By Bobmin
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:41pm
That was a very interesting start. I like how you had Jean be Harry's Aunt.
noahshonor posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:39pm
Yay. Lots more please.
Meanwhile....back to re-reading everything else!
darktail posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:36pm
for mathiasgranger:
"---along with the Weasley pair." -Snape
This is the first mention (I think),and both Dumbledore and Snape refeer (refear?) to three people a couple times. Ginny hasn't fully appeared nor directly mentioned, yet, but she will when it's the right time, I think. ^_^
...I hope bobmin won't be angry for this non-review. ;_;
jenks posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:32pm
darktail posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:30pm
...There's only one thing wrong in this story, in my humble opinion. Ron's "dislike" of mutants. Every HP\X-MEN crossover I've read has Ron "dislike" mutants. Maybe there are some in which he doesn't, but I never found one. I just hope he'll grow out of it soon enough. Thankfully, seeing the reactions of Molly and Dumbledore has given me some hope.
...Now, with that out of the way, I can truthfully say that I look forward to the next chapters of this story. Keep up the good work, but take all the time you need, eh? See ya.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:23pm
Interesting start, but unless I missed something I never saw a mention of Ginny getting training.
It will be interesting to see if Dumbledore ends up paying the piper on someone else's terms than his own.
Snape = evil, and part of me believes that Dumbledore is aware of it, and allows it to continue so that he can control the information flow to Voldemort. Seems to be a rather Machiavellian move to make.
katelyn posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:58pm
I love this story! also when r u going to put another wizards falls out?
Chris1 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:52pm
Wow. Some of the scenes here remind me of Tim's Abyss and Despair fics, only not quite as dark. :D
I really love the Harry&Jean interaction. You do Abused!Harry really well.
The Order meeting seemed a bit off, though. I mean, the twins accuse and rant, and then they sit down. This is probably the result of too much fanfic, but I always pictured them as the sort of get physical when riled up enough. Not attack Dumbledore, of course, but smash something, or go out and slam the door. Stuff like that. But it's probably the result of too much fanfic. ^_^
Really looking forward to where the next chapter takes us. Do you have an update schedule? Or are you going to post the chapters as they get betaed?
Chris, who wouldn't mind if there were two FFA Chapturdays a week. :D
Khadon posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:30pm
There's no way I'll complain about the pairing. I might not like Harry/Ginny that much since HBP but it won't bother me too much.
Honestly, I'm just thrilled to find a HP/X-men fic that isn't slash.
the_mean_marine posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:23pm
Nice job with the crossover, no blatantly obvious plot holes.
Anyway enjoyed the first chapter good work keep it up.
liquidfyre posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:16pm
/\/\Y re\/iew is better than HIS I SQUEE'd
*stiks his tongue out at Rakhasa and blows a big squishy raspberry*
Rakhasa posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:06pm
It is back! Baaack!! You know how long have I waited for my fix? Every day I checked ~sobs~ Don't take too long again. ~grabs Alyx waist until she gets her Vorpal Cleaver of Arm Chopping~
A wonderful tale ~ponders if he should actually read the chapter _before_ posting a review~
liquidfyre posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:01pm
liquidfyre posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 6:01pm
OH GOODNESS I WUB YALL hella good story and lub the way its going so far although i think they shoulda beat down the dursleys
OH OH OH AN FIRST ONE TO READ AND RE\/IEW NE\/er before has it happened thati got first read on a story i so happy i /\/\ight hafta squee again sorry bout so/\/\e of /\/\y typing keyboard funky and not got new one yet
liquidfyre posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 5:26pm
Chris1 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 5:20pm
Has it gotten that bad on the shipping front? To make noticed like this necessary?
Chris, off to read. Hooray!!
james27 posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 7:46pm