Sunset Over Britain
The Breaking Storm
By Bobmin
wen posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 5:29pm for The Breaking Storm
Oh my, HIS Hermione eh? I remember one (an H/G) with a soul bond between the two (not that I remember the title) and something about a "My this, YOUR that" kind of thing. Co-incidence?
Next, the Grim. Interesting I believe, how it came around. A defensive mechanism against the Avada?
Update soon!
Thomas posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 4:45pm for The Breaking Storm
Dear Alyx and Bob you made my day with the nuclear explosion.
Ãou will never hear me complain about your spelling because mine is the worst(probably because english isn't my native language) and i'll never push for a pairing(Allthough i did ask if Tonks could be his real big sister in a next fic instead of a big sister figure.).
Now one question wil Harry keep on limping trough the story or wil his leg get to 100% later on?
Eliew posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 4:18pm for The Breaking Storm
Hmm... as expected Harry survive the curse, so now the thing would be how? You will explain it in your own time, no?
Love how powerful Harry is becoming though, he is now capable of apparating someone else without affecting himself at the sometime, and through the most powerful wards as well. Love to, the destruction he have caused in the minitry, especially what was done to traitors like Kingsley.
Was glad about the last bit of mayhem that the outcasts were preparing as well as the taking of all the important things such as books and plants.
Last but not least, love especially what Harry was doing, taunting old Snakeface, and disrupting his wards breakers from doing their job. Hmm... maybe he should get another one or two tattoos like padfoot, a prongs and a moony? More etheral sidekicks are always good...
That said, I look forward to read the Weasley Team going about with case green, and see how Harry deal with the DE wannabes. And what that old coot is up to too.
Finbar posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 3:29pm for The Breaking Storm
A damm fine chapter all around. Well done to both of you.
So, how do you stay upright with a monitor stappled to your head?
Sam posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 3:29pm for The Breaking Storm
great chapter as usual. what new evil is team weasley up to now? I liked the bit with etheral grim, very appropriate. And having Voldie humiliated in front of his minions like that was a nice touch. eagerly awaiting the next installment
Padfoot's Godchild posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 3:14pm for The Breaking Storm
Wonderful chapter as always! Interesting that Dean Thomas was the Death Eater in Harry's dorm, considering that he is a muggle-raised half-blood (yes, his real father was a wizard who left his family. His mother remarried. I think it is mentioned in one of the books, or maybe it is in the Lexicon).
Please don't wait too long before updating. I really love this story!
Riven posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 2:43pm for The Breaking Storm
HOLY FUDGE awsome frieking chapter!!!!
deffinetly an O+++
i cannot wait for the next one and i cannot wait for the sequel to this story. i have begun printing this story off so i could have a hard copy but in order to d that ive had to reduce the font size to 9 and deleate the AN and the disclaimers from each chapter. i did save the really funny LOTR one where bob plays vader but other than that i had to remove them.
i simply adore this story, it is much better than DA or SC and those are awsome stories so you know how good this one is. i simply cannot wait for the next chapter.
loved the bit about the spiders too.
scott posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 1:41pm for The Breaking Storm
This is the most interesting story to date on the web. i am wondering how many more chapters you are going to do in this story until u do the second part of this story. the "sunrise over britan" i think it was.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:46pm for The Breaking Storm
I am definitely loving this story! It is very detailed and well thought out. In this chapter you managed to do ridiculously powerful Harry without being simply ridiculous. Some stories where he has power, the writing makes you wonder, ‘If Harry is as power as he is being written, why doesn’t he just snap his fingers and Voldemort is gone?’ This is well avoided in the believability of your storytelling. Thank you for writing.
{Hangs head in shame} I am (or will be) one of your pet peeve offenders. In my story 'Harry Potter and the Cracked Reservoir', I have a pranking contest between the Weasley brothers. In my next chapter I am going to ask for votes for the best prank for Harry to declare the winner. But I am stubborn! I will still do this no matter what people say! (I made all of the pranks up, or well stole some of them, and I cannot decide between them, as I am not objective enough. I purposefully did not decide before hand so that the decision would not affect my writing.)
By the way, where is your throne for me to prostrate myself in front of to beg to be in your story. Could I please be collateral damage for a Snape Killing intro? I really don't want to be a bad guy. My story title is mentioned above (Hp and the Cracked Reservoir) and I think that you might remember it, or maybe not as the last couple of chapters could have turned you off of it.
Thank you for writing your wonderful stories.
Mike Fairbanks.
I am a 6'3 Overweight Redhead Male with a ponytail and naturally curly hair, if you decide to use me in your intro and need a description for the canon fodder.
minervakitty posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:41pm for The Breaking Storm
A fitting way for Kingsley to die!!!! It does make me wonder on how and where did Kingsley had the dark mark? How soon would it be for Harry and Team Weasley to go picking up the families? Did you forget about Tom the bartender of Leaky Cauldron? Will Harry put the doubters in another part of the town? Is the Queen going to be rescued? How far is Stonehedge from London?
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:40pm for The Breaking Storm
Don't you dare tell me that Moldyass is going to get his hands on a damn nuke.
"bulge and ripple strangely" if anyone else were writing this i would shout 'HULK HARRY' but its not just anyone else. so i won't.
SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! I'm not religious and i just said that. But anyways, that'd be like somewhere between a 2 to 6 mile radius, i mean that would make for a death count of somewhere between 1 and maybe 60,000. talk about a string of bad luck.
Go Harry, that's even better than my Fenixian Rail gun could have done... well maybe not, i don't think Harry will be cuting a swath of destruction through any borg fleets anytime soon. But anyways, i like his punishment for Kingsley. I also like Padfoot's return. (insert evil grin)
I hate you two... I wish i could do suspense like you do. oh well, i guess we all have our strong points, mine is description.
Great job.
Mark posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:33pm for The Breaking Storm
Well, I was quite supprised to see that you updated so quickly. Guessing the sound of people sharpening their pitchforks, and putting tar on their torches was enough for you to speed up the process. And yes, as far as I know, England does have nuculear weapons. One of 7 countries that have the capibility.
I will put my pitchfork away for now, but will keep the sharpening stone primed and ready.....
Oh, and great job, as usual. Loved the whole mini-vocalno ?spelling thingy
Hagrid posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:33pm for The Breaking Storm
Well, I could make up some rock cakes to send yer way, but ya prob'ly won't eat em anyway. An' no, Harry's not me type, I mean sure, I love 'im an' all, but really... Do yer wanna know the real reason muggles don' use owl post? Hmm, though yer might...well it has to do with droppings smells really bad when heated in them toasters.
mastapsi posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:28pm for The Breaking Storm
Great Story! I was saddened when it got removed from, but I perked up when I discovered you were on this site.
Her's a pet peeve of mine, when people don't capitalize names!! But you capitalize, so your all cool. :)
josh posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:14pm for The Breaking Storm
wow, another great story! this flew by, and I'm really pleased with what I'm reading. I also finally broke down and read your previous two stories over the weekend. I had hesitated because I absolutely cannot stand ron / hermione plots, but I survived, obviously. Actually, it was a really great story.
I must thank you as well for pointing out your outline technique at the end of one of those chapters. While I had been outlining my story, Prodigy, I had not planned things to as much detail as you have. Now that I'm doing it, the story flows much more easily.
Writing style is great. By the way, you mispelled "iryn" in your author notes ;) This is the first harry potter story where I've seen an a-bomb detonation, and you guys pulled it off perfectly. It's so sad to see stonehenge disapear, but it really advances the plotline. I can really appreciate all the research you've put into making the story as realistic as possible. I'm wondering if you live in Britain, or somewhere else. If it's somewhere else, then I am even more impressed.
Liked how you worked the staff. I'm going to go back and read about the grim again, because i think I might have skipped over the part where you say how he came into existence. No matter, I love reading.
Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to reading more soon. Until next time, so long, do well, win awards, and thanks for all the fish. See you in the funny papers.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:07pm for The Breaking Storm
It is nice to see you let Harry kick some Death Eater Ass!!. I love your story I cant wait for the next chapter.
samantha posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:02pm for The Breaking Storm
WOW! This is excellent! I LOVE how Harry managed to get McGonagall out of the ministry! I also LOVE how the charm saved Hermione's sanity!! And how Harry dealt with the ministry (BAD VOLEYMORT!)super! You guys are great at writing! This is an EXCELLENT FIC! I LOVE IT! THIS has to be one of my all time favorites! ANd how all the group rushed to do their jobs is WONDERFUL! I also like how the school has finally learned the truth and some of them have admitted that they were wrong and the Outcasts were right the entire time! POST MORE ASAP!!! I can't wait to read what happens next! POST MORE ASAP!!!!!
Love ya,
Chthonius posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 11:54am for The Breaking Storm
Hmm. Not really a cliffhanger, but it still leaves quite a few things on edge. What're the Dark Slytherins going to do? What are the Hogwarts House-Elves bringing from Hogwarts? Are they going to bring along everything inside of it, or are they just taking themselve? The phrase "When school is empty" could mean when all the students and teachers have left, or when the elves have looted everything from it for safe-keeping.
It'd be interesting if they brought everything from Hogwarts, as Voldemort's reaction to losing quite a few Death Eaters to secure nothing more than a shell would likely be ... explosive.
I didn't see it mentioned... are we to assume that Draco and Luna made it out safely?
Yes, I know, I ask so much, and I just have to wait to find out, but your work is so addictive I can't help but sit here and wonder what's going to happen.
wackey posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 11:40am for The Breaking Storm
2 second urban renewal.
Got to love a good 'ol nuke!
Harry is going to end up being worshiped as a God at the rate he is going.
Adam posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 5:33pm for The Breaking Storm