle Harry!
Chindabe posted a comment on Tuesday 21st July 2009 6:19am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Nights_Silhouette posted a comment on Tuesday 14th July 2009 11:43pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
An ok chapter, it did not seem to flow as well as your previous efforts. Keep it up.
The French Dark Lord posted a comment on Tuesday 14th July 2009 2:21am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Nice fic, keep up the good work!
Ohhhdear posted a comment on Sunday 12th July 2009 2:58pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I'm loving this story. Sunset and Sunrise and Wizard's Fall just keep me hankering for more of your brand of humor and creativity. My only wish is for a "block print" of the entire story (such as is allowed over at Sink Into Your Eyes) so I can read stories offline on my pda. *sigh*
Thanks for the fun!
Celevon posted a comment on Saturday 11th July 2009 3:56am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I laughed for a long time when I read the part about Logan asking about "whore crutches" and why would anyone want to see a whore on a crutch. Priceless!
Being serious now, I hope you have plans on dealing with Snape. He definitely has no place being a teacher, pet of Dumbledore, etc., at Hogwarts.
Harry, in a way is right. Anyone like Malfoy or Zabini who try to destroy Harry deserve to die. To have them arrested,only to have someone like Lucious bribe someone to set them free only to continue on, is just wrong! In a way, Dumbledore is doing no favors by letting such behavior continue.
I don't feel very sorry for "Poor Little Ron". I'm just waiting for the next time he does something against Harry. In my opinion, Ron is no better than an abusive husband. He apologizes, and for a while things get better, but something will happen and the abuse begins again. I know, because I was in an abusive relationship 20 years ago. I finally left and now am much happier. I hope Ron and Luna will get together!
All in all, this is a wonderful story. You are doing a wonderful job in combining X-Men and Harry Potter! I hope to be reading more!
Carolyn Jinn posted a comment on Thursday 9th July 2009 8:03pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
This story is just awesome. It is the first one I have read that is a cross-over.
I am strictly a Harry/Ginny shipper and the cross-over is an interesting idea...BUT to end this chapter with a cliffee??? How unbeliveable.
I would ask you to update soon, BUT I know you both hate to be told that. So I won't say it.
You both have a unique way of writing that is enjoyable and funny. Keep on writing because your loyal readers will always read it (and hopefully review for you).
BooksMH85 posted a comment on Thursday 30th June 2016 7:00pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes