Mutant Storm
Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
By Bobmin
Illusia posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 7:20am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
You know, or probably don't, but I had a friend who once went to see a shrink. She was a bit confused about life and stuff... and this story does end well, mind you. Eventually she came back to us but changed. I guess she had found herself, where ever she'd been hiding.
Our friend was still there but she was more confident, pushy, talkative etc. Just bursting life. But she was also damn annoying when she went all shrink on us! Not to mention when she went all shrink on herself. She second guessed everything and freudied all silly things. Until one day we ganged up on her and quizzed her around to admitting that you can't live life by psychoanalyzing your every move. Sometime you just have to yank that stick out of your ass and just go with life :)
I just had to tell about if when it seemed to me Harry was she here. :)
He's analysing everything he does. Everything has to have a reason when in fact in life, it don't.
Superb chapter though. Hope to see much much more!
Carol Layland posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 6:59am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
A lovely chapter, but more over on Snorkack Carol Layland
vettesr posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 6:18am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I am sorry to hear that you both are growing tired of killing Voldemort. I have enjoyed all your stories thus far. I think there are still a few interesting ways of killing him that haven't been tried. Anyway, I really have enjoyed this story and look forward to new chapters. Honestly you could probably marginalize voldie in this and it still be a good story. Like you both, I have become interested in a good many post voldie stories. Anyway, keep up the good writing whatever story you are working on and thanks for sharing your stories with us
gadriam posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 6:07am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Thank you.
The thought of Hank in Hogwarts, challenging Peeves to a game of tag will haunt me for a while.
Harry being good with kids is a great thing that i can believe. His talk with Ron was great and credible, and this gradual personal glasnost of his is very well written. Logan and Ginny was hilarious, and if i've got her character right, she's already planned a way to fight him while keeping her distance. Your Ginny is fairly clever. Sunshine, donuts and Llamas for all! With ketchup!
Sorry about the rant. I just love this story.
Michael10 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 5:54am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Another great chapter. I would almost pity the slytherin's, but that would show that I care about them.
I'll laugh my spleen out when Hank meets the Hogwarts staff.
Keep up the great job and post another exciting chapter (soon, please and thank you) and your disclaimers are gut busters as well.
joeBob posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 2:39am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Thanks for the update.
Benjamin Frank posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 2:36am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Update more update more update more please update. THIS IS THE ONLY GOOD CROSSOVER OF HARRY AND XMEN
pug54321 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 1:47am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I,m curious why does almost everyone think the wizards would lose if they went to war with muggles, granted in an all out war on the battlefireld muggles would win with sheer numbers alone, but if voldie vanished their resoures, and destryed there ways to make bullets and guns and other wepons, then they would likely win.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 12:37am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Ah, 'twas great to have another chapter. I don't think either Snape nor Tommy-boy understands just where Charles Xavier stands on morality (actually, I'm not at all certain that even Magneto could stomach Tommy-boy's ideals). In any case, it's going to be amusing seeing Tommy and Deeters trying to persuade these folks to his point of view. Meanwhile, Harry's starting the rpocess of considering and recoonecting with friends and it does look like Ginny's got a better position than Hermione does (that "You're more dangerous than Ron is." line pretty much lets the cat out fo the bag. I think Hermione is going to have to reconsider a lot of things but I can see her returning to a close friendship with Harry, too. It looks like Harry's going to build a much stronger friendship with Neville than he had before and that's all to the good. Ron, on the other hand, is going to have a lot to think about (Harry certainly gave him more) and then to do before Harry will trust him again.
Looking at the opposition, Draco is most certainly making his position exceedingly obvious, and getting embarrassed every time. I rather suspect that Blaise, despite being far more cunning, is going to end up either highly embarrassed or dead before all is said and done. I can't feel too sorry for Snape, it takes some black work to create a horcrux and that he was careless enough to leave it where Tommy-boy could get it is his problem; somehow I don't see him outlasting Tommy-boy by much if at all.
ALbus' thoughts show that he's still got that irrational hang up on blood purity, even if in not as virulent a for as Tom's minions or their unmarked supporters; I suspect that's going to cost him in the long run.
Jim Edge posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 11:37pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Excellent work as always! I have to agree with a comment you made before Bob, killing Voldie has been over done. I hope you can manage to make this story work based on the relationships involved. Personally I think it would be great.
DukeBrymin posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 10:17pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Wonderful chapter! Makes me all worried about poor Cynthia Creevey, and the poor Slytherin girls--I hope they can be helped.
And most especially I'm happy that Harry is starting to have friends again--Ginny most importantly.
Thanks for the chapter!
Thorfinna posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 9:23pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I love your writing and this story is awesome.
As for the disclaimer.. so what server are you on?
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 9:05pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Following in the vein of WoW videos, here is a fan favorite on... Well... Leeeeerooooy Jenkins! (I couldn't get the URL thing to work so... that's the best I could do.)
Anywho... Great chapter, frankly I'd forgotten about this story until I saw the update. I think that Hank visiting Hogwarts would have been awesome... Who wouldn't want a big blue furball swinging through the halls reciting Shakespeare
I also like the touch of giving Voldemort a stick for leverage where Snape is concerned. it is an interesting angle that I've not seen too many times.
Grace Cole posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 8:58pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I am LOVING this story! You guys ROCK!!!!!
Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 8:17pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
This is a good chapter. I really like the by play between Harry and his friends that he is talking to. Of course Harry is again the center of attention through no fault of his own except right now he still isn't sure he wants to help people that write him off. I can see he is starting to reach out to his friends. I'm glad he explained himself to Neville. It is great that Neville wants to join Harry in his exercise regemine. That was a good step in the right direction. I'm glad he didn't chase Ginny away. They have a long way to go but at least he is responding to her in a way. I felt sorry for Hermione. She is starting to feel unnecessary to Harry. She really feels that he is her best friend. She doesn't want to lose him. I'm sorry he can't start to forgive Dumbledore but Dumbledore really messed up majorly. That is an ongoing problem that hopefully time will solve. I'm glad Harry reached out to Ron and that Ron was honest with Harry about what and why he felt some of the things he did. That helped. That and his confession that Rita got him drunk on Fire Whiskey to get him to say as much as possible about Harry. Harry is right though. He and Ron will probably never return to the level of friendship and trust that they once had. I look forward to where you are going with this story. Thanks for writing. I appreciate everything you write. Take your time. I also like the short stories you have been putting out. Those are fun. pms
Lientjuhh posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 7:47pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I like it.. Well done.. :)
LDA posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 6:29pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I so wish I could crush Ginny's skull with a sladgehammer...
Bobmin356 replied:
You can leave now. You know what ship this is, don't like it, don't read it and don't review it.
caine posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 6:01pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
I dont think I like this chapter much. Harry did an almost 180. He became approachable/soft in an instant.
Lyz posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2009 5:27pm for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes
Heh, always knew Snape was a major git. Really enjoying this crossover, particularly Scott. He's always been a favourite :d
Considering you started this by not being prepared, I'll end this review with... "This isn't over!"
BJH posted a comment on Thursday 2nd July 2009 7:30am for Chapter 06 - Weasley Woes