Sunset Over Britain
The Breaking Storm
By Bobmin
HPNana posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 8:32am for The Breaking Storm
I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!!! For the past five days I have been going to bed after 1:00Am and getting up to go either to work or to school and now I am left dangling.
As a Harry Potter Grandma I am close to accusing you of a heart attack. At my age these cliffhangers can be fatal.
GREAT WORK (though I had to skip some parts that made me a little uncomfotable)BUT OTHER THAN THAT GREAT CREATIVITY, KEEP IT UP!!
kari posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 5:01am for The Breaking Storm
par the course.. another awesome chapter... keep up the splendiferous work :D
... and I think I kinda liked the more sinister side of Harry exposed.. Scary :)
Diane posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:17am for The Breaking Storm
I started reading your fic on Fanfiction and then I was confused, upset and all around postal when the story was not longer there. When I came across your page I was so thilled I spent hour catching up on the new chapter. I really enjoy your story. It is well thought out and well executed, not to mention you have my favorite ship and you are thrashing my least favorite characters. Keep it up.
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:16am for The Breaking Storm
The Queen is gay!?!?!?
That explains why she never wrote me back.
Great chapter.
If you really want to be freaky Harry the animagus Pokemon!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
I can't believe you nuked stonehenge.
CRose posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 10:26pm for The Breaking Storm
An excellent chapter! I love what Harry did to the ministry. That lava idea was quite original. Now killing kingsley was a surprise, but only a little.
Dobby can't sense harry anymore? will he need to rebond with harry again at some point since harry is alive again?
that ghostly padfoot was damned cool. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Anand posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 7:55am for The Breaking Storm
Cool chapter! Loved seeing Harry just unleash hell on everyone. Wicked cool.
Marikili posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 9:03pm for The Breaking Storm
i can't believe you desintigrated stonehenge.... great chapter
Thomas Light posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 7:54am for The Breaking Storm
Wow, I have been following this story since the beggining. It is a great story with all this angst and romance. Too bad Ron died, well let us see what happens next. Well lates
Mike posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 7:32am for The Breaking Storm
Once again, you continue to amaze me. You actually detonated a nuke. I must admit, I am impressed. And I do believe that Britian does have nukes still. Or they at least did back in the mid 90s. Anyway, damn good story.
Quillian posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 7:12am for The Breaking Storm
Well, another cool chapter! But still...
YOU VAPORIZED STONEHENGE!? o.O I'm sorry, but for some strange reason, even in innocent fanfiction... You know what, nevermind.
Nicole posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 6:24am for The Breaking Storm
Lovely chapter. I enjoyed Harry's teasing of Lord Thingy, and also enjoyed his exhausted murmurings about only wanting "my Hermione." Can't wait for the next chapter!
Machelle posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 5:15am for The Breaking Storm
First time reviewing - been too busy reading all the fabulous stories on this website. From Abraxan to Jeconais - I can't say enough good things about you guys and have eagerly recommended you to fanfic readers. This is one of the best sites I've visited both for the quantity and the quality of stories.
On to your story: This story has me on an emotional rollercoaster. The amount of tension, reality, and good humor you are able to generate is to be applauded. Thanks and am eagerly looking forward to the next installment.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd November 2005 1:12am for The Breaking Storm
The nuke was set off by an *oopsie* spell. (Yes, it is well known that nukes are normally safed before transport to prevent MUGGLE oopsies from setting them off. However, this particular bomb was not safed against MAGICAL oopsies.) Neither side was even AFTER the BIQ (Bomb In Question), as neither side was aware of it. Once again, the "Monkey Theory* is proven, albeit with drastic (for Stonehenge and the town of Amesbury) and fatal (for the witches, wizards, and Muggles in the vicinity) consequences.
The Monkey Theory: Given an adequate number of monkeys and an adequate number of typewriters, you could reproduce the works of William Shakespeare.
The WE-177: This bomb is a British variation of the American W-82. The W-82 is a full-fusing-option (commonly called *dial-a-yield*) thermonuclear air-dropped bomb. Unlike the W-82, which can be carried both externally and internally by a large number of American military or civil aircaft, the British have no large bombers, and thus use strictly external carriage for their own nuclear bombs. (This is also the reason for investigating the use of the American carriage-racks for the W-82 to see if the WE-177 can use them.)
What lots of folks seem to be forgetting is that the American and Brit governments have been doing a LOT of *hands-across-the-water* cross-usage (for example, in addition to the MK48 ADCAP torpedo, Los Angeles, Seawolf, and Virginia-class US SSNs also can, and do, carry and fire British Spearfish and Tigerfish torpedoes as well), so it is not as silly-sounding as you would think.
Lionsgate posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 5:48pm for The Breaking Storm
I know its already been said : But... : I just refound your story a few days ago : I was quit angry for loosing it like that on : Thanks for explaining : As for the story , please keep up the good work , i love your plot ...
Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 1:23pm for The Breaking Storm
GREAT chapter!!!
I felt the first few paragraphs were a bit heavy on the description of the weapon...Maybe I'm just a stupid layman, but I would've done as well with "They had to move this really big nuclear bomb..." and skipping staight to the why-we-had-to-send-it-by-truck bit.
Also, I really wanted to know how Harry survived the killing curse. Might we see a hint of that soon? If Harry doesn't know, surely he'll be interested in researching it...although he IS extremely busy right now...Hmm. Which brings me to one other question. He wasn't supposed to leave til a fortnight after the bomb, I thought. what's up with him leaving now?
azntgr01 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 9:07am for The Breaking Storm
great as usual!!!
Dagaz posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 9:00am for The Breaking Storm
Keep up the good work. I usually follow the slash stories, but I found this one as well as DA. They are fantastic. Ignore the nay-sayers. They are not writing this. You have an excellent plot, good characters and are keeping the reader's attention and focus.
Great work!!!
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 8:43am for The Breaking Storm
Excellent Chapter!
I was shocked to see that bomb go off. Even after they destroy Voldemort, that will take a long time to get over.
I noticed that Dumbledore was missing in this chapter. I can't wait to see what he'll think of everything that has happened while he was away looking for Haven.
I also can't wait to see what Voldy says when he finds the school empty of everything valuable and on top of that not even able to remember the Chamber of Secrets... Man is he gonna be pissed!!!
Keep up the good work and update again soon.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Tuesday 1st November 2005 8:31am for The Breaking Storm
Fabulous, incredible, and intensly satisfying... thank you! This was an awesome chapter... I look forward to Voldies rage (because he is now the proud owner of an empty and relatively useless castle that only cost him several DE's (some killed by his own hand), over an hour of intense frustration, and a memorable display of utter powerlessness in front of his lowly minions). I am also wondering how the students who did not really want to go to Haven will deal... and how security within the town will be handled... and just where is Albus now??? You know, it would be rather amusing, in an ironic, meaningless sort of way, if in the end the original prophecy regarding harry and the dark lord was referring to harry and albus...
Cookies, Kisses, and Gummy Flobber Worms for Alyx and Bob!!!
Julia posted a comment on Saturday 5th November 2005 12:12am for The Breaking Storm