Content Harry Potter


miriellegrey1 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 9:25am

As I don't know much about X-Men lore, I didn't expect to be interested, but I am completely hooked. I've reread this chapter three times, slowly, to savor it. The only things that jar me are: Ron's quickness to condemn mutants and Dumbledore's apparent humility in admitting his mistakes and even more, making them public. I would have thought The Great Man would simply brush aside demands for explanations as everyone else is so much lesser than he...but then, that's my prejudice talking. I deeply enjoyed this chapter and will be very happy to read more when it is released.

Howard C. Shaw III posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:56am

Excellent! Wonderfully written, as usual from you two.

I have a story where Harry gains a similar ability to turn invisible and phase through things, so I am interested to see how you handle sight. Theoretically, if no light can hit my eyes, I should be incapable of sight, but you've already made it obvious he can see, no biggie there. The interesting question to me, is if he has phased *into* a solid surface, such as rock, can he see through it?

Don't bother answering, just something to think about.

jalva200 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:51am


Again you stun and amaze me with your amazing story!

So far just the first chappter has really got me hooked, i saw it coming to the end of it and i was crying from not having anything to read :(

Keep it up i really want to read more i hope harry kills ron *giggles evily* hate that bastard, love hermione hope they cool, ah as long as you dont make it a crappy harry/ginny thing ill be good, ive only read a few storys that could make it good, and i know you both are great writers so im excited about it all.

Hehehehe one thing though... harry and someone else even for abit would be awesome *waggles eyebrows* though i know you guys dont do smut... just itty bitty bit wouldnt hurt. Harry needs abit of summer lovin!

Anyway update soon or ill whin and complain and send you fruit cake till you do.

*skips away and sings*

David Stanley posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:50am

Wow, nice start. So Harry is a phaser, teleporter, and at least a minor telepath. Will Kitty and Kurt show up to help with training Harry? Anyway looking forward to the next chapter.

larry freshour posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:47am

love the story line. keep it coming. p.s. hope you use my favorite x-mem rouge.

DarthDuncan posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:46am

I'm certain that the two of you could take two 'verses i loath and make a story i would enjoy. That being said this seems like a story that has yet to be done. I'm looking forward to see what happens.

icedisc7 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:43am

Incredible. As always you have delivered with the utmost of a well written and entertaining story. I very much look forward to learning more of Harry's skills as a mutant, as well as seeing his interactions with the other mutants. I will admit that I am rather curious as to how you will tie Harry back into a relationship with Ginny, especially considering his current loathing of the wizarding world. At the risk of seeming impertinent (and possibly getting my review deleted), I would like to express a hope that any ties into this new world, as well as his old wizarding world, be a long time in developing. Admittedly, this could largely be me wishing that you would just have more to write (and more disclaimers, yay!), but your character development is usually very good and I am hugely hopeful that this story can take Harry et al. into truly interesting realms.
Thanks for writing,

scott2 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:36am

Haven't been impressed by other HP/Xmen crosses so I'm looking forward to what you do with this (especially with your track record!)


goblin214 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:35am

This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I can only hope that ron won't be a total butthead about harry being a mutant and I hope harry does forgive hermione eventually.

Isis Ice posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:29am

yeay! a good cross over! i bow down to your infinate abilities, oh great writer, please write us more.

cheryse posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 8:28am

Wow, I'm already hooked! It's nice to know that Harry is going to get a little love and support for a change. I'm curious to see how Harry and Logan get along - not to mention he and Scott.

heathw posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:58am

If you could have seen me fifteen minutes ago, you would have seen a thirty-something guy jumping up and down, screaming in delight, looking like a four-year old girl with pigtails.

I loved the first chapter. I hadn't even considered that Jean would be Harry's aunt, but it fits in nicely and adds an aspect to the story I really like so far.

The comment about attacking a fully functional telepath is one for the history books. By far my favorite line of the chapter.

Initially, Ron's possible bigotry towards mutants seemed a bit forced to me, but it occurred to me Ron is a bit of a bigot, even in canon.

I've really been looking forward to this story and the first chapter surpassed all my expectations.

Now...back to read for a second time!

I love you guys! (Sniffs and wipes a tear from his eye.)

qwikshot posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:50am


(i am in LUST!!!!!!)

this is gonna be GOOD!!! can't wait to read more of how the wizzies realize what kind of a ... (feces)... storm they've created and have coming to totally bury the fan; please, please , PLEASE update again soon!!!!!

thanx bunches for sharing!!!!


ace posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:46am

interesting, very interesting. finally you have brought out this cross-over that you mentioned previously.

polsarax posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:45am

this is awsome, I can't think coheriently just YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

LooneyToons posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:34am

Nicely done. The only bit that rings false is Ron, who goes from "mutants don't exist" to "mutants are scum" in seconds -- he hasn't had the time to develop a prejudice against mutants (who is biased against something they think doesn't exist?) so why does he suddenly manifest one?

Oh, and DizzyG? Ginny isn't JKR's author avatar. Hermione is, by her own admission.

kay24 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:31am

Now while I am not a big Ginny/Harry fan, I have no doubt that that fact will not stop me from enoying this story. You're (and I mean both of you) unique writing style makes up for any dislike I have for the ship you have chosen. I do hope though that you can redeem the ship because I am tired of reading the same cliched H/G.

DizzyG posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:30am

Despite my general loathing for the JKR SI that is Ginny, this hasn't mentioned her yet and so I have no complaints.
Actually, this is rather good.
I'm curious about one thing - which version of the X-Men are you using? Comic? Movies? Animated? Though I think we can rule out Evolution.

defiant1981 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:26am

love it

Wolfs_hell posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 7:25am

While I would prefer a Harry/any other female match, it is a good story start with this first chapter, and I do bleive that I will keep reading as it unrolls.