Content Harry Potter


TheFox posted a comment on Thursday 12th June 2008 4:48am for First Moves

You have created a monster. Now my mind is overrun with ideas about writing a story about a Brotherhood of Druidic Knights, young apprentices, medieval England...

Curse you! May you find your socks only when you don't need them!

(Not a particularly bad curse, but then again I'm not all that angry ;-))

witowsmp posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 12:22am for First Moves

So far this is a good story. I always love evil-Dumbledore stories. By the way, I think Wormtail could replace Wormtongue nicely. Personally, I think that was JKR's inspiration for Pettigrew's nickname.

jedjones posted a comment on Tuesday 13th May 2008 1:17am for First Moves

for your pet peeves - i ABSOLUTELY agree. actually, your pet peeve from the last chapter was spot on as well.

thanks for not being idiots =P.

PS: love the writing

Saere posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 2:38am for First Moves

The Brotherhood cracks me up. Awesome job.

kyoshi posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2008 10:34am for First Moves

I may b e old but Harry and Hermione have always been the perfect couple to me. I wish you would use madeye in your stories more, as i get quite a kick out of him. thanks for your story though. you take me where I would never think of going! best regards Larry

Marvin posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 1:00am for First Moves

Nothing more then being stunned.
Whoa, this is bloody good :)
Thanks :)

tinymillion posted a comment on Friday 9th November 2007 6:57am for First Moves

i love this story so far! as a harry/hermione shipper i would like to thank you for your open minds and not dismissing this ship because it is not your favorite or acurate to cannon.

Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2007 11:06am for First Moves

Another great chapter, without knowing it Hermione hurt Harry's feelings.

Oh I like how Hermione’s eyes lit up, when she heard that the library contains a shelf that works like the Room of Requirement.

Shame Harry got those kind of nightmares...

I like that Amelia is trying to help Harry...

I'm happy that Emma’s idea of a dream journal is helping Harry.

So Vernon and his family finally got what's coming to them.

I like the gift that Harry give Hermione.

hogwartsprincess posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd October 2007 11:56am for First Moves

I love Harry's neon shirts! Fantastic idea, I hope he wears them in public ;)! OMG, I'm still laughing from it!

Ask posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 10:28am for First Moves

Wow this story is turnig out great and i have no problems understanding it. But there is one thing that has me woundering...the brotherhood...what if the real brotherhood comes out or something?

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 12:16pm for First Moves

Well so far I agree with your 'pet peeves'. But for one, I myself may or may not read your H/G fics. I usually avoid them. Just like Ron/Hermione's...*shudders*. But that's only myself. You'll still have others who will R&R. *smiles*

As for this chapter, you had me laughing just like Remus was earlier on. You (both) have a flair I'm very much enjoying.

Monty54 posted a comment on Saturday 2nd June 2007 6:41am for First Moves


GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Wednesday 30th May 2007 9:58pm for First Moves

Well, it looks like, from your A/N, that my previous comment was anticipated. Sorry for flogging a dead horse, but I will continue a probably long passe discussion and comment on your citing of Princess-Fictoria. That is moving in a highly subjective direction. Actions are the only measure of a person. Her statment indicates something else (perhaps intent) is the true measure. But, however important intent is as a marker of the character of an action, it is devilishly difficult to truly measure. The best measure of intent, interestingly enough, is a consistent pattern of action. So I will abide with the notion that if actions are dark, the person is dark as well. Of course, a single, or even a few, actions will not necessarily make one dark. Its the overall pattern of a person's actions. So the question for Dumbledore, if any of his actions are dark (which I don't think can be disputed here), are there sufficient other "light" actions to offset or at least balance (hence the label gray) the dark? That has not been shown thus far. Please forgive such ramblings on a story that has long been published. Unfortunately I did not stumble across it early enough (actually I wasn't reading fanfiction back in 2005).

petteyg359 posted a comment on Thursday 19th April 2007 1:51pm for First Moves

Great so far, long chapters rock, and you're writing style is very appealing. 10/10 if you had ratings.

gdbessey posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 6:06am for First Moves

Just a quick note, since I haven't finished reading, but this story is phenomenal. I love AU stories, and I especially love to read a story so well written.

I admit, I'm a fanfic snob. If the first paragraph is so poorly written, I will not read further no matter how intriguing the idea.

This one is beautifully done, with great characterizations, on-the-spot dialogue, and plot that flows incredibly well. I'm very much enjoying it.

I also appreciate the story recs that I have picked up from the authors. The pet peeves are great and spot on. Holding chapters hostage just tickes me off, and author comments in the middle are extremely annoying. I hate delving into a chapter only to find the flow interrupted by an inane comment.

I cannot wait to read more.


Selma Flamel posted a comment on Saturday 17th February 2007 9:05am for First Moves

The Shelf of Requirement...I love it...and I really need one. The T-shirts are awesome. Samuel Splinch's remains on display... ::SHUDDER:: That would be a really horrible way to have your name immortalized for the ages.

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 3:01pm for First Moves

I love your pet peeves because their so true and they're mine as well. A/Ns are all to the good but you're right if you have to explain something in the middle of a chapter then your not writing the story well enough and if you find you can't explain it inside the story you have two options. 1) don't write that or 2) don't write. Simple as that. As for your other pet peeves, I completely agree with them and I've been meaning to mention them..I just forget because my minds swimming with your story *smiles sweets at you both? or is there three of you?*

I like the whole Brotherhood thing being introduced. Its funny watch the Order run around trying to figure out what to do with these new people...speak of: Snape, your not going to have him suddenly become this nice guy that really does wash his hair and reads poetry on the side while really rescuing all the people he's suppose to kill for the Dark Lord are you? 'Cause that's just bad form LoL.

I agree with all the comments on Dumbledore, both in and out of the story. Wrong doesn't mean Evil just as Right doesn't Good. I mean I'm sure that Voldemort had to have helped someone in his life. Like a teacher who...fell down and broke her arm and he wanted to score brownie points. But that doesn't make him good! So why would Dumbledore being all...eckie make him evil?

What else?...Oh yeah the Dursleys! That's great! I love the whole last prank thing by Sirius and I love that the Dursleys are getting their due but what happens to Dudley? hopeful the fat little jerk gets put in a *strict* group home that'll let all the kids he tries to bully beat him up and...oh the possiblities...

As for the Order? I mean seriously who follows someone so blindly that they allow him to talk of kidnaping a LEGAL adult? And the whole 'it's for his own safety'? that's just crap and anyone with half a brain could see it. I mean *they* can't find Harry so what makes them think that anyone else can?

And again this review is getting rather long so I'll stop...I know chapters in some people's stories that are shorter...0_o...

Battleaxe posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 6:49pm for First Moves

Wow, it's going better and better. I just hope Harry ander Hermione are coming together soon.

DaddysGirlForever posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 1:25am for First Moves

i love the durselys geting arrested. funny!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 9:53am for First Moves

Good chapter.
