Content Harry Potter


Meg posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 10:59pm for The Oncoming Storm

OMG. What an evil cliffie!

Love the way you had Harry deal with McNutter. The Twins are so evil! Highly amusing, but still evil.

I'm really hoping I'm right about who the attacker is. It would just fit in so very nicely.

Totally looking forward to 19!


Meghan posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 10:01pm for The Oncoming Storm

Fabulously written as per usual. :) Very consistent which is something I LOVE about your writing. As for proposal suggestion (which by all means take or leave or rearrange or whatever...) I think it would be great if he did it while in the library and instead of a ring gave her a self updating Hogwarts, a History (but then I think that's funny and it's not really romantic but it's different). I'm trying to think of what has and hasn't been done in fanfiction and besides the library the only other location I can think of is in the Forbidden Forest and the Chamber of Secrets. Prehaps Harry borrows some of his dad's proposal to his mom and takes Hermione by broom to a clearing in the Forbidden Forest? Whatever you guys do will be fantastic and unique. I'm looking forward to it.

Adam posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 3:39pm for The Oncoming Storm

Great chapter, I did love what Luna did to Dumbledore he deserved everything he gets. The added bonus is that none of the students will now trust him with anything private, after all if he is willing to read one persons diary, who is to say he wont read another. That is something that cant really be repaired. As for who came through the door at the end, well it will be interesting to find out. I did like the idea of putting some sort of ward up round England to stop the DE's gettin out. Keep em coming this is continuing to be one the best stories I hve read.

minervakitty posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 12:15pm for The Oncoming Storm

Serves the pervet Dumbledore right for reading a diary. It's Prewitt that Harry's meeting? I do hope that Ron gets put in his place. Does Dumbledore know more about Harry's plan? Harry should totally humilated Ron in a duel that would have him in recovery for a very long time.

Joyce posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 11:08am for The Oncoming Storm

Hey, just to let you know:
You have misspelled a few words. This isn't canon. And my own pet peeve is summaries that say no slash or no HBP spoilers, which effectivly stops you searching for fics that have the elements in question. And thanks for the explanation of "shite"; I never did understand how so many people were that dumb.

My three favorite things about a good fic are a well crafted story, long chapters, and three times a day updates. You do the first two so well, I can forgive the last.

Of course, this whole review was written to make you laugh, so please, if it didn't come across as funny, don't be upset. I love your fics, and read all three (up to this point) in the last few days. Sadly, this means I will have to wait for the rest, but I can live with it. :)


MarinePotterFan posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 10:55am for The Oncoming Storm

Another Great chapter, Lucius got off easy. Dumbdor is going to get off easy I think Harry should help the Board of Gov to CAN him. So Minerva can take over and make it easier to get everyone out when the crap its the fan.

Marine Potter Fan.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 10:08am for The Oncoming Storm

Luna Lovegood RULES!!! Hexing the headmaster for reading her diary, outstanding. It would have been better if he hadn't read it at all, but at least he will suffer some difficulty for his transgression (though I suspect not much). I rather liked Arthur taking Albus to task in front of the Order, though it's a shame that Albus was able to divert suspicions so easily, what a bunch of sheep, and most of them will likely be slaughtered like sheep. Outstanding chapter, thank you.

Mark posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 9:57am for The Oncoming Storm

LMAO! Luna's jinxes are inspired. Dumbledore is truely reaping what he's sowed for violating her diary. You know, Hermione makes a good point, when is the Board going to finally decide that enough is enough? Plus, will when will Amelia finally drop the hammer on Dumbledore? And is our mystery bully on the Astronomy Tower possibly Ronald Weasley? If so, there's going to be a butt whooping the likes that has never been seen before. Keep it coming!!

Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 9:40am for The Oncoming Storm

First off your disclaimer lack it's usual flare but I will forgive you this once because you're still recovering from FF betrayal.

So does Dumblejerk look like the Incredible Hulk?

What is Snape brewing and which side is he one. I need a reminder.

As for who Harry meetsin the Astronomy tower I'm going to say it's either Snape or Ron. Hmmm it's more likely that it's Ron

Amanda posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 9:25am for The Oncoming Storm

Best disclaimer yet! I enjoyed this chapter so much. This was your best work yet. Fluff, but not too much fluff, and the scenes with Dumbledore and Luna were FANTASTIC! The cliffe-hanger was brutal though - it WAS Ron wasn't it? I loved that the twins *ahem* put the competion in thier place. :D

wen posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 9:20am for The Oncoming Storm

Interesting, you seem to have acquired a taste for cliffies. Oh well, as long as we get the rest of the fight next chapter it'll be fine.

I also like the part about skill over strength for the most part. Question for the fight: Is Harry going to go with the brute force method?

Not much else to say, just wondering: How many chapters is Sunset planned for? Update soon!

verahsa posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 8:57am for The Oncoming Storm

Great story so far! I don't like how Harry's not catching on to clues now and again. You've shown him to be intelligent & cautious, and the next scene he'll turn around and make a dangerous assumption. That doesn't quite Gel.

I'm also concerned about the constant point of view changes. Looking at it from a "whole" perspective, and in hindsight, I can see why you change said PoV so often. However, while reading, it's very disconcerting to have such PoV changes. There's a reason most books that do well are written in ONE PoV, with as few changes as possible. It's because it helps suspension of disbelief. Having to readjust you're thinking as to what you think which character knows and how it affects them also causes problems. Like I said, I see your reasoning, I'm just concerned.

Beyond those two points, I'm absolutely enjoying every minute of this. Thank you for your efforts!


AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 8:47am for The Oncoming Storm

good chapter, update soon

Blacksheep posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 7:00am for The Oncoming Storm

All hail the mighty Jeconais, traveling throughout the relms rescuing great works shunned by the close-minded fools that doth run the abandoned wastelends of

Luckly for me, I happened to bookmark your Yahoo group a few days after chap 16 was posted.

Wonderful update as allways. I like the meeting with Ireland's MLE rep, Nothing like putting off someone's moring by informing them your busy saving the world.

Dumbledore's desperation is almost palitable, supporters leaving him, roumers of wrongdoing whittling away at his supprot, and now caught rummaging through a 15 yr old's diary for clues... You almost feel sorry for him.

Keep up the wonderful work, I was disapointed by book 6 (and to a lesser extent book 5 too) and in my own desperation have turned to the wonderful fanfic authors out there for more intelegent reading.

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 6:51am for The Oncoming Storm

[desperately fighting a smirk]

Interesting references to old-crow, there. Not to mention the other ffa author.

BTW, misspelled "foul" in the disclaimer.

Everything still moving forward. DD still doing his slide backwards into insanity. Hedwig went off to Gred and Forge? Oh, and will we have Harry rebuting the Prophet's comments in the Quibbler? Now that McG and Flitwick have definitely placed themselves against DD, I'm wondering how they're going to be getting along (and whether DD will try to spy on them for the same reasons he did Luna).

Still enjoying the story immensely and looking forward to more!

Gummihu posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 6:49am for The Oncoming Storm

This is a great story i love it.

As for the proposal make harry scream it of the stage in a middle of a duel... nah maby not

Sam posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 5:56am for The Oncoming Storm

great chapter

Mark H posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 5:30am for The Oncoming Storm

This chapter was one of my favourites for two reasons:

(1) It showed Harry using his head. The destruction of the Prophet and the fact that he left Malfoy alive, and
(2) Luna...

This story is damn brilliant.

Thanks for writing it.

Frog1 posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 5:25am for The Oncoming Storm

Hi, Love this Story!!! Can you please e-mail me when you update it?

Billy Lewis posted a comment on Sunday 18th September 2005 5:01am for The Oncoming Storm

Good chapter i belive the person Harry is meeting is Ron i hope he beats the shi$$ out of him. And Luna jixes are good they caught Dumbeldore green handed why did`nt you have Harry do away Malfoy it would of made things harder for the dark lord keep up the good work