By Bobmin
TNaSeein' posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:32am
Yay! Harry Potter and X-men. My two all-time favorite fandoms. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
One quick question though - are you sticking closer to movieverse X-men or Comicverse X-men. I pretty much only read the movieverse stuff. I stopped reading the X-men comics in the early 90's. (Showing my age I know) :D
I'm a hugh fan of the Logan/Rogue ship as far a movieverse goes. Is there any chance of that happening here? Please. Pretty please. With lots of splenda on top.
Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:29am
This is going to be a very interesting story. Ginny as the Scarlet Witch perhaps? Harry trained by Logan and Scott is going to be a very powerful person, can't wait to see the objects thrown in his path.
aengus posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:29am
It seems as though you people can just shoot down any problems that I have with particular genres of fanfiction. I hold no particular love for certain aspects of your story and yet I find myself oddly drawn to read your story and have read and reread this chapter four times.
I cannot wait to see the rest of your creation.
UdderPD posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:24am
I previously expressed reticence about this crossover. Well at the moment it appears to be unjustified because I enjoyed the first chapter; although I do not know the X-men characters.
Any idea as to how long this might be?
Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:24am
So, you gonna have some fun with Dudley coming home and asking about Harry? "Harry who?"
Wondering mightily how you're going to end up matching Harry with Ginny under this premise. Should be a fun ride getting there!
wavelink99 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:23am
Interesting. Part of me hopes that Harry ends up being recruited or joins Magnito. He does seem like a more logical, less evil, Voldemort, and right now Harry seems to hate Muggles enough to join him.
Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:15am
You really do have a masterful touch with your stories. While I have little familiarity with X-men other than acouple of the movies; there seems to be some sympathetic characters to work with. How could you give Harry Magneto to deal with on top of Voldemort and Dumbledore? Maybe he could get Voldemort and Magneto to square off against each other? Voldemort might be bigotted enough to take on the mutants or see them as competition. Thanks for the excellent work, it involved me emotionally more than most. W.
Saere posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:10am
Looks like a great start!
JaMeSmUrF posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:04am
Hello. Just want to drop a line and say I love the story so far and I'm looking foward to future updates. I have read all of your other works and love it all. I dont think i've ever come accross any mistakes, be it grammar, spelling or any other in your work. You make Harry belivably powerfull and write nice lengthy chapters. I hope you update soon.
Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:03am
This is an interesting beginning to a crossover.
This chapter gave us a good setup on everyone's backround for this story. Now that the board has been set, you can get it all started.
I hope Harry doesn't remain weepy for the whole story.
TeddyLupin posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:47am
First I must say that this is a great story so far. I have been looking forward to your writing this for a while. I can't wait for the next chapter!
The way in which you had Harry find a family is very unique and overall I love the idea.
I am curious however, about what roll Magneto is going to play in the story. I hate to play devil's advocate here, but it would be rather contrived if Voldemort suddenly allies with Magneto and/or develops mutant powers.
Finally, I must say I am looking forward to how you plan to start the Harry/Ginny relationship and I am hoping that Harry refuses Hogwarts!
Great story like always!
Ebbie posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:42am
Wow. I don't really quite know what to say except . . . more please?
This is going to be an interesting story and I will be anxiously awaiting the next chapter and the next and the next . . . well you get the idea.
I'm not sure where you get your ideas from but I haven't been disappointed yet.
Jizzle posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:35am
Canon turned me against Harry/Ginny, but that makes it all the sweeter when there are fics that overcome the craptacular nature of canon Harry/Ginny and present the ship in an enjoyable way. I think you're off to a rocky start with that though, given the transparent "Only Ginny refrains from lying to him" thing. Seriously, that was dumb.
Also, what's with Ron and his attitude towards mutants. He doesn't believe they exist, and then he hates them a second later? That makes no sense.
Lastly, there's Harry's emotional roller coaster. Yeah, he's been abused, he's under tremendous stress, and he's just about 16, but it still feels like he's just all over the place. It's less of a roller coaster and more of a Nightcrawler just randomly bamfing around. At least, that's what it felt like. Add in some of the slightly cheesy dialog, and it felt like over the top melodrama. Maybe that's what you're going for?
I don't know, but I do know that if you were shooting for engrossing drama, you didn't get it. I didn't really feel for him at all. It was too over the top and in your face about how horrible his life was.
It's a cool crossover and not a half bad set up, but it still feels very "meh" to me, especially compared to your other efforts.
withfujkilp9087528nvhc posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:34am
I was kindda hesitant about the X-men/Harry Potter mix up, and after I read this chapter, I think I love it. Seriously, it's not only well written you have my fav ships in this!!!
I do hope you update this soon!
mwinter posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:23am
You know I almost turned away from this. Then I remembered you other epics. This was a very great beginning.
maanit posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:23am
hey guys,
great new story!
like it very much.
how often will be the updates?
Comet Moon posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:17am
Love these crossover stories
Hope Plead Beg
Will Ginny (YES YES YES) Be a Mutant?
Not sure how she's betraying him, as FGred and Forge say, as they never really send letters or talk.
Save Butter dishes and what not
Oh, and to reinforce pocession. (back to that)
And share chocolate eggs.
On to possion. Wonder what will be Ginny reaction should Charles or Jean try to read her mind?
I personal think she'd go Fury on them
She's see it as a rape, much like Tom. Entering her mind without permission.
In a way it is. Sensing emotions is like hearing. So catching projected thoughts and emotions is one thing, entering into the mind is another entirly.
Wonder if they would learn a lession from that?
GREAT STORY, hope you update soon
Give me a buzz
Ja ne (You know, I've had peop[le ask if my name was Jane Jim? ICK)
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:13am
Ron's transition between --
"Mutants don't exist"
"Harry's a mutant? Kill him!" was rather abrupt.
I could see one or the other from a single person but not both -- at least not within the less than 5 minute timespan those few paragraphs would have covered.
I could see maybe Ron "Mutants -- ha. Don't make me laugh. Next thing you'll be telling me muggles have spaceships and walked on the moon!" with Dung "Mutant? Ran into a mutant once. No good, the whole lot of them. I say turn Potter over to either you-know-who or the dementors then find the rest and do them too."
Clell65619 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 2:13am
- A most interesting start... I some how suspected a familial relationship to Redheaded Jean when I heard you were doing an X/HP cross... Very nice with making the distinction between psi and magic.
- this has potential. Thanks.
redquail posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:35am